Veteran Needs Help. PICS Flowering Day 64

Well-Known Member
Soil Ph (Tested 4 weeks ago): 3.6ish (This is where I believe Kreigs is hitting the nail on the head!)
Wooaa! 3.6 I have a huge bottle of ph up I was going to through away because I only ever use ph down.

Kreigs: What is your take on why this would happen suddenly after a flush? I mean would not the 8.6 tap water be slightly rectifying the problem that it seemed to have triggered.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats why I never worried about the Ph because my soil was low and my water was high so I had assumed it would meet in the middle. My plant looks better, or at least not worse now.


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

I just want you all to know that I am going to be opening a new thread under the "Harvesting and Curing" section. For several resons (of which I will explain there) I am getting ready to harvest and I want to know what the collective's desicion is.

Thanks for all of your help and support.

:peace: -BlessAmerica