Hey guys. No baby yet. Haven't been around much cuz I don't know what to say. I'm nervous/ anxious all the time. I'm in a good place, just don't have anything to say much. Just lots of emotions swirling.
Building is going well. Have half the wiring in. Just need to finish the tops of the walls and put up some shingles. Going to get my helper to come over and start on insulation. Drywall is not too far off.
Plants are alright. They are looking good and getting larger. I've been taking pics, just can't be asked to upload them.
Really cool thing yesterday. Dezracer came up for a visit/ inspection. He gave the building a look over before I put up the drywall, which really set my mind at ease... just for someone aside from me and the wife to look and say, "Yeah... this isn't going to fall over". Thanks a lot Dez. Hope you enjoy the hash.