Very stretched plant, getting to tall, should I cut in half? NEED HELP ASAP

Burn A Spliff

Active Member
My plant is 3 weeks into flower but it stretched like crazy.
Its to damn tall now and I cant raise the light anymore.
Do you guys think I should cut the plant in half and hope that it still grows a top cola? or will it die?
yes the branches on the left side are gone cause the light fell on it a few weeks ago and tore them off (its fine it already recovered from that so thats not what I need advise on)
I really dont want to do it if it wont grow a main cola from the stock cause I hear thats where the biggest bud forms.
I know about super cropping but can I do that to the main stock?


Well-Known Member
Yeah crop that beast and make a clone from the cutting and that way you will have 2 plants at the same height. Twice the yield that way :) good luck bro let us know what you do and how it turns out!!

hope full

Active Member
Do not chop anything!! Google is your best friend look up low stress traning, ya you might of tied one part down, but you gotta keep tying little by little, you cant just go in there and bend it all the way over right away its gonna snap in half every other day trie to pull it down little by little.


Well-Known Member
Do not chop anything!! Google is your best friend look up low stress traning, ya you might of tied one part down, but you gotta keep tying little by little, you cant just go in there and bend it all the way over right away its gonna snap in half every other day trie to pull it down little by little.
Yeah I'm kinda leaning toward what hope full said..


Well-Known Member
yeah i wouldnt supercrop like half the plant, maybe like the first foot only, otherwise id find some string and start tying.


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell from the pic but id say go down about 3-4 nodes and crop from there. I know its hard cuttin your baby if your not makin clones but sometimes its for the best. Id build ya a cloning bucket first then cut her and make your clone. Update us with the results hope she turns out good for ya!


Well-Known Member
Bootlace around main stem, about 18" from top, tied to hole through edge of pot. Slowly tighten it each day aiming for this shape


hope full

Active Member
Yep. Sounds fine, just remember patients is key, do go in there all crazy and bend her over to quick, you should be able to bend majority of her over. You should be able to tell when to stop.


Well-Known Member
Do not chop anything!! Google is your best friend look up low stress traning, ya you might of tied one part down, but you gotta keep tying little by little, you cant just go in there and bend it all the way over right away its gonna snap in half every other day trie to pull it down little by little.
Bootlace around main stem, about 18" from top, tied to hole through edge of pot. Slowly tighten it each day aiming for this shape

Good advice I always bend mine if they get a bit taller than the rest
if u cut it the plants gonna go in shock and it will stop growing 4 a few days


Well-Known Member
And squeeze the stem where u want the bend 2 be before u fold her
u might have 2 squeeze hard but don't b frightened
this will help 2 prevent u snapping the stem


Active Member
tie her down and if you water her about an hour before you do it she'll bend a little easier and lower her likelihood of snapping