How many days has it been? Mine was chopped at 50 days which was too soon, but my dead leaves were working into the bud. I also lost a lot of weight drying which I blame on the early picking as well. It still turned out to be great, but coulda been greater!Woooot... it's looking good in there. I worked a little pulling funky leaves and I sacrificed one bud to the mj gods. Probably about 2-3 grams worth. That's a worthy tithe lol.
Here's some shots. What you guys think. Is it ready to pull?
Eeesh, 50 days?! What happened??How many days has it been? Mine was chopped at 50 days which was too soon, but my dead leaves were working into the bud. I also lost a lot of weight drying which I blame on the early picking as well. It still turned out to be great, but coulda been greater!
How many days has it been? Mine was chopped at 50 days which was too soon, but my dead leaves were working into the bud. I also lost a lot of weight drying which I blame on the early picking as well. It still turned out to be great, but coulda been greater!
I grew with some coco mix thinking it was soil (it was sold to me as) so I fucked up the PH for a couple weeks. Once I figured that out I ended up over fertilizing it because it already had nutes in it and I didnt know how much and couldn't find any other info on it. When I finally just left it alone the dead leaves in the bud started to recede into the actual buds and I didnt want dead material right up in the buds so they got choppedEeesh, 50 days?! What happened??
Thanks guys are more of a friend than these assholes near me aka so called friends. I remember my mom telling me as a kid," you will be a man soon and there are things i cant teach you but what i will teach you is this,..what ever you do in life make sure its your best! Always say what you mean and mean what you say.put god first and then family"