vibes on plants and pest control

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
does anyone meditate or pray to there plants i have read interesting studies regarding this and the effect it has. personally from my experience this is beneficial in life with all other organisms including other people. two different people with same conditions ferts strain etc.... seem to produce distinctly different end results i feel this is partly due to the persons energy i feel strongly about this anybodys thoughts welcome. also for organic pest control check out this company pretty cool


Well-Known Member
All life is precious. I don't pray to my plants but the fact they are a living organism is cool. I pray to the Big Guy/Gal with the white robes and thunderbolts. When it's a guy it's charltin heston looking when a gal, Ann B. Davis for sure (maid on the bradey bunch).
Cool link, looks like they are working on it.
Sorry to be a little facetious there (inappropriately humorous) in the first paragraph to all worshipers of Ann B. Davis. But yea, that is why I pay lip service to trying to have an organic lifestyle with my CFL (high wattage) Grow, society and market system that "Runs on energy" as the chairman of the federal reserve has stated, and every aspect (almost) of my life controlled by a consumerist and all consuming human race (which I love, I really do...well most, and what whold I do without Snicker's bars?).

Peace, Love, and I hope we aren't all dead (except the really, really, REALLY, rich people) in a hundred years.
EDIT not that i have anything against rich people, or really, really rich people. When this earth is a chard ball in space they will be the only ones living (we hope).
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Well-Known Member
congrat's you have just discovered the entrance to alice's rabbit hole! I don't pray to my plants....but there are how shall I say...relationships between all living things when they are in contact(and sometimes not in contact!)...everything is made of energy...your thoughts affect energy(just humor me)..have you ever been around someone quietly fuming? how about someone experiencing joy? notice the different "vibe"? maybe not...everyone has a varying degree of sensitivity. there are different parts that make up 'the mind'...subconscious ,conscious, and super conscious. the conscious is your rational waking mind...subconscious deals with survival, and recieves warning signals from the superconscious. the super conscious is rather nebulous on a good day, but the long and short- it's the angel on your shoulder, or the holy spirit or whatever you choose to call's capabilities are currently beyond the scope of science thus far...but telepathic warnings that something happened(or will happen) to a specific loved one, fall under the list of astounding capabilities...I've had numerous warnings of specific threats, sometimes down to the species, up to 20 minutes ahead of time! this is no joke! and I've spent my life sifting through the chaff of para-psych/religions/new age(of which there is no shortage)...telepathic communication( I won't bother you with those episodes),premonitions of things that haven't(apparently)happened yet, energy transfer for medical reasons(again, too long to go into)...for a person who bases his entire philosophy on complete reality taoism...the conundrum of 'time' is frustrating to say the least! the connotations of knowing about something before it happens turns my brain to worse mush than the best upholstry glue!
chi follows thought, blood follows chi...lao tzu
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Well-Known Member
gots ta' have dat mojo!!! (and for all skeptics...yes I am crazy!, and no I don't expect you to believe a word of it!). actually you shouldn't believe anything peroid! I don't believe in faith...and I only believe a small percentage of what I believe. but what I spout is as close to complete reality as I've gotten thus far. as far as parapsych phenomena: only a fool would believe everything he read or heard...and only a fool would dismiss out of hand something of which they have little knowledge at best, based on propaganda and hearsay...examine how countless times religion, or even 'scientific' poobahs and naysayers have run down people, because thier findings,albeit accurate, didn't jibe with the dominant paradigm!


Well-Known Member
Ok, S.C. hillbilly, dig that vibe. i feel much less jaded, not everyone is a stepford citizen.
i do belive my garden is a bit of a sacrament (I do nothing that could be called "charitable", mention this only because I feel guilty about it, espessially after using the word "sacrament"). i don't have a car, making-up karma for being a young fascist, and I bike most of my organic matter to my tiny urban back yard, A dude on a bike, carrying, food, garden supplies, and about 20 lbs of coffee grounds in an affluent car-worshiping area of America (I love being a bottom feeder, really) is seen as pretty exocentric, wouldn't have it any other way.
Did I say something about sacrament, should have written "blessing".
So what was my point here? don't know, I'm stoned, The budda in LB is kicking down the clones soon, have to get the grow cab back up and decibel-ing. Tiered sorry for the rant.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
good posts guys i too have had experiences similar to what hillbilly speaks of i dont even bother trying to explain because it is almost beyond my capabilities mentally to elegently put in to words these experiences. it can make life difficult because i feel sometimes that most people are entirely unaware and asleep and generally numbed and stupified by western society and ideaology hence why cannabis and other hallucinagens are tightly controlled too much thinking by people causes problems for controlling societys and the money oriented people that drive them. has anyone read some of the studies done with rice seeds and negative or positive energy on germination rates very interesting. or those experiments done with water and vibes also interesting most people choose not to think about this kind of thing it seems sad. please post more fun topic i think:peace:


Active Member
Everyone in my area who has tried shrooms believes in good and bad "vibes". As far as the original post goes the worst that can happen if they don't exist is nothing... However, if vibes do exist and are a contributing factor then you benefit. In either situation there is no negative effect though. Thanks for posting this, nice way to get the brain going after waking up.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
cool good stuff. i will probably post in the morning when im fresh from the subconcious it seems im more able to speak from the spirit at that point(sometimes ussually im confused by things the bike helps 50 milles of pedaling is good for the soul it seperates me from the madness) does anyone notice that connectoins or understanding of the truth ebbs and flows from time of year and such? hillbilly youre certainly not crazy. crazy just means your a minoritry in the general pop.:peace:

Well-Known Member
cool good stuff. i will probably post in the morning when im fresh from the subconcious it seems im more able to speak from the spirit at that point(sometimes ussually im confused by things the bike helps 50 milles of pedaling is good for the soul it seperates me from the madness) does anyone notice that connectoins or understanding of the truth ebbs and flows from time of year and such? hillbilly youre certainly not crazy. crazy just means your a minoritry in the general pop.:peace:
yeah..sometimes it comes and goes for no reason... then there are the times when it saved my ass from death , hospital or prison! as far as plants(or any other living thing) go; when you pay attention to someone, you are paying them energy....some people find this addictive(stars). the same goes for healing energy...chi follows the extra energy boosts the being's store, to use as needed. that's the basics of it.