Wow! Let me handle your points 1 by 1 so that we don't forget anything with an emotional outburst.
As far as immigrants with AIDS, look what George W Bush is doing right now with
legal immigrants.
The ones that can't walk aren't making it across the border. You seriously can't believe that.
I believe that 7 years is not a bad wait time, but there is no wait time for a Mexican.
Now lets take a look at the statistic of people in this country getting welfare shall we:
TANF families by ethnicity/race, fiscal year 2002
If you'll notice the numbers show that of the people on welfare roles, Whites make up the second largest percentage.
Public school numbers by race show are in excel format spread sheets
here. Once again we show a larger number of White students compared to Hispanic.
As far as mentally disabled persons entering our country,
Reagan closed 90% of the federal mental institutions and put the financial responsibility on the states. Not on social security, and not on any of your hard earned tax dollars.
As far as the mexican workers being to good to wait like you did, there is no wait. There is no legal way for a Mexican who does not have family in the United States to wait! There is no line! There is no Visa! I don't know how many times people have to be told this, but there isn't a way.
Plainly speaking, the farm workers who come to the US illegally, are paid less than minimum wage, they do jobs that most citizens would not do. They pay into a SS system that they will never reap rewards from and are taxd on services that they are afraid to use. I by no means want to open the border to any country, I want a way to bring people in to work legally from all nations, I would like amnesty for anyone who has been here illegally for more than 10 years.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
What happened to this great country, when did this statement change?