Video of Blackwater Contractors Driving Over Iraqi Woman


Well-Known Member
No that would be you douchebag.....
did you watch the video? the only douchebags are the faggots driving that hummer. i don't give a fuck why they're there what their fighting for or who they think they are saving. They are dicks, i also don't give a fuck if you served in iraq or not, if you want to put blame on that women who was hit then I will call you a retard...............your a retard.


Well-Known Member
Well first off Blackwater doesnt drive hummers. The armed forces doesnt supply them to everyone over there. The hummer was driven by armed forces. Cross walks are you kidding me. That women wasnt the only person ran over that day I promise you. Not by any means saying it was right. No person should lose there life this way.


Well-Known Member
this is horrible, i cant believe our country endorses these people. another reason we're looked at as ignorant and rude as an entire people, its almost a shame to call yourself an american these days.
They don't just endorse it, they finance it... :)


Well-Known Member
this is horrible, i cant believe our country endorses these people. another reason we're looked at as ignorant and rude as an entire people, its almost a shame to call yourself an american these days.
I'm NEVER ashamed to be called an American. War is Hell and shit like that happens during war times. I'm not sayin its OK. But it does happen.

When Saddam was in power he killed 100,000's of people. Mass Graves.


Well-Known Member
true, they shouldnt teach these guys to go in there and act arrogant towards people, theyre in a foreign country and the least they can do is give a little respect. maybe that lady that got ran over knew some mean people in taliban and could have got them in deep shit, they dont know who they're dealing with. and im not ashamed to be an american, just ashamed we're in the same classification as these savage dickheads. and hakkerin, isnt financing a way to endorse something, except with money right?


I hardly believe that someone elses bad actions justify your own, 1 murder does not make another one right, nor do 100,000 murders make 1 right.
Something that a lot of US Americans don't seem to think about is that our brothers and sisters in Canada, Mexico and South America are ALL Americans as well, but we seem to be the only that refer to ourselves *exclusively* as "Americans". I am American and I am proud to share this wonderful landmass with such diverse culture, but the US of which I am a citizen is a very SMALL portion of America, with such a BIG ego...

What happened to the ideas of LOVE and RESPECT for ALL life?! War is An answer, but it's a childish one and it's prevalence is only evidence that we humans have a LONG way to go if we ever hope to advance or evolve as a species.

Now lets all burn one and pray for the souls of those mercs :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I hardly believe that someone elses bad actions justify your own, 1 murder does not make another one right, nor do 100,000 murders make 1 right.
Something that a lot of US Americans don't seem to think about is that our brothers and sisters in Canada, Mexico and South America are ALL Americans as well, but we seem to be the only that refer to ourselves *exclusively* as "Americans". I am American and I am proud to share this wonderful landmass with such diverse culture, but the US of which I am a citizen is a very SMALL portion of America, with such a BIG ego...

What happened to the ideas of LOVE and RESPECT for ALL life?! War is An answer, but it's a childish one and it's prevalence is only evidence that we humans have a LONG way to go if we ever hope to advance or evolve as a species.

Now lets all burn one and pray for the souls of those mercs :bigjoint:
thats pretty agreeable, all races have committed atrocities but this is just unprofessional to go in there and say "fuck are you lookin at" to civilians, and trying to be a hardass cause your carrying a gun. anyone can carry a gun, but why take the life of an innocent person. thats a waste of lead. and theres no point in praying, if there was a god these things wouldnt happen.
those guys didnt sound like they were from the uk either, just sounded like some assholes.


Active Member
What do you guys think if lets say for example this woman's children joined the insurgents and killed American troops? Also they have no rights to be there whether US troops or Mercenaries the only reason the US is there is to steal oil so to be honest any foreigner stepping foot in Iraq to steal THEIR resources deserve any punishment by the Iraqis.


Active Member
What this doesn't mention is the Bwater contractors that got hung from a fking bridge. Or the Bwater contractors that got beheaded.
Im sure Iraqi's returned the favor and just kept on driving, wondering what the weather will bring tomorrow. Let's not forget who stuck who's nose in who's business.

Please don't think that America have some divine job to rid this world of "evil" people. Nazi storm troopers coined the phrase " just doing our jobs". They believed all jews to be evil.

Personally, I think all these war's is the result of one main issue that Americans don't have the capacity to do. Mind your own affairs, and yours only. Maybe if they did that, they would not average a war every ten years, which to remind us all, is the highest in the world. Along with the US Prison Population :) Kinda hard to be the "freest" country in the world with that fact.


