I don't think I'll be going, but if I do I'll let you know bro.
OGevilgenius... thanks for the info. Appreciate it. I still have 2 plants left to pull... I'll take the fans off and hang them in the closet where it's pretty humid but has air moving slowly. Trim them dry. Do I have to mess with bags and stuff do you guys thing, or will drying them with their leaves on in a humid room be good enough.
I can say a friend left some herb here the other day and the difference in smell between mine and theirs is ridiculous. Mine smell good, dank, like good weed should. Their stuff just reeks to high fucking heaven and if you stick your nose in the jar it's almost overcoming. My stuff has never ever been like that. I mean mine stinks... but not like smelling salts stinks.
So if I missed a bunch of tips that you guys posted I'm sorry... been tough to keep up with my own thread the past few days. SHits popping off in here.
Thanks though for beating me into submission and having me see the light in at least attempting to up my dry/cure game. It's appreciated.
Also, I apologize for not checking out anyone elses threads. I just look at this and the 600.... maybe the pic or yourself thread, other than that I've been lame. Sorry.