Yeah, for sure. A lot ISO has that aftertaste that's nasty. But if it is done right it's incredible. I don't actually drink though, so I might opt for the everclear instead personally.Ppshh you guys just gotta run the ISO right. I'm not gonna waste good drinking alcohol just to evap it all away. Now if you wanna make a tincture with some drinking spirits I'm all down!
PURE alcohol is actually REALLY difficult to make. However high 90's purity is relatively easy. There will be some water though - no biggie.Try this - put a couple of drops of whatever you are using on a mirror and let it evaporate. If it leaves behind a residue, don't use it!
It is very easy to distill pure alcohol from fermented yeast and sugar. And you can always collect it again when you evap your oil.
O-Chem is so much fun![]()
wow she is all 1 giant bud love it. what lights did your friend use?
Jig, I'm the same way.. I fuck shit up by getting hung up on things my wife HAAAAATES it. I'm trying to learn to take a deep breath, and not give a shit as much. Hope you're well aside.
Whodat is Cali bound?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
FUCKING A BROTHER! When? Where? tell tell.
MAn Jig I think we are gonna get alone really good....or kill each I can completely relate to what your saying here. I have the same thing happen all the time. Something little and stupid gets under my skin and I just can't shake it for hours. Ends up getting my wife pissed at me, and me pissed at everything then. Sadly I don't have any great input on how to deal with it. I've been trying to just distract myself with things I enjoy when it happens. I can very seriously say the glass working has been fantastic therapy for me, though I've recently been considering "talking" to someone. I've seen therapists at various points in my life, all of which I've felt were extremely uneventful but who knows maybe next time will be different. I hope the whole evening isn't a wash for ya man, I guess if it is break out the hash when hanna goes to bed and knock yourself outNah, day out. Fuckin sucks dude.I just don't get what my problem is sometimes. Get all upset about stupid shit and can't let it go. I don't even know what I'm upset about anymore and can't shake it. I'd say I need to smoke a bowl, but I already done that. Was thinking just how strangely appealing the idea of a therapist is, paying someone to really really give a shit about the stupid things I think in my head. Not like they don't care, I guess they do professionally, but if they were just your friend they'd say, 'get over that shit you little pussy' and be done with it.
So I will take the imaginary therapist friends advice and just get over it lol.
I have never been north of san francisco. I think that should change sometime after june.super stoked for you bro.
*whodat is cali bound!!!