Very Hard Water?

RO water is the only way to go indoors. When outdoors, growing with tap water is just fine. Just my 2 cents..
This whole time, I thought minerals could be washed out of the soil haha. So then what's the science behind flushing? If minerals can't be stripped/removed then why do PPM levels drop as you pour more water?

The science behind flushing is that every farmer on earth uses the bare minimum level of ferts, except for Cannabis growers who have cash to burn and crops to cripple by overfeeding. And then more products to buy like bottled tree resin, uptake blockers and grape peel sweetners. There's an excess with Cannabis grows, meaning they have to stop feeding the last month so the excess gets used up, nothing but RO.

Its the science of economic opportunity. If you gotta dilute a medium, why are you growing in a medium in the first place? That's what I don't get about bottle feeders growing in coco puff. The worst of both worlds.

Hard water is free ppm! I'm going to bottle mine and call it Cali Fagmag+. You can test it with your ec meter to tell it's good stuff. I'll sell you the meter.
The science behind flushing is that every farmer on earth uses the bare minimum level of ferts, except for Cannabis growers who have cash to burn and crops to cripple by overfeeding. And then more products to buy like bottled tree resin, uptake blockers and grape peel sweetners. There's an excess with Cannabis grows, meaning they have to stop feeding the last month so the excess gets used up, nothing but RO.

Its the science of economic opportunity. If you gotta dilute a medium, why are you growing in a medium in the first place? That's what I don't get about bottle feeders growing in coco puff. The worst of both worlds.

Hard water is free ppm! I'm going to bottle mine and call it Cali Fagmag+. You can test it with your ec meter to tell it's good stuff. I'll sell you the meter.
Haha maybe I stated the question wrong or maybe it was misinterpreted..but the question revolves on RO water removing minerals from the soil.

If what @OldMedUser said is true, then the PPM levels should stay constant no matter how much water I run through that pot/soil.

I believe this was the original question he posted “I would like to know how RO water strips minerals. Strips them from where?”
If what @OldMedUser said is true, then the PPM levels should stay constant no matter how much water I run through that pot/soil.

you've misunderstood. if you water with plain RO water, get runoff, and then remove the runoff, you're stripping the nutrients from the root zone. i.e. flushing.

The only way it will 'strip' nutes is if you get runoff and remove that. Give that to another plant as feed if you want.
you've misunderstood. if you water with plain RO water, get runoff, and then remove the runoff, you're stripping the nutrients from the root zone. i.e. flushing.
Do most people let their pots sit in water? Or do they just limit the water so there’s Zero runoff? I feel like this could cause complications no? I’ve never done either of the 2 so I wouldn’t know haha. I usually water until there’s a tiny bit of runoff and remove it. Maybe like 2 cups worth.
could anyone tell me weather chempak no 3 would be ok to feed from seed to harvest?..
it has an npk ratio of 20-20-20
total nitro 20%
nitric nitro 5%
ammo nitro 3.5%
ureic nitro 11.5
phos soluble in citrate and water 20% (8.7%)
potasium soluble in water 20%(16.6%)
boron 0.020%
copper 0.010%
iron 0.200%
mangenese 0.020%
molybdenum 0.002%
zinc 0.050%
i was thinking of using soiless 1/3 coco 1/3 clay balls 1/3 compost and some dolo lime?
i made a stock solution which is a 1/4 strength (5-5-5) or would it be (5-2.1-4.1)?
was thinking id feed light as and when the plants look like they need it
if anyone could answer my q's an give me there opinion it would be greatly appreciated
Do most people let their pots sit in water? Or do they just limit the water so there’s Zero runoff? I feel like this could cause complications no? I’ve never done either of the 2 so I wouldn’t know haha. I usually water until there’s a tiny bit of runoff and remove it. Maybe like 2 cups worth.

the conversation kind of bounced around between organic soil, soil with nutes, and dwc.

initially i think he mentioned you could feed pure RO water to a plant in super soil or a hot, pH buffered potting mix if the soil has all the minerals your plant needs. but in that case you wouldn't want any runoff.

if your using an inert medium and you add nutes, you usually aim runoff to 20%, let the plants sit in it for a short time to let them soak up any dry spots through capillary action, then remove the runoff.
Just use less nutrients and no cal/mag.
Im in Yorkshire with hard water. No issues.
If you are not having problems then chill.

