*Video: HiLLA Monster Bombs Debate last night


New Member
All you have to do to establish residency is to have a state issued drivers license, and be registered to vote in that state,. Hillary was able to establish residency because they had owned real estate in new york for many years, so she went and got a DL in the state and registered to vote 1 year before the election.

The fair trial would cost our government billions of dollars annually. Not only that, a deterent of death by firing squad isn't a deterant if your family is starving to death in their own country.[/quote]
I think that sums it up! Go Home!


Well-Known Member
All you have to do to establish residency is to have a state issued drivers license, and be registered to vote in that state,. Hillary was able to establish residency because they had owned real estate in new york for many years, so she went and got a DL in the state and registered to vote 1 year before the election.

The fair trial would cost our government billions of dollars annually. Not only that, a deterent of death by firing squad isn't a deterant if your family is starving to death in their own country.[/quote]
I think that sums it up!
Not going to get into it, but I think you all need to look back in your family trees and find where you people came from, because unless you are 100% full blooded indian you have no room to talk!


New Member
Not going to get into it, but I think you all need to look back in your family trees and find where you people came from, because unless you are 100% full blooded indian you have no room to talk!
Old news, old news, that arguement won't fly. Why don't we just invite the whole world to come in then. You could work for 15 cents an hour. BTW, I have a modicum of Indian blood, so you can leave anytime you wish, ~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
Old news, old news, that arguement won't fly. Why don't we just invite the whole world to come in then. You could work for 15 cents an hour. BTW, I have a modicum of Indian blood, so you can leave anytime you wish, ~LOL~.
don't want to leave, but thanks for the offer, so you have a small amount of indian blood, that means 90% of you wouldn't be here if there were strict immigration laws when the europeans were coming because there was famine in Ireland or oppression throughout eastern Europe.

Please explain why your forefathers were so much better and deserve the chance at a better life?

While we are at it, how many anglo labourers do you know? It seems we (the United States) would prefer to give the best paying jobs to legal immigrants who drive down the salaries of doctors engineers and IT professionals. Next time you look through your medical insurance paperwork flip to the doctors list, and check how many anglo names are there.

I'll never have to work for 15 cents an hour, as I have been educated and speak 2 languages fluently.


New Member
don't want to leave, but thanks for the offer, so you have a small amount of indian blood, that means 90% of you wouldn't be here if there were strict immigration laws when the europeans were coming because there was famine in Ireland or oppression throughout eastern Europe.

Please explain why your forefathers were so much better and deserve the chance at a better life?

While we are at it, how many anglo labourers do you know? It seems we (the United States) would prefer to give the best paying jobs to legal immigrants who drive down the salaries of doctors engineers and IT professionals. Next time you look through your medical insurance paperwork flip to the doctors list, and check how many anglo names are there.

I'll never have to work for 15 cents an hour, as I have been educated and speak 2 languages fluently.
Do you understand Fuck off? ~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
Not going to get into it, but I think you all need to look back in your family trees and find where you people came from, because unless you are 100% full blooded indian you have no room to talk!
My father was the most recent citizen of this country in my family tree. He came here for a university scholarship, then got sponsored by a corporation in his field. His work visa was continually renewed because he was an asset to the field. He then got his green card and continued to work for over 7 years until he applied to be a citizen.

My mother's side of the family immigrated just before WWI. They were all processed at Ellis Island. They then relocated to Chicago and worked in the railway and meat packing industries.

I find it laughable that you say "...I think you all need to look back in your family trees and find where you people came from, because unless you are 100% full blooded indian you have no room to talk!":hump:


Well-Known Member
yo fuck this why did they charge us thousands of dollars and make us dance the fuckin jigg for 7 long years before we got our citizenship, fuck them other niggas trying to cut in line, damn racists favoring mexicans what about the rest of us!!! this is discrimination!!!

