Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

well you could come over next may and enter the WSOH (world series of hoop spin)

only english are allowed to enter but just put an accent on you'll be fine.
I got a good accent (when Im shit faced) I convinced some people outside the bar I was from england stranded in new orleans and needed 10k to get back home. Dude that shit was hilarious. They apologized profusely for not being able to help me out lmao. Or was it scotland? idk anymore. I went on for like 15min making shit up and telling long stories lol all made up but they were convinced. Then my friends came out like wtf where have you been and why are you talking like that? The people I was talking to proceeded to tell them my story. At that point cover was blown I was laughing too hard.
i don't know where to begin with that one lol.

of all the random stories i've heard of the things people say and do when under the influence of alcahol, that one rates pretty highly in the wtf category

i bet they thought you were a con man after that,:evil:
Just found out my kens grand daddy purp is female so happy.I got males and females all I need now is some love music and its on.
Am gonna be the annoying kid in the back seat of the car, this will be my only question on the thread until, well until you know when:)

Is she here yet?:)
Hey guys. No baby yet. Haven't been around much cuz I don't know what to say. I'm nervous/ anxious all the time. I'm in a good place, just don't have anything to say much. Just lots of emotions swirling.

Building is going well. Have half the wiring in. Just need to finish the tops of the walls and put up some shingles. Going to get my helper to come over and start on insulation. Drywall is not too far off.

Plants are alright. They are looking good and getting larger. I've been taking pics, just can't be asked to upload them.

Really cool thing yesterday. Dezracer came up for a visit/ inspection. He gave the building a look over before I put up the drywall, which really set my mind at ease... just for someone aside from me and the wife to look and say, "Yeah... this isn't going to fall over". Thanks a lot Dez. Hope you enjoy the hash.
this time next week you will either be on another level or gone over and are fed up waiting lol. You know what women are like, they like to make you wait then make a big entrance. I know how you feel being welled up with emotion, I have trouble saying what I want and so dont say anything lol.
I'm having a good time working on the building today. Lol... dez took one look at the attic and said 'this would be my growroom.' Hhaha. Hope ur mondays are good. It is Monday right? We don't leave the house anymore.
Tuesday's in the post bru. Nest is coming together over here, Cot constructed, sideboard / chest drawers / changing thing constructed, special bin for collecting shitty nappies placed next to that:hump::spew:, warned off from wife to leave everything else, "this is my domain" were the words she used:shock: and lol. I'll be building houses next, lmfao.

woops. almost forgot, Is she here yet?
That's great news my wife has been asking about your nursery... the room for the babe not the plant brand of nursey. That's funny about the domain bit. Mine hasn't gotten teritorial at all. All the best to youu the mommy to be and the yin. Such a cool thought to picture you a dad.
Lol, yours isn't territorial jig because your building new territory right jig ? Hope all is well and nerves aren't too high, have a good one.
Attic would be a great grow space for sure. The whole building looks really good and well planned out.

Mrs. Jig looks really good too although you can definitely tell she's ready for this phase to be over. So excited for you two!

Thanks for the hash Mister Jigster!!

I'll be making butter very soon, lol.
Soo glad things are going well still buddy! I have the not knowing what to say thing all the time :), so don't sweet it. My wife hated the last few weeks of her pregnancy. It was 90 degrees and we didn't have AC either :(. We finally set a date and got induced, which was sweet because there was no surprises. She only even had to push for about 20 minutes and my little cat was here :). Enjoy your week bro, get your sleep, smoke some of that hash!!

babies clearly on 420 time jig :) hope you get your house done before she comes or it's going to be the fastest build/ slowest finished house ever lol
This could be it. I'm freaking at home now... wife at hospita. Had appt. this morning and I went grocery shopping while she did a test thing. Called to pick her up and she said to take food home she might be a while. Now they are talking about inducing her and i'm 45 mins away. No more time to type.

love you guys.

pray for us. might be another 6er later today. :) :) :)
