Victory over fascism

the next one to fall should be

Bashar al assad

and he should be tried at the Hague also for crimes against humanity
Russia has a population over 4 times that of Canada, imagine the strain their military is putting on their economy! Cut into Vlad's oil and gas sales with a green new deal for America and Europe and he's pretty well fucked.
Russia Is Not America's Economic Rival: Steve Rattner

Morning Joe economic analyst Steve Rattner joins Morning Joe with charts to discuss why Russia is not America's economic rival and how Russia punches above its weight militarily.
Been re-reading Hannah Arendt. Forgot how relevant it is to today.

“Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.”
― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
their alternate reality is complete and unshakeable already. they literally think cities are destroyed war zones.

like i said, it's too late unless we start slaughtering them en masse.
Been re-reading Hannah Arendt. Forgot how relevant it is to today.

“Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.”
― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

If ya don't mind me asking, what brought ya to this line entirety ......
Looks like the religious lunatics are headed for a schism, a further refinement of the sheep from the goats as the hardcore racists split away. Hate cones first, it always does.

Southern Baptists reject push from the right in election of Ed Litton as president (

Southern Baptists reject push from the right in election of Ed Litton as president

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) rejected a push from the right in a divisive vote on Tuesday, electing a president who has prioritized racial reconciliation and approving a measure that rejects any view of racism as "anything other than sin," AP reports.

Why it matters: Ed Litton, as the new SBC president, will have the power to determine committee appointments, which can set the tone for the country's largest Protestant denomination. The SBC is comprised of 14 million members.

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  • Over 15,000 delegates attended Tuesday's meeting, the SBC's largest gathering in decades, per AP.

The big picture: Litton is a white pastor from Alabama who was nominated by Fred Luter, the only Black pastor to serve as SBC president. Litton narrowly defeated Mike Stone, a Georgia pastor backed by the far right, according to Washington Post.
  • Stone supported a push for the convention to denounce critical race theory, the belief that systemic racism has been baked into legal and other institutions to maintain white power. The measure did not pass on Tuesday.
Worth noting: Delegates also affirmed a 1995 resolution apologizing for "condoning and/or perpetuating individual and systemic racism in our lifetime" as well as the denomination's history of support for slavery, per the AP.

Yes, but: "Several Black pastors have voiced frustration over such debates playing out in the SBC instead of the denomination confronting systemic racism itself," AP writes
their alternate reality is complete and unshakeable already. they literally think cities are destroyed war zones.

like i said, it's too late unless we start slaughtering them en masse.
We really don't have to.

All we need is a bunch of cyanide laced cool aid. You hold an anti vaxxer gathering, tell them the end is nigh and Jesus said drink up.

We just need to be standing by with a fleet of D9's and several hundred metric tons of lime.
If ya don't mind me asking, what brought ya to this line entirety ......
Sorry, I was being a bit cagey with you.

I've been trying to sort out the culture of lies lately from both sides. Those who tell them and those who believe them. Oddly, I can't decide which Trump is. Part both, I guess.

There are a lot of very illuminating ideas in that book. One in particular talks about how "the masses" during particularly stressful times are willing to believe anything and yet nothing at all. They succumb to the most fantastic lies and despite them bring repeatedly proven wrong, it doesn't seem to bother them as they consider everything to be a lie anyway. Rather than being pissed off at their leaders for lying to them, they admire them even more for their shrewd tactical choices.

So, what really drew me to the quote was my firm belief that we are clearly retreading the road to totalitarianism day by day without being aware of it.
Yep, a bunch of traitors who would throw their country under the bus in a heart beat.
Putin Polls Higher Than Biden Among Trump Voters

In new Economist/YouGov polling, Russian President Vladimir Putin polls higher than President Biden among Trump voters.
Yep, a bunch of traitors who would throw their country under the bus in a heart beat.
Putin Polls Higher Than Biden Among Trump Voters

In new Economist/YouGov polling, Russian President Vladimir Putin polls higher than President Biden among Trump voters.
Sorry, I was being a bit cagey with you.

I've been trying to sort out the culture of lies lately from both sides. Those who tell them and those who believe them. Oddly, I can't decide which Trump is. Part both, I guess.

There are a lot of very illuminating ideas in that book. One in particular talks about how "the masses" during particularly stressful times are willing to believe anything and yet nothing at all. They succumb to the most fantastic lies and despite them bring repeatedly proven wrong, it doesn't seem to bother them as they consider everything to be a lie anyway. Rather than being pissed off at their leaders for lying to them, they admire them even more for their shrewd tactical choices.

So, what really drew me to the quote was my firm belief that we are clearly retreading the road to totalitarianism day by day without being aware of it.
What makes me particularly cranky is that we are aware of it. I don't know if I'm watching a plane crash or a near miss. But I know I'm watching a plane going down.