Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
We only got fire in the 600 club... so consider it a complement. I'd veg another week like you were saying. That plant looks real happy tied up under that screen.

And the rest of you... everyone is having entirely too much fun in here. :) hehe. Keep it up.

I absolutely love the other picture you posted too.


Well-Known Member
Jigs don't laugh but I just took a bud outside to look at it and I was skocked it had ice on it and all lol cracked the bud open and the smell was thanks jigs


Well-Known Member
Word jojo. Glad they decided to behave for you. I knew it would work out. Only problem is I want to know what they smell like. They need scratch and sniff RIU. Ha... can you imagine, we'd all be up at the TV with our noses pushed into the screen.


Well-Known Member
Lol jigs if u were near I would give you a 28 and a clone.I really like the dj short blue moonshine and this new trillis.can't wait to throw the moonshine mom in the trillis


Well-Known Member
Ah man... that's my favorite. Love that chem/ gas/ fuel smell. The nastier the better. I smelled one that was seriously like gasoline. I swear it almost made me light headed.


Well-Known Member
I dunno... Mine was frosty ass weed, and Deadhead was my only strain that didn't get PM in this last round, so that seemed impressive to me.

Btw, I've been spraying with the Equisetum tea and everything has been looking great the last few days... So hopefully that was my first and last run in with PM. Alright, back to work for me. Sunday Funday :/


Well-Known Member
Ok 99 so I take it u have good things to say about cail connection? What is ur thoughts on cails connect dead head head bang and bubba kush pre 98


Well-Known Member
Help!!!! Ok so I think my years of growing in dirt has got me all jacked up. I am having some kind of issue with my plants and I think it may be because I am not using my hydro nutes at recommended levels. my last round I hit them full strenth from the start (rooted clone) and just had a few over watering issues that I delt with. this time I started out about 50% and now I have this. I thought at first i was burning them but upon further investigation I have noticed they show no signs of nute burn, just an obvious deficiency(as pointed out be bc99) as you see. What do you think?? I dug up one of the worst clones just to get a closer look and it has tons of nice white roots and seems ok underneath? I am puzzled????

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

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Well-Known Member
I've had clones do that. They can be revived. I think they might haven't developed any new roots and the rockwool is soaked and they are drowning or something. I would see about pulling them out of the system to try and get better foundation. That would be my thought.


EDIT: Just re-read your post. Guess I didn't get all the way to the last line or two. So there are a lot of roots? Now I'm stumped. If it were me I'd still pull them out of the system and put them in whatever ICU kinda set up you might have. How many of them are like that?