Very Yellow, Turned Up, Dry Leaves


Hey guys, as per the description above, Auto ak47 has these features, extremely yellow all over, very dry, brittle leaves that are turned up. Other plants completely fine under same conditions. Any Ideas?


Afraid not. Other than this issue it's exactly the same as the others, and is pumping out bud after 6 weeks or so. It basically resembles the other plants exactly other than some unusual above ground green roots. It's a bit baffling really.


Well-Known Member
well....are they close to the light? have you dropped water on some of the leaves when watering? could be burnt from the light being too close or from accidentally dropping water while watering them.

Could also be nute burn if you've fed recently or a lot. If you haven't it could be nute deficiency because the plant is trying to feed itself and running out of food.

Could be a lot of things. If you haven't fed it in a long time...try feeding. if you've fed recently....try flushing. if your light is too close...move the light up. if you dropped water then there's not much you can do, but be more careful next time. :)


Yeah, it doesn't really seem to be any of the above. I'm not the one watering, just a "manager" type really. I suspect wet leaves with nutes might be the answer, the light is plenty away, and it's throughout the plant.


Well-Known Member
Roots tend to turn green when exposed to light. This can cause a sort of fungus that can damage growth. Roots above the soil also tells me a possible root-bind situation this will cause the pot to dry out faster and is overall bad. My guess is the plant needs a larger pot. If it were me I would transplant during flowering to try to save it. If you do not it will more than likely die.


The pot is increidbly big, I suspect the roots are out moreso due to lazy transplanting. I'll cover them up though.