Vicks waterless vaporizer


Active Member
Well this is my second round in my grow cabinet.I have a large 4 foot tall jeweley cabinet like the ones u see at wallmart and stores i converted into a grow box. Air flow and temps are perfect but humidity is low.It idles between -20 and 25%. Ive added bowls off water too no help. I have a humidifer but since its such a confined space im afraid it would damage the cfl's.So i bought a Vicks waterless vaporizer and ran one of the pads till it was dry. Then i i soaked it in water and pluged it in . I will give it a few hrs too see if works I just wnated too know if anyone has tried this? I will get pics soon.My camera is at my gf home. Alny imput is gretaly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it should work to me. When you put the bowls of water in, did they not evaporate?? I would think they should evaporate...laws of physics being what they are and all. Maybe the moisture that did evaporate just got sucked out with the which case the same thing would happen with the "waterless" vaporizer.


Active Member
WOW !!:mrgreen: Ive only had it on for an hour or so an my humidity junped up to 51% !! wow that little guy rocks! too al those who have humidity low % try this it works and the beauty its only $10.00 bucks!


Well-Known Member
thanks for posting this! i've had humidity probs too and for some reason i was thinking vicks too. good to see someone had success, and i'll be sure to buy one.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
i use this too, the problem is my area is too small to just leave it on for awhile. after 5 min the humidity is already up to 55% and then if i turn it off it drops back down to like 25% in another 5 min. hmm :/


Well-Known Member

Where did you buy one for 10 buks... ??

How long does it last without replacing/re-soaking the pad... ??

@ mr j2

It gets its power from an ac outlet yes no... ?? If so you could put it on a timer... I have one that works on 15min intervals... So you could get 15min on and 15min off all day long...

Even though in that 15 minutes of off time you will have about 10min of low humidity you will still have a better average humidity level over the whole day...

mr j2

Well-Known Member
yeah i was thinking of that, im going to get a new timer anyway so ill just use the old one for that. and he probably got it at walmart, i got mine there for cheap

mr j2

Well-Known Member
oh yeah, and on mine at least, you can put a liquid where the vapor comes out that would also be slightly vaporized (like vicks stuff to help when your sick) but i was thinking maybe you could put liquid ONA concentrate stuff there??


Active Member
dudes i need some help . i think i might have killed my seeds by over heating them becouse its been almost 3 weeks since i put them in my moist paper towel i put them on my water heater and been keeping the paper towel moist but there still not germating and have a rotten sent to them


Well-Known Member
What does that have to do with the vicks waterless vaporizer... ??

Yes they are probably toast but this is the wrong thread to be posting about that in... =[


Active Member
Sry been on busy lately or i would have replied sooner.I bought it at wally fo 10.00 bucks abd yes u can put iti on a timer!


Well-Known Member
  • Releases soothing Vicks vapors without water
  • SoftGlow night-light
  • Uses Vicks VapoPads VVP-6; five included
  • Up to 8 hours per pad
  • One-year warranty
8 hours a pad? that sucks so you might be able to stretch one pad a day.... thats gunna get spendy

mr j2

Well-Known Member
i just put water and some salt in mine, what are these pads..?!

  • Releases soothing Vicks vapors without water
  • SoftGlow night-light
  • Uses Vicks VapoPads VVP-6; five included
  • Up to 8 hours per pad
  • One-year warranty
8 hours a pad? that sucks so you might be able to stretch one pad a day.... thats gunna get spendy


Well-Known Member
So how long does the water and salt last... ??

I think the pads are what comes with the vaporizer... wolfenluke said he just used up one pad until it was completely dry then just soaked it in water to get humidity... But for how long till you need to re-soak or refill with water... ??