If you get problems mix 50/50 with RO. You can buy it from aquariums or buy a RO filter for £100
Yes mate have been getting issues, new growth looking thin and stringy etc etc. I’m mixing 50 50 with de ionised water now with a touch of floramicro, and plant is looking healthy with no droop, looks a lot more alive than it has done lately! It’s been droopy and loads of burned tips and some clawing but now looking good!
Maybe get something that screws into your faucet and then draw off & store several 5 gallon buckets as needed? I know you're sick of hearing it but damn! Never heard of ppm that high coming out the tap?!
Lol for real, lucky enough to have some of the hardest water in the country! And there’s me going to other areas and saying their water tastes funny, must have been clean! lol.
Does anyone make an RO filter that I can hook up to a downstairs sink that does a decent job without getting an under sink system?

My tap water PPM is right at 300. Are there any test kits that will show me what that 300 is made up of? I do have a water softener but I don't think it did much to the actual PPM but the water is definitely "softer".
Does anyone make an RO filter that I can hook up to a downstairs sink that does a decent job without getting an under sink system?

My tap water PPM is right at 300. Are there any test kits that will show me what that 300 is made up of? I do have a water softener but I don't think it did much to the actual PPM but the water is definitely "softer".

You should be able to find that info from looking up your water supplier, they should list everything worth mentioning in your water.
You should be able to find that info from looking up your water supplier, they should list everything worth mentioning in your water.
I found it online but their PPM comes out to 110 and mine reads 300 so the website is not even close to accurate. Oh well I guess there is no way to get the true answer myself.
I found it online but their PPM comes out to 110 and mine reads 300 so the website is not even close to accurate. Oh well I guess there is no way to get the true answer myself.

If your ppm pen passes calibration then what you read is what you got.

I doubt it's from rusty pipes but water quality changes at treatment plants so it can read different at different times. Cahges with the seasons if the source water is from the surface. Subterranean water sources are much more stable.
Thanks for the replies guys.

The PPM from the tap is 447 as of right now, so pretty close @OldMedUser!

The PH is 7.65.

I use some ph down when required to bring it down to around 6.3 as I grow in coco/peat mix not soil.

So I guess all your reccomendations would be to invest in a filtration system? I was kinda hoping I wouldn’t have to, but if it’s needed then I probably should! Though if I can get away with a tap/gal Epsom salts that would be way easier! Lol.

Do you have to use a lot of ph down?
Do you have to use a lot of ph down?

To be honest the stuff I’ve been using, plant based acids, I add a drip and it lowers it plenty, but if I leave it in the water for a couple of days, the ph is back up. The coco/peat I use though has lime added so the run off is always around 6.5 either way.
On a related note , my water has gotten slightly better, it is 530 ppm and 7 ph now. So I got that going for me... Which is nice
Do you water your plant with tap water?

Could I literally give it tap water if I had no nutes in the soil and it would contain everything required?

And yea I thought my PPM was high, but you win! Lol
What’s the ppms of the water?

Definitely let it sit to evaporate of chlorine. I would put a air stone in there to aid with that.

An RO system is a good investment. I got a 150gpd off eBay for under $100 from purewaterclub. Had it for years then added an extra 150gpd add on for like $70 to make it a 300gpd system. I replace filters every 4 months and it costs <$100 for the replacement membranes. I use around 100gal a week on average
Could you post a link to the eBay seller? For some reason my search came up empty--thanks.