Vertical Grow 400 Watt Hps. Blueberry Dutch Passion


Well-Known Member
Water only once a week. Let the cube almost dry between waterings. If I were you I would get rapid rooter starters, they are the best, I dont remember the last time I had a clone or seed die. Cut a one gallon water jug (clear) in half put in the babies, use tape to close up the cut so no air gets in through the cut, poke a few holes in the top of the water jug so a bit of air could get in. The jug will get very foggy inside which the plants love you will see roots within three days. Read the thread I go over this on there somewhere.

I figured that the 1st time but thereafter I water only every other day (or only until a little damp) but that didnt work either. :-(


Well-Known Member
I am researching planting techniques, crops that work for mass production, basically trying to find ways to teach them to sustain themselves through growing their own vegetables and harvesting eggs from Chickens. Etc. I am starting a new thread


Active Member
I dont know but I looked at your tops and they look kinda fluffy. Not very compact or dense and that's really where your good tweed comes from. 400 is aweful small to power that many plants. But what do I know.


Active Member
Hey InBud what a cool set up! A circular grow. I have a 400 on the way and will be lightining those babies up. 1st Grow & doing 10 NL and 5 whositz? An automated conveyor that pulled the plants slowly through the light field might be sweet. I couldd be high tho.


Active Member
Oh and was thinking of a lazy susan for spinning the ladies. That way you can bring em to ya if the squeeze is tight. Just give em a spin for water nutes and trim. Could be double decked no sweat. Grow in the round. :idea:


Well-Known Member
there are two phenos, I feel one is better than the other. The one that is better has way fatter leaves, clone that one. You will see the difference in the two


Active Member
doesnt look to me like the buds have any density to them. if only 2-3 week sleft then i would not waste my time. a 400 watt is a waste of time in my book. even more so vertical with no way to reflect the light ,plus leaves are what absorb light and leaves are mostly horizontal. I use 1000w hps and always will

vertical is not the way of the future its the way of fools who dont listen to other people who have already learned their lesson.


Well-Known Member
which is why the thread is stopped you ignorant fuck. I am growing with my lights above again. and believe me my nugs are super dense rock hard colas.


Well-Known Member
when u startin a new grow?

vertical have more light penetrating power since the light is spreaded around the plant and not concetrated in one localized area,giving you a bigger yeild with less power.

that kid is stupid


Active Member
hey amazing really is and I plan on stealing all your idea :P....but what type of CFL did u use for vegging? 60 or 100 watt and were the bright white, nautral light ...etc


Active Member
On the left side I have 6. They are about three weeks to a month to being harvested. I have eight that are about three weeks into flowering on the right. When those six are done, eight are going in that spot.
Ummmm Teach me? lol

Those look really nice! Keep it up!