Vice Documentary : Kings of Cannabis

i'll say it again in case they do a part 4, arjan is a giant douche and noting but a used car salesman..

seeing that shit really did make my week, lol, thanks for the shout out potsnob... :D

Thank you! I thought it was funny that where Franco has 15k likes on Facebook, the 'King of Cannabis' only has 2k..

I guess people realize douchebaggery when they see it. Franco seems to have a passion for cannabis unlike Arjan.

I'm not going to waste my time expressing how little I care for Arjan but someone needs to check their ego..
I'm feeling much better. The medicine must be working well. Of course my oncologist just got busted by the FBI for medicare fraud so I don't know if my next appointment will be valid. However it was my regular doctor who told me I had high white blood cell count so I don't think I'm being misdiagnosed though I'm going to check with my doc to be sure.

Wow, the guy gives scum a bad name. Giving chemo/drugs to people that did not need it is some of the worst shit I ever heard of. At least you did not have to deal with him that long. I hope they give him the whole 20 years allowed.