Video Games

Oh and I played the beta of Call of Duty: World at War (great game)

Games like Call of Duty make you realise how tough it must be for the marines in Iraq/Afganistan.
i liked call of duty 4 but it was to short (i dont like playing online).gta 4 was good but not great 3 was better.saints row2 was ok something to past time but i really like fight night and tiger woods golf.i need a wii i want to play goofy games when im high now lol i feel retarded on the ps3 sometimes

--Call of duty is a very short single player game but The online play is amazing, I dont suggest buying Call of Duty unless your gunna be playing online.
ive been playing the neverwinter nights 2 expansion pack storm of zehir its pretty fun if you like rpgs not massive online rpgs just old school fun rpgs ;)
im knida waiting for diablo 3 starcraft 2 and red faction: guerrilla
Im sure i sent a reply and in the end i couldnt use it for some country issue i dont know why.
Cheers :hug:

why have i got so many new friends :P ????

hehe... anyway, and it said i was playing online wich is weird, so i am sure someone was using it.

anyway. peace, i dont use xbox anymore.
Anyone looking foward to the new duke nukem game coming out in the summer?? I know I am.

My GirlFriend got me Final Fantasy 7 for Christmas. I told her she wont be seeing me for a few weeks.