The first comment they made was "whats up with everybody wearing those stupid fucking shoes" referring to my girlfriend. Then I told him to watch what he says. He then proceeded to call me a bitch and my girlfriend an ugly whore. I then turned around completely, and looked him in the eyes and told him to walk away. So he says "what are you gonna do about it dickhead" (he said something like dickhead not sure I was really stoned wanting to see the damn movie) anyways at this point my blood started boiling. My girlfriend grabbed me and motioned towards the cops and said "You guys are lucky your about 16 years old". After that they nonstop mumbled a bunch of derogatory terms under their breath for about 5-10 minutes while we waited in the monster line at the concession stand. All I could hear was bitch, slut, asshole, etc. Now im only 20 years old but thats still old enough for me to be arrested and charged for assaulting a minor.