We need more Hummus up in here son!!!!:hump:

fuck that you let the mexos in for free you gotta let the arabs in for free and the haitions and africans infor free, lets get an ass load of aids up in here so we can teach you fools a lesson:hump: let all you niggas get it

oh yea lets also give the colombian immigrants free pass too and fuck it let the cubans take over some other states too i mean shit miami is basically a forign country now!!

I was in jacksonville fl and i could not find 1 person not 1 fucking person that works at walmart there that could help me find somthin cuz they all dont speak english!!!! what the fuck???, then they wanna look at you funny when you like "do you understand what the fuck i am saying" "who hired you??" then this other fucker comes up and speaks broken english and says i hired her sir. soon those peeps will take over senate and start hiring non english speakers all over the place. then fuck it you should cal it "New Mexico" instead of "America"

and dont get mad when all your shit is shit like in mexico cuz i will have been long gone and moved to mexico so I can get away from all the mexicans.:hump:

eat shit and go fuck yourselves:mrgreen: no offense:mrgreen: you know im just venting sexies:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The get in line arguement is a joke! There is no line. Unless you have a family member in the US (that line is about 10 years long btw) or you are a highly skilled worker that is going to take a job that pays what 100 illegal immigrants make, (that line is only about having enough cash for an immigration lawyer that is going to charge you thousands and thousands of dollars) there is no line.


Well-Known Member

The above photo is unaltered, but beware that there is a subtly Photoshopped version it floating around the web in which her teeth have been slightly enlarged.

These two pictures (which were the original inspiration for this page) are both low-resolution outtakes of photos I took of Hillary at a campaign appearance in Oakland on September 30, 2007. Have you ever taken similar snapshots of Hillary but never used them because they just didn't "look right"? If so, dig them out and send them to me here.



Well-Known Member
The get in line arguement is a joke! There is no line. Unless you have a family member in the US (that line is about 10 years long btw) or you are a highly skilled worker that is going to take a job that pays what 100 illegal immigrants make, (that line is only about having enough cash for an immigration lawyer that is going to charge you thousands and thousands of dollars) there is no line.

dankie your nuts, what about the ones with aids and cant walk surely they cant wait 7 years like i had too and work hard to make it, fuck it lets let the broke ones come here and not make them wait surely they will be too busy putting thier children in our public school and getting SS and welfare. bring all the ones with demensia surely they cant be asked to follow the set proceedure we have worked out to prevent diseased people and people who leach off society to enter? your tellin me mexican workers are just too good or cant be bothered to wait in line like i did??? well well well excuse me, i didnt know they had so much more clout than I.

really dank you should think about what your saying but really i bet you have hispanic heritage so it would suit you just fine if America, became an extension for mexico but for the rest of us it would kinda suck. i cant wait till this country has all the prosperity that mexico does right now, i will prolly be laughing on my deathbed in 30 years when America is and old turd that everyone is trying to polish while all the educated and high paid workers leave because they are tired of all the leaches of society sucking the life out of them and dragging them down. I work hard to provide for my family and i cant even get enough money up to save for my kids college meanwhile the gov take 45% of any commision checks i get to feed and house all you lazy leaches, the ones who think they are entiled to shit when they deserve exactly 0 and the nerve these same people have when they dont think they owe anything to this country and think they have the right to everyone elses hard earned money because they cant blame themselves for thier own inadiqacy, so they say ohhh waaa i grew up in the projects, boo hoo i didnt have a daddy, waaaa i was born in mexico, boo hooo give me that rich assholes money dude. fuck that!! a real man succeds no matter what. you dont see me crying all you will see me do is tryin. fuckin limp wristed lazy bitches!!! , you guys are all worthless slobs. well brother i aint working for you fucks. or any of the disabled uneducated relatives you wanna sneak over here.:hump:



Well-Known Member
don't want to leave, but thanks for the offer, so you have a small amount of indian blood, that means 90% of you wouldn't be here if there were strict immigration laws when the europeans were coming because there was famine in Ireland or oppression throughout eastern Europe.

