Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

My wife just loves when I do the balls johnson dance. Kinda blocks her eyes so she doesn't have to see while wondering aloud why I'm so immature. :) I have fun with it though.

Midwife Appt?? Is there another child being born into the royal West fam?

Yeah man. They found out a few weeks ago. Mr. West posted about 6 words on the subject in some thread... maybe his. Easy for you to have missed it.

Jig did you reveg your plants?

I did indeed. Some of them never got far enough into flower to need to reveg much. One of the Grapes is still spitting single blades, same with the plushberry and j1-der. The other grape, both psycho killers, both OG's are vegging normally with nice leaves. Everything is really taking to the new pots and soil. It's amazing, they grow so fast when they are happy.

37 Weeks Today!!! That makes baby 'term' or mature. If baby was born tonight, she would not be premature... she'd be just right. Fully cooked is 40 weeks, but I'm about ready now. ;)
Ive been with my current wife for 17 years and I heard my X was having another child at 41 years old. I had two children with her so its not like shes out of my life after all these years but anyways. I was kinda snooping over her facebook page, it doesnt feel too stalkerish because she does post pics of my sons a lot. So I find this picture of her ultrasound and she says some shit like Im strong this time around and not doing it alone, so Im really happy! Shes not my friend but I wanted to comment, fuckin bitch if you raised those kids alone then Im santa claus! Man it hit a nerve. My oldest son lives with me 100% of the time and its likely his brother will too when he turns 18. I swear shes delusional.
I fucking love Friday. But I don't remember that scene either. Maybe it's because I'm always blasted when I watch it. lol
I've seen that movie maybe 5 times and I have no idea what happens lol. So stoned every time I watch. Damn I miss living in the city. There isn't much diversity up here.
Hey donny. I didn't say cuz it was someone elses thread... but I seen you ditched like 4 stone or something. That's really great man. Good for you. Must feel good.
Thanks man its not really about the lbs more waist measurement. being like a soft 230-40 I'm now pretty lean 190. Made the mental shift n take care of myself a bit better. Tho all that's really been challenged with stag do's and the weather/associated boozing but I've been counterbalancing by cycling 25 miles. Burning off the high intake. Lol
iconic stoner flick really eh, how you been dez aint seen you round in a minute

Things have been good but nothing to write home about. I haven't had any good smoke in a bit now and am really hoping to get my hands on some soon. Had high hopes for the Lambsbread but I meesed them up. I found a good sized nug yesterday of something I grew a while back. No idea what it is but it got me good and high last night so I'll finish it off this afternoon/evening. All I have after that is some weed cookies I made :(
Lol... no one knows what to say. Sucks Dez. I'll tell my ladies to hurry up and flower. ;)

So I had a crazy time at the doc today. They gave me the wrong shot !!! Too long of a story to tell now, as I'm having a nice time playing with my plants. Been a long time since I spent quality time with them. Gee I sure love gardening. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I forget. It's so nice to work with the fragile little things. They are so pretty. I'm taking pics... and I already have some mature beans.

Grape Kush x Grape Kush. :) :)
DSC_2470.jpg this is my boy a few years back. he will be 9 in a month and my girl will be 3 in a month and a half. I would not trade a second with them for all the money in the world. its a wonderful experience having a child, but that grow time definitely suffers. still would not change a thing my self.