victims of feminism support thread

It's true. I have a big, sweaty p
Ahhh, yeah...ok. Lol. I didn’t question if he/she was hot or not. Won’t bring me enrichment to “ask around” LOL.

Please just tell us how feminism in the household has hurt you and turned you into the online sexual predator that you are?
I used to wonder if you were a sock that's actually a dude.

I won't tell you exactly how you just gave yourself away, but you did.

I'm gonna let it slip up a few more times first.

I'll just say there has been quite the progression in this characters "arc" and the stars aren't quite aligning correctly anymore.

The standard test has been to take a picture with a sock on it's shoulder. It refuses.
I wouldn't post a pic either though, but I suppose if you're posting pictures of "yourself" anyway it doesn't matter.
I think a woman earning less than a man is meaningless if both are earning shit.

now if a woman wants to work and earn 6 figures letting the man go golfing and fishing all the time that's a deal I can sign on to.

Same with the dude, if the man wants to work, should earn plenty to make a good home, and the woman wants to sit around all day drinking wine and watching gossip shows I'm OK with that too...

first we need to get wages up to where they're supposed to be. then we can talk about everything else.

There's a quote that fits in this thread.

“Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit!”
Same here, it wouldn't stop PMing me so I finally turned my PMs off, first time I ever had to do that since I joined in 2011. It won't respect any borders but we are supposed to leave it alone smh.
Lol. Haha I’ve messaged you twice since I joined lol.

You have to try and involve yourself in everything don’t you?
Yeah I have asked it several times not to PM me.

They keep coming though!

I really like the one where it stated how this website is affecting it in "real life"

Triggered much?:lol:
Please post the evidence of “non stop” pm’s bobby boy. You have my consent:lol:

*in original and unedited form of course