Please explain why your forefathers were so much better and deserve the chance at a better life?

While we are at it, how many anglo labourers do you know? It seems we (the United States) would prefer to give the best paying jobs to legal immigrants who drive down the salaries of doctors engineers and IT professionals. Next time you look through your medical insurance paperwork flip to the doctors list, and check how many anglo names are there.

I'll never have to work for 15 cents an hour, as I have been educated and speak 2 languages fluently.
Back when that was going on, there was no such thing as public assistance. You either found a way to support yourself or you died. Also, the country wasn't full. Well now we are at the point we can't keep taking all these people in- and then paying for them.


Well-Known Member
dankie your nuts, what about the ones with aids and cant walk surely they cant wait 7 years like i had too and work hard to make it, fuck it lets let the broke ones come here and not make them wait surely they will be too busy putting thier children in our public school and getting SS and welfare. bring all the ones with demensia surely they cant be asked to follow the set proceedure we have worked out to prevent diseased people and people who leach off society to enter? your tellin me mexican workers are just too good or cant be bothered to wait in line like i did??? well well well excuse me, i didnt know they had so much more clout than I.

really dank you should think about what your saying but really i bet you have hispanic heritage so it would suit you just fine if America, became an extension for mexico but for the rest of us it would kinda suck. i cant wait till this country has all the prosperity that mexico does right now, i will prolly be laughing on my deathbed in 30 years when America is and old turd that everyone is trying to polish while all the educated and high paid workers leave because they are tired of all the leaches of society sucking the life out of them and dragging them down. I work hard to provide for my family and i cant even get enough money up to save for my kids college meanwhile the gov take 45% of any commision checks i get to feed and house all you lazy leaches, the ones who think they are entiled to shit when they deserve exactly 0 and the nerve these same people have when they dont think they owe anything to this country and think they have the right to everyone elses hard earned money because they cant blame themselves for thier own inadiqacy, so they say ohhh waaa i grew up in the projects, boo hoo i didnt have a daddy, waaaa i was born in mexico, boo hooo give me that rich assholes money dude. fuck that!! a real man succeds no matter what. you dont see me crying all you will see me do is tryin. fuckin limp wristed lazy bitches!!! , you guys are all worthless slobs. well brother i aint working for you fucks. or any of the disabled uneducated relatives you wanna sneak over here.:hump:
Wow! Let me handle your points 1 by 1 so that we don't forget anything with an emotional outburst.

As far as immigrants with AIDS, look what George W Bush is doing right now with legal immigrants.

The ones that can't walk aren't making it across the border. You seriously can't believe that.

I believe that 7 years is not a bad wait time, but there is no wait time for a Mexican.

Now lets take a look at the statistic of people in this country getting welfare shall we:
TANF families by ethnicity/race, fiscal year 2002
If you'll notice the numbers show that of the people on welfare roles, Whites make up the second largest percentage.

Public school numbers by race show are in excel format spread sheets here. Once again we show a larger number of White students compared to Hispanic.

As far as mentally disabled persons entering our country, Reagan closed 90% of the federal mental institutions and put the financial responsibility on the states. Not on social security, and not on any of your hard earned tax dollars.

As far as the mexican workers being to good to wait like you did, there is no wait. There is no legal way for a Mexican who does not have family in the United States to wait! There is no line! There is no Visa! I don't know how many times people have to be told this, but there isn't a way.

Plainly speaking, the farm workers who come to the US illegally, are paid less than minimum wage, they do jobs that most citizens would not do. They pay into a SS system that they will never reap rewards from and are taxd on services that they are afraid to use. I by no means want to open the border to any country, I want a way to bring people in to work legally from all nations, I would like amnesty for anyone who has been here illegally for more than 10 years.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

What happened to this great country, when did this statement change?

