Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

day 27, since I wasn't able to rehome the clones I decided to get some started in the dwc tote I put together and put some into some pots. hopefully the other girls can find some new homes or maybe I'll just have to build a couple more totes. I'm finally able to move somewhere that I'll have more space so I'll be able to keep one of the big girls for a mom and put the other 3 into flower, going towards a perpetual harvest


day 28, everybody is looking good, the dwc is just tap water that I bubbled for about an hour and a half before putting the clones in. the ppm was around 70 and ph around 7.5, a bit high, but I've seen others with success so I'll leave it alone until I start adding nutes.


day 32, here's some root shots to track progress


day 35, I'm quite impressed with the explosive root growth in the dwc, should hopefully be finally getting another light set up in a couple days and then it's time to flower :hump:


day 37, finally got another light set up and some more totes and air stones and an air pump to set up some more dwc totes. 1000 watt hps in the tent now and going to a 12/12 flowering schedule, 400 watt mh in the closet with a mom and all the other vegging girls

