very sick yellow


Well-Known Member
"I don't have a ph pen of yet I need advice"

go get one now. ph, especially in hydro, which that pretty much is, is crucial. you are unprepared for class..................


"I don't have a ph pen of yet I need advice"

go get one now. ph, especially in hydro, which that pretty much is, is crucial. you are unprepared for class..................
I'm skint for two days then I will get one. You think this is my problem?


What do u reccomend I do until I get my pen? Feed it just water?flush it? Or just leave it be and see what happens?
if you live near a wal-greens they have purified drinking water named "drinking water" its at a ph7 flush your soil with that and keep an eye out from doing anything for 2 or 3 days. dont want to shock it more than it is already. get that ph regulated hommie

Bayou bud

Active Member
flush around 5x the max your bucket can fit through it. It'll be sure to flush out the medium without leaving and reactivating the salts


I will get it flushed now. To be honest I think I will flush 3 of my plants.two seems fine. Then we have that one^^ one seems small for its age. One is real skinny with curly leaves. Maybe I shouldn't of give them nutes from day one.
They won't drown if I flush them will they?

Bayou bud

Active Member
No, they won't drown. Don't have their top layer of medium floating in water for more than like 15 min if you can avoid it.


Well-Known Member
Its coco and I feed it canna coco ab was every other day but fed it daily the last two days
Daily ,every other day? its too small for that, reduce watering ,the pot is too big has no perlite and the soil is crap.


Its a 10l pot. I had 15l of eater which was sitting for 24hours. Hope this is enough. I just flushed it water was yellow at first but finished of clear so fingers crossed she picks up over the next few days. And okay buds not taken on board about the watering!


Well-Known Member
Yes, Ph pen important, but in hydro u need to know ur ppm/ec even more so !!!! Water next and then cut the dose in half until u get equipment.