As far as the second paragraph, You may not like hispanics, you may not like blacks, in fact you may not like persians or chinese, but this is a melting pot deal with it.


Well-Known Member
The country is far from full there are vast areas of open land in the midwest and the north.

Social security started in 1935 since that time there have been 4 million immigrants.

Someone might want to change the inscription on the statue of liberty or just tear down the relic of a past that shouldn't exist in our current socio-economic times.


Well-Known Member
Wow! Let me handle your points 1 by 1 so that we don't forget anything with an emotional outburst.

As far as immigrants with AIDS, look what George W Bush is doing right now with legal immigrants.

The ones that can't walk aren't making it across the border. You seriously can't believe that.

I believe that 7 years is not a bad wait time, but there is no wait time for a Mexican.

Now lets take a look at the statistic of people in this country getting welfare shall we:
TANF families by ethnicity/race, fiscal year 2002
If you'll notice the numbers show that of the people on welfare roles, Whites make up the second largest percentage.

Public school numbers by race show are in excel format spread sheets here. Once again we show a larger number of White students compared to Hispanic.

As far as mentally disabled persons entering our country, Reagan closed 90% of the federal mental institutions and put the financial responsibility on the states. Not on social security, and not on any of your hard earned tax dollars.

As far as the mexican workers being to good to wait like you did, there is no wait. There is no legal way for a Mexican who does not have family in the United States to wait! There is no line! There is no Visa! I don't know how many times people have to be told this, but there isn't a way.

Plainly speaking, the farm workers who come to the US illegally, are paid less than minimum wage, they do jobs that most citizens would not do. They pay into a SS system that they will never reap rewards from and are taxd on services that they are afraid to use. I by no means want to open the border to any country, I want a way to bring people in to work legally from all nations, I would like amnesty for anyone who has been here illegally for more than 10 years.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

What happened to this great country, when did this statement change?

my friend it did not change, we had all these rules in place back then too

as far as the US citezen on welfar chart you submit, as you can see the chart shows the third largest block to be hispanic, so we already have a problem with people on welfare and you wanna add a shitload of mexicans to it?? how does that chart help you at all? so if blacks and whites are the highest that means we should throw some illgals in there just incase i wasnt being taxed enough??

you say there is not a legal way for a mexican to come here but you are wrong, there are many ways and they are all the same ways all of us "other" immigrants get here. I.E. marry an ammerican , being sponsered by an american, however ways all the other immagrents do it legally from all over the world is also available for for mexican nationals too!!! what are they some stupid people who dont know how to follow procedural guidlines like the rest of the nations on earth?? so theres another point you are incorrect about.

now regardin public schools. once again, public schools are for us citizens not people who come here illigally. stop trying to make me pay for that!!

now and lastly, as far as people who just want to come to work, and or claim that atleast, well let them get a workers visa and come here legally to work like any other foreign national who does businees here.

the only ones i feel sorry for are the kids of these irresponsible illigals that only know america as thier home. those kids are gonna get so screwed

and sorry if i got emotinal we all freinds here:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
As far as the second paragraph, You may not like hispanics, you may not like blacks, in fact you may not like persians or chinese, but this is a melting pot deal with it.

dude are you sick or somthin?? im not white I am an immigrant myself, and you tellin about a melting pot!!!!!!! and now you suggesting i hate peoples races?? why are you trying to suggest i dont like hispanics and blacks? is there somthing i said that made you believe this or is that just your way to deflect my argument which cannot be deflected intilectually?:hump:


Well-Known Member
The country is far from full there are vast areas of open land in the midwest and the north.

Social security started in 1935 since that time there have been 4 million immigrants.

