Very first grow using hydroponics expensive system please help

Hi, I would like some opinions on using hydroponics versus other systems. What I had in mind is using something like this here: . I know this is an expensive way to start but do you think I would be able to produce 4-8 oz per plant using this system? Is there anything else I would need besides the clones to start this? Would you have a rough idea of an electric bill with just this system? Would I be able to harvest within 3 months? I would like to start with a good strain with high yield potential that can be done start to finish in 3 months. Your thoughts and ideas are very much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
How many grows do you have under your belt ? If none then try to grow w/o spending a lot of $ first. 3 months start to finish probably ain't gonna get you 4-8 oz's., especially if you have never grown B4.


Well-Known Member
It depends on what the definition of "if" is. "If" it was an experienced grower - maybe, "If" you have never grown B4 then most likely not.
very first time growing. if I do everything right then could this system produce 4-8oz per plant per grow?
It seems if you are asking will this kit produce 24-48 ozs of cannabis with the products listed.

If you have the experience to trouble shoot this system, and the ability to detect plant deficiencies and signs of insect damage and the knowledge to effectively treat them, and if you are able to control your environment to the liking of your plants, and if you will be able to determine the pruning structure and the amount of excess flower removal that will optimize you plants potential, and if you can remember to check on them everyday, and if you can manage the fertilizer program to the liking of the plants and not believe the hype on the fertilizer bottles, and a dozen other important things that I haven't mentioned then you may get 24ozs. Have a nice time ....Prof.Snook


Active Member
You could hit 4oz easily per plant under that (depending on genetics, veg length and other factors but simply yes its possible). Being in my first hydro grow, and my opinion. I would buy all that separated except for the hydro setup itself. Then get just like 2 5gal buckets and try your hand at it before you get too far in the money.

You could spend half that and easily set up everything they have there yourself. In my area local shops have full 1000w tent setups, all that is missing is the buckets for $500.
Hey guys thanks for your input. I think I will try to start small and work my way up but if I am already going to start out sinking $1500 in separate pieces wouldn't it make more sense to just buy a grow box that has everything setup for me already?


Well-Known Member
if I am already going to start out sinking $1500 in separate pieces wouldn't it make more sense to just buy a grow box that has everything setup for me already?
Doesn't this thing cost $2,400? So you would pay $900 for someone to gather up some parts for you and ship it all together?


Active Member
Keep this in mind: if you fuck it, your $2500 equipment would be LUCKY to bring $500 on craigslist. I may be off on that, but there isn't much liquidation value in high dollar hydro systems from what I have seen.

EDIT: I would not even consider blowing that kind of money on equipment unless I had a super clone and the ability to make more of them. Seeds ain't gonna get it, too much chance of producing mid-grade smoke.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Do not buy this system its about $2000 over priced. With a little reading you can build that exact setup in an hour or so at home. I hate that site constantly ripping people off who do not know any better. I have posted a dozen or so how to threads on builkding ebb n gro setups, aero setup, pot set ups . Just read a little and dont get raped by these companies.


Active Member
Wow that system is way overpriced. Go to , they have growtent packages for like a third of that price.

You could always do some research and make your own growbox for way cheaper than them also.

If you want a cheap hydro medium, just get a storage tote that the top sits into the bucket so the roots are submerged in water. Throw in a couple airstones and there you go, 30$ medium. Then you would just have to buy the lights, ducts, fans, nutrients.... you get the point.


Well-Known Member
"How many grows do you have under your belt ?" Very good question! Hydro is much more tempermental and easier to screw up than growing in dirt. Unless you are already familiar with pumps and resoivors you are likely to run into problems that don't exist with a dirt-grow. So learn in dirt and graduate to hydro after you know what you are doing. BigSteve.


Active Member
"How many grows do you have under your belt ?" Very good question! Hydro is much more tempermental and easier to screw up than growing in dirt. Unless you are already familiar with pumps and resoivors you are likely to run into problems that don't exist with a dirt-grow. So learn in dirt and graduate to hydro after you know what you are doing. BigSteve.
Yeah really easy to nute burn in hydro, found this out the hard way. Don't let this discourage you from hydro though, it has its advantages once you work the rough stuff out. Just always start out with really light nutrients and let the plant tell you when to bump up the nutes. I started with hydro, fucked everything up, learned from it, and now it is finally paying off 8 months later lmao. But its paying off good.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree...overpriced and probably has things you don't need. For you know the ppm of your tap water? You may not need the RO system. I personally have used that type of large pot ebb and flow and had problem after problem with root rot...and I was an experienced hydro guy.

Definitely learn to grow simply and cheaply...using a good soil (and no coco is not a noob media).



Grab a tent, coco, 1kW light, Carbine filter and fan. Go with an easy nutrient line-up, not the whole damn AN product line, lol. Get a PPM meter and PH meter and SELF WATER till you learn wtf you are doin, and be happy if you even make it to the end and if so, be happy for over an ounce per plant. brother! Now you have 2000.00 dollars left over to donate to me.

Success is in knowledge, mate. Take a step back and think about it.


Well-Known Member
I built and furnished a room for less than $800 bro. Start small and grow from there. Get some experience then roll with it.
Sent from the Rollitup App!


Active Member
Just as everyone said, you could assemble the same system for much less then 2400$.
IMO, Your yield is greatly attributed to the amount of light you will be feeding your plants. If you want 4-8 oz a plant and there are 6 buckets your talking 24-48 oz, 1.5-3 lbs. I would recommend getting a bigger tent- 4x8 and do 4 lights, more buckets (however many depends on your plant count and veg time/yield goal). Like that no matter how bad you do, you will hit your quota. If you follow a strict feeding plan for a single line of nutes(don't play scientist your first grow, mixing brands and formulas) and watch your room temp and water PH you could easily hit <1.5 lbs a light.

Your electricity is determined by finding the price per kilowatt in your area (persay .10 a KL), then take your total watts (persay 1 1k watt HPS) multiply by hours of use (persay 12 hours a day for flower= 1.20$ per day x days of month 31 = 37.20$ a month to run each 1k watt.


Well-Known Member
Consider the post above. And your probably spot on.
But its NOT the way that a noob should start out.

Start out with a soil grow and you still have tons of things to learn just from doing that.