Vertical height problem


Well-Known Member
This is day 24 of flowering. Starting to have a problem with vertical height. Can't raise the tube up much higher. Maybe another few inches. Don't know what type of plant these are. It's from an indoor mix I got Dr. Greentmumb.

For the rest of the grow, will the pants keep stretching?

If I lower my nute levels, will that help with slowing vertical growth?

I have a 250 W metal halide bulb and ballast. If I switch, will it help slow vertical growth without stopping flowering?

My next grow will be scrog for sure.


Stretch is generally considered an unavoidable evil, but some gardeners prefer a bit of stretch to allow budsites to fill in adequately. Buds with perfect density can be grown by controlling stretch.

You basically top plants to make them bush out instead of growing tall. But to answer your question you simply pinch off the very top part of your plant. The main branch top and the two small branches become 2 main grow points. This wont stop the up growth only slow it down eventually it will begin growing upwards again you can top a few areas of the plant at a time if you wish but be careful not to prune to much it can do more harm than good.


Well-Known Member
plants stop streatching after 3 to 4 weeks, and the buds just grow.
top the main cola,or bend it down, if you cannot move the light.


Rebel From The North
I would avoid pinching the tops, you can gain the same if not more room and
bud sites by staking and bending the top over slowly little by little each day,
then the bud site where the nod is will push out a branch thus making more
top and slowing the upward progetion of the plant.


Well-Known Member
Ya I second HellRazer's comment, It to late to top!, Like he said just start bending over each day.

I like to put hook's on the wall's & take fishing line & make a good loop at one end to go around the plant, (make the loop big enough you can take it of later once you have it trained). With the hook's on the wall's I can train them to go where I want them to, Like a space in your grow area that does'nt have canopy cover. Hope that made since?

But any-way I think you can figure it out!!.. Good luck with the rest of your grow!!!!.........Later


Well-Known Member
This is day 24 of flowering. Starting to have a problem with vertical height. Can't raise the tube up much higher. Maybe another few inches. Don't know what type of plant these are. It's from an indoor mix I got Dr. Greentmumb.

For the rest of the grow, will the pants keep stretching?

If I lower my nute levels, will that help with slowing vertical growth?

I have a 250 W metal halide bulb and ballast. If I switch, will it help slow vertical growth without stopping flowering?

My next grow will be scrog for sure.
man i got the same fucking problem. check . I had to tie her next grow in my cab will deffenately be a scrog grow too.Peace!!!


Rebel From The North
i like that fishing wire thats better than staking and theres more opion to
how much you can train it