Someone might want to change the inscription on the statue of liberty or just tear down the relic of a past that shouldn't exist in our current socio-economic times.

ok 4 million immagrant plus like 50 million illigals mexicans who have turned every phone call i make into which language do you wanna speak, well since i signed up to be an american i want to speak english. if I wanted to immigrate to mexico for all its prosparity i would be happy to speak spanish.

lets not forget, mexico never spoke spanish, it was the influence of spain that destroyed mexicos real heritage. and now the spanish speaking mexicans are going to destroy americas heritage from turning it from a melting pot of immagrants from all nations of earth to a nation filled mostly with spaish speaking mexicans. just like mexico became spanish. fuck man just forget it.


Well-Known Member
dude are you sick or somthin?? im not white I am an immigrant myself, and you tellin about a melting pot!!!!!!! and now you suggesting i hate peoples races?? why are you trying to suggest i dont like hispanics and blacks? is there somthing i said that made you believe this or is that just your way to deflect my argument which cannot be deflected intilectually?:hump:
I believe that anyone can be racist, and your choice of epitaphs seemed to confirm your views on anyone that wasn’t like you or who you accept as being equal to you.

pandabear said:
fuck them other niggas trying to cut in line

pandabear said:
fuck that you let the mexos in

I hope you can understand my confusion, and I would never call you a racist.


Well-Known Member
ok 4 million immagrant plus like 50 million illigals mexicans who have turned every phone call i make into which language do you wanna speak, well since i signed up to be an american i want to speak english. if I wanted to immigrate to mexico for all its prosparity i would be happy to speak spanish.

lets not forget, mexico never spoke spanish, it was the influence of spain that destroyed mexicos real heritage. and now the spanish speaking mexicans are going to destroy americas heritage from turning it from a melting pot of immagrants from all nations of earth to a nation filled mostly with spaish speaking mexicans. just like mexico became spanish. fuck man just forget it.
There was no official language in the United States until 2003 when GWB in an election year tried to get the patriotic vote. If you would like there are government documents in all languages, even your native tongue.

Can you blame businesses for trying to help the largest and richest group of immigrants to ever grace these shores? Please don't forget that more people in the world speak spanish than english.


New Member
dankie your nuts, what about the ones with aids and cant walk surely they cant wait 7 years like i had too and work hard to make it, fuck it lets let the broke ones come here and not make them wait surely they will be too busy putting thier children in our public school and getting SS and welfare. bring all the ones with demensia surely they cant be asked to follow the set proceedure we have worked out to prevent diseased people and people who leach off society to enter? your tellin me mexican workers are just too good or cant be bothered to wait in line like i did??? well well well excuse me, i didnt know they had so much more clout than I.

really dank you should think about what your saying but really i bet you have hispanic heritage so it would suit you just fine if America, became an extension for mexico but for the rest of us it would kinda suck. i cant wait till this country has all the prosperity that mexico does right now, i will prolly be laughing on my deathbed in 30 years when America is and old turd that everyone is trying to polish while all the educated and high paid workers leave because they are tired of all the leaches of society sucking the life out of them and dragging them down. I work hard to provide for my family and i cant even get enough money up to save for my kids college meanwhile the gov take 45% of any commision checks i get to feed and house all you lazy leaches, the ones who think they are entiled to shit when they deserve exactly 0 and the nerve these same people have when they dont think they owe anything to this country and think they have the right to everyone elses hard earned money because they cant blame themselves for thier own inadiqacy, so they say ohhh waaa i grew up in the projects, boo hoo i didnt have a daddy, waaaa i was born in mexico, boo hooo give me that rich assholes money dude. fuck that!! a real man succeds no matter what. you dont see me crying all you will see me do is tryin. fuckin limp wristed lazy bitches!!! , you guys are all worthless slobs. well brother i aint working for you fucks. or any of the disabled uneducated relatives you wanna sneak over here.:hump:
You sir are an uneducated asshole. I would gladly see you move to a foriegn country. Maybe they have one for assholes like you, oh did I forget to put opinionated in front of asshole, let me refresh that. You are an opinionated asshole. I wish you had to work 80 hrs a week to support me. I am retired and don't have to work, just keep on working and bitching, seems to suit you.