I hardly believe that someone elses bad actions justify your own, 1 murder does not make another one right, nor do 100,000 murders make 1 right.
Something that a lot of US Americans don't seem to think about is that our brothers and sisters in Canada, Mexico and South America are ALL Americans as well, but we seem to be the only that refer to ourselves *exclusively* as "Americans". I am American and I am proud to share this wonderful landmass with such diverse culture, but the US of which I am a citizen is a very SMALL portion of America, with such a BIG ego...
What happened to the ideas of LOVE and RESPECT for ALL life?! War is An answer, but it's a childish one and it's prevalence is only evidence that we humans have a LONG way to go if we ever hope to advance or evolve as a species.
Now lets all burn one and pray for the souls of those mercs