Well-Known Member
I have never been in the military but one of my friends who went over there said that some of our soldiers would fire on civilians not necessarily to hit them but just to scare the shit out of them. The report to the CO was always we thought they pointed a gun at us.


Well-Known Member
Upload the video where blackwater is driving through the city shooting peoples tires out because they failed to stop. that is hilarious & he is a good shot.


Well-Known Member
watch from 2:35.



Well-Known Member

I didn't work around Blackwater elements, however, to my knowledge, the only folks that rolled in U.S. HMMWV's were either U.S. forces, or Iraqi forces, and the Iraqi vehicles were marked accordingly. I don't think these dudes were Blackwater, however, the black SUV's could very well have been.

The second vid was dated 2006.

That was a rough year, and so was 2007.

It's pretty easy to criticize not knowing the history of the area, or the route. It's also pretty easy to criticize if you haven't had 200LBS of home made explosive detonate on your vehicle, or the vehicle of your mates.

How many of you have been targeted by an explosively formed projectile while driving to or from work? What about a 155MM HE round? How about a VBIED?

Methinks you may have a different opinion of what you see if you were detonated on while driving to or from your job on a weekly basis. Or if you faced a teenage girl with a back-pack filled with an AP charge.

Sorry lads, but armed conflict is a very, very ugly thing.

If you haven't had to see it, be thankful.


Well-Known Member

I didn't work around Blackwater elements, however, to my knowledge, the only folks that rolled in U.S. HMMWV's were either U.S. forces, or Iraqi forces, and the Iraqi vehicles were marked accordingly. I don't think these dudes were Blackwater, however, the black SUV's could very well have been.

The second vid was dated 2006.

That was a rough year, and so was 2007.

It's pretty easy to criticize not knowing the history of the area, or the route. It's also pretty easy to criticize if you haven't had 200LBS of home made explosive detonate on your vehicle, or the vehicle of your mates.

How many of you have been targeted by an explosively formed projectile while driving to or from work? What about a 155MM HE round? How about a VBIED?

Methinks you may have a different opinion of what you see if you were detonated on while driving to or from your job on a weekly basis. Or if you faced a teenage girl with a back-pack filled with an AP charge.

Sorry lads, but armed conflict is a very, very ugly thing.

If you haven't had to see it, be thankful.
/yawn oh you poor thing, I bet you had to walk to school barefoot in the snow too, up hill both ways...


Well-Known Member
/yawn oh you poor thing, I bet you had to walk to school barefoot in the snow too, up hill both ways...

We had busses.

However, we stopped riding when we saved enough cash from our paper routes to buy our bad-ass BMX bikes. Then we rolled on those.

4th grade babes LOVE BMX bikes.

The Growery

Active Member

I didn't work around Blackwater elements, however, to my knowledge, the only folks that rolled in U.S. HMMWV's were either U.S. forces, or Iraqi forces, and the Iraqi vehicles were marked accordingly. I don't think these dudes were Blackwater, however, the black SUV's could very well have been.

The second vid was dated 2006.

That was a rough year, and so was 2007.

It's pretty easy to criticize not knowing the history of the area, or the route. It's also pretty easy to criticize if you haven't had 200LBS of home made explosive detonate on your vehicle, or the vehicle of your mates.

How many of you have been targeted by an explosively formed projectile while driving to or from work? What about a 155MM HE round? How about a VBIED?

Methinks you may have a different opinion of what you see if you were detonated on while driving to or from your job on a weekly basis. Or if you faced a teenage girl with a back-pack filled with an AP charge.

Sorry lads, but armed conflict is a very, very ugly thing.

If you haven't had to see it, be thankful.
by the way you worded your response I will assume you were in the armed forces and in iraq at some point, I was as well. i'm sure you lost some friends over there, even witness your freinds getting shot and blown up... like I did. Don't you question the whole validity of our presence over there? things like this shouldn't even be happening! it is TOTALLY unjustifiable!

sadly, most of the troops don't consider the reason we are even there, all they see are their friends getting killed and so they want to get revenge which usually means innocents being killed.

some of the guys lose their minds and something snaps in them and they start saying things like "well she shouldn't have been there" - are you fucking out of your mind? WE should not be there! dont be a hypocrite and say shit like this, it makes you look incredibly naive.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
convoys cant stop for anything, so you cant blame the dude for the hit n run

as for the shootings, so what? the only reason US troops dont do that all that often is rules, PMC dotn really have any so why follow someone elses?

here Raw, this is my fav to lol, the music couldnt have been better "Train Train" lol


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
What this doesn't mention is the Bwater contractors that got hung from a fking bridge. Or the Bwater contractors that got beheaded.
If foreign men with guns were in your house, raping and intimidating how would you feel?