Vertizontal Reflector Question


Well-Known Member
I've been looking at possibly changing the arrangement of my flowering setup, and have been toying with the idea of going with vertizontal reflectors. I'm currently using 2, 1000w HPS on an LR5 light rail. The thing is, I'm currently using Super Sun2 reflectors with the reflective blankets. These reflectors have holes in each side just in case I ever change to a setup that needs air cooling, but since they're on movers, heat/light intensity only seems to be an issue with certain "hot spots" on the ends.

My question is, if I were to change to the vertizontals (or even to parabolics) would I get the same yield or less? I've only used parabolics for vegging wAY back in the day, but have gone with horizontal reflectors ever since. For those with experience with these type of reflectors, give me the low down on how you decided to go with them, and what sort of results you've been getting. Any help is appreciated, thanks.:peace:
sorry, never heard of them, or the word vertizontal. I just clicked on the thread to see what the story was. I am growing vertical and don't use reflectors. Good luck with the research bru.

Peace, DST
I'm gonna keep bumping this thread until someone using these type of reflectors gives me some good advice. I know, it may take a
Vertizontal reflectors do a decent job spreading light and will do great with a smaller grow. Anything over 4 ft and you wont be able to fit to many under the light. Sorry you had to wait so long for answer.
ive used one for a few grows in a 4' x 4' sog with a 600 watt light and i have to say that they are the best shades for reaching the outer edge of the canopy, good consistent chunky buds from all my plants under it.
i was 46 grams short of 1 gram per watt on my last grow with it and i made the cut at 49 days with a plant that can go 9 weeks.

i will be buying another one soon.
