Very slow growth help please

Nice man

New Member
Hi guys my plant seems very slow growing 2 weeks old from cutting ( been potted for two weeks ) I have a 600 watt hps light 18/6 light cycle but very slow growth it's in coco soil feeding it some very week Tom nutes but the growth is at a minimal help please


Well-Known Member
Is it rooted? Don't keep the soil sopping wet, and then leave it for a while. Don't toss it. It's not uncommon for a cutting to lose most or all of the leaves it had when it was cut. They were put through stress so its fine as long as the growth points show improvement (growth...).

The new plant once rootsbegin to grow needs to develop a nice root system undergorund before it really does much above ground growth which is why cuttings that look like they are doing nothing are usually a good sign. IF they arent dying something is keeping them alive and its prob roots growing to fill the pot before it takes off in vegetative growth above ground.

If its not rooted, bag that little guy until it starts growing!

Nice man

New Member
It's rooted well and is growing fresh leaves it around the bottom but the growth is very very slow I don't understand y my last grow I did at 3 weeks were 1 ft high and wide and very dense


Active Member
Since it is a cutting its possible that you wont see any vertical growth for a few weeks because the plant is still rooting itself. Wait another week and if now growth has happened then dig it up and see if its rooted. Its best to start from seed if this is one of your first times, makes things easier. Also that 600 watt is wayyyy to much for one little cutting like that, your better off running a cfl or t5 until the plant starts to grow a little.


New Member
Don't water until dry soil, and don't give any more nutes. If it's a cutting its fairly vulnerable. Maybe the super wetness has stunted the roots. Try diluted urine. Wait till totally dry soil than a 1part piss 4 part water solution. see if that fixes it :)


Active Member
The plant is wayyyyy over watered, overfed (nute burn), and is suffering from extreme heat. Your gonna have to stop watering so much and tone down the amount of nutrients, plants will grow just fine in the soil itself so you want to use minimum nutrients.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2936930This is the poorly Babey I was going to throw her away and start agains
It's rooted well and is growing fresh leaves it around the bottom but the growth is very very slow I don't understand y my last grow I did at 3 weeks were 1 ft high and wide and very dense
Gone back today and this is it now wtf is goin on
Looking at the first pic, I thought I saw some burned tips, and I would understand that, if you're feeding a fresh clone trying to root, but that second and third pics, WTF?
What is all that hairy shit on top of the soil?
Did you dig it up to look at the roots or something?
Any idea what your PH is?
What's your temps with that flare above it?
If you want to get a couple CFL's in close until it starts to grow, that would be plenty.


Well-Known Member
Looking at the first pic, I thought I saw some burned tips, and I would understand that, if you're feeding a fresh clone trying to root, but that second and third pics, WTF?
What is all that hairy shit on top of the soil?
Did you dig it up to look at the roots or something?
Any idea what your PH is?
What's your temps with that flare above it?
If you want to get a couple CFL's in close until it starts to grow, that would be plenty.