Very early signs of female?


Well-Known Member
3 weeks and the smell should start coming through a little bit. You should be able to sex it after 3-4 weeks of 18-6 look for little green Hershey kisses with 2 white hairs poking out around the 3-5 node area. I hated this when I was new, had little patience for this part of the grow. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
3 weeks and the smell should start coming through a little bit. You should be able to sex it after 3-4 weeks of 18-6 look for little green Hershey kisses with 2 white hairs poking out around the 3-5 node area. I hated this when I was new, had little patience for this part of the grow. Good Luck.
Haha yeah I'm so impatient I sot there staring at it for like 4 hours..I've been able to smell my plant since it was 2 weeks old so I'm hoping she's female but! My friend has grown a plant that dankkeeed and was male so I can't get my hopes up!