Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
Bassman. If there was ever a person who shouldn't do bho its you bro. Would hat to read your post next week how you blew up the house with butane, or you no longer have lips cuz they burned off. Isopropyl alcohol is combustible enough, no need for anything even more dangerous. In my head at least.

plus ISO is cheaper and I think just as good a smoke if done right.

and tc... Was only gonna be me on the trip. Not sure what I'll do instead.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanx guys I am gonna buy the stuff to make BHO then I guess.
I have never done it b4
So heres what I think I need
Cans on butane, 2 Pyrex dishes (different sizes) and an extractor.

What else do I need?
uhm, medical insurance. I agree with Jig. BE. CAREFUL. BASSMAN.

Bobo, over and out.


Well-Known Member
GEE Thanx for the moral support guys!!
J/K but seriously iso is as good, but isnt it harder to evap the iso since its a liquid by nature and not a gas?

Either way Ill be doing this in my backyard, esp after my girls nephew blew himself up evappng next to the water heater!!

Ill be doing it whatever it is I do sober as well,as I realize how accident prone I am lol.


Well-Known Member
Bass, gonna give u my 2cents...

i am setup to do bho and have done only small personal runs with it. I have been thinking recently that i will probably not make it anymore. Butane is soooo much more volatile that 99% iso. Iso makes just as good erl without near as much danger. It is hard to support something when people are blowing themselves and those around them just to get high. I have a problem with it because it is disrespectful of other people to put them in danger for personal good time.

Personally i think dry ice hash is the way to go. Downt get much easier or safer imo. :-). Whatever you decide just make sure you have thought it out really well.


Well-Known Member
Bass, gonna give u my 2cents...

i am setup to do bho and have done only small personal runs with it. I have been thinking recently that i will probably not make it anymore. Butane is soooo much more volatile that 99% iso. Iso makes just as good erl without near as much danger. It is hard to support something when people are blowing themselves and those around them just to get high. I have a problem with it because it is disrespectful of other people to put them in danger for personal good time.

Personally i think dry ice hash is the way to go. Downt get much easier or safer imo. :-). Whatever you decide just make sure you have thought it out really well.
The only reason I am doing this is to save my outdoor grow, by killing the mold spores or filtering them out.
It has to be an end product that is marketable as well though.

We dont have 99% ISO here btw either, I think 93% or 97% is the best I cant get.

Just looked and 91% is what we have here, unless someone knows a place to buy it??


Well-Known Member
91% works great, its all I can get anymore and all i have used for the last 4 months. I've tried 99%, and I've tried 95% everclear, and they both worked great, but are harder to find and or cost more then 91% ISO.


Well-Known Member
91% works great, its all I can get anymore and all i have used for the last 4 months. I've tried 99%, and I've tried 95% everclear, and they both worked great, but are harder to find and or cost more then 91% ISO.
Hey I found a chemical warehouse 20 miles from me that carries 99% iso.

Is it worth the drive and extra expense to go with the 99% over the 91%?


Well-Known Member
I don't think so. I think you'd be hard pressed to tell a difference if you ran 91% vs 99%. Would be negligible. It would be like adding octane booster to the scion... it's not gonna start winning any races.


Well-Known Member
IMG_20131014_190636.jpgIMG_20131014_190645.jpgIMG_20131014_190645.jpgIMG_20131003_223536.jpgok today starts week 8 on my save a I'm thinking about another 2-3 weeks what do you guys think? Thc is all milky and 1-2 amber .for those that are saying dude that's messed up well I started to chop all of them but why? Lol


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2857916View attachment 2857917View attachment 2857917View attachment 2857923ok today starts week 8 on my save a I'm thinking about another 2-3 weeks what do you guys think? Thc is all milky and 1-2 amber .for those that are saying dude that's messed up well I started to chop all of them but why? Lol
At a glance they dont look ready but if the trics are all milky at least, thats all that matters. As for perlite to soil ratio I do about 25% perlite.


Well-Known Member
Man, pinche Dodgers! lol
That's alright I would have felt bad for them if they got swept. They handled the Cards pretty well last time they matched up, I just hope my Cards shake off the funk from tonight. Jon Jay was playing like he was baked, putting around with no motivation. Someone must have switched him some indica lol j/k