Video Games!!! Reviews on systems and games!


Well-Known Member
I still hold strongly to the belief that the Final Fantasy games are the best video game franchise EVER.

Some favorites, though, are Gitaroo Man (look it up, it's AMAZING), Starcraft and Warcraft (not WoW, never could get into that jazz), Pikmin, SUPER MARIO BROS. 3 (the classic marijuana game), Katamari, and others.

If you want to try something fun, beat Halo 3, put it on Movie mode, roll a couple joints, and relax and watch a wicked science fiction film.


New Member
i'm gonna have to say Xbox is better than the Ps3 for the fact that you can put emulators on the Xbox hard drive. but you do kinda have to hacxor it. but not only that, you can put games on the hard drive. you'd never have to buy games.


also i know i'm kinda late but that game portal is wayyy fun.

When you say emulator do you mean playing other systems games on your xbox? Or do you mean somthing else? Cuz I have windows on my ps3.

Wasn't portal fun. Did you get to have your cake yet?


Well-Known Member
no like you can put super nintendo games on it and nintendo games..even play station games. mine is like that. i never leave my house sometimes because of it. people will be like...what are you doing??? and i'll say...oh i'm playing mario kart 64. and they're still have a N64?? and i'm like....what? it's totally on my Xbox.

i always have my cake.

and i do love assassin's creed. just throwing that one out there.


New Member
Is it just me or in the last level of portal where you scared that something or someone was gonna jump out and scare the fuck out of you. I was shitting my pants that whole last level. Kinda like the begining of Bio shock when there was no way I was stepping out of that elevator. I was very dissapointed with the end of Assassins after doing all that work. I was waiting for the other assassins to come and free me. I really don't feel like waiting two years to see that. I guess I have no choice.


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha. i wasn't really scared. i think because my bro was with me to witness it. he's really the reason why i'm such a game freak.

yes! bio shock . oh my gosh that did kinda scare me...i admit it. but it was such a good game. lots of fun.

and nu uh the ending sucks to assassin ?!?! i haven't finished it yet. i've been all a.d.d. and stuff.


New Member
No I'm sorry the ending does not suck. i'll take that back. It just leaves you wanting so much more. Hope I didn't ruin anything. I just realized that your zig zag package is you. Cool shit!


Well-Known Member
Don't know if anyone has mentioned it or not but Call Of Duty 4 is a great multiplayer game. I haven't played the single player mode yet but the multiplayer is extraordinary.


Well-Known Member
I have seen a few people mention Halo 3 and Gears of War. I hate these games and I will explain why.

1: AutoHeal. (I know COD4 has it but you can turn it off) Why do I hate this you might ask. Because its fucking stupid. You get shot in the head two or three times and you just run around the corner and hide for what 10 sec. How fucking stupid is that come on. When I play a game I am looking for realism and AutoHeal is not real.

2: Bullet Damage. It is so stupid to shoot an entire clip at someone aiming at their head. You get several hit indicators on their head and they don't die. Now you are standing there with an empty gun and nothing but harsh language as a weapon. (I'll get to that later)

3: The Smacktard factor. These are the idiots who like to ruin everyone elses time playing just cause they think its funny. And let's be honest multiplayer is the reason you buy these games.

4: Kids. I was debating as to whether to put this in the smacktard section. What I mean is, if I have to hear another 10 year old call me a motherfucking cocksucker I will blow up the world.


Well-Known Member
silly goose :)

but for realz i love pc games. i played grand theft auto for the first time on a pc. and it was awesome.