Video of Progress.....I


Well-Known Member
Hey dude sweet light for a first grow, i seen people use that light before and its quite good.

Just saw pics of your plants above as well and one thing id say is move the lights higher, way too close for your plants. With that 150hps id say start it at exactly 30cm/12inches above the plant tops with all your fans blowing on and between it and the plants, dont think that tables gona be tall enough and the heat it gives out needs removing too.

All in all thats a sweet light, as 500watt envirolite cfl is eqivelant to 250watts hps id say thats equivelant to a single 250watt cfl and will do the job. Metal halide or MH would have been better for the veg period but Hps will work just the same.

So you got the light and plants, you need 30cm clearence from the tips of the plants to the lights and 100% need to keep the whole grow and light cool, below 25degrees celcius. Right about now that wardrobe behind you is looking a sweet spot to hang your light and get a decent clearence above the plants and put some fans in at the back as well as ditching those small cfls.

Please make sure the wiring and plugs are safe, that light should plug straight into the wall, forego the timer and manually switch on and off. Normal store bought timers have a low induction ampage even though they say 13amps or whatever their initial induction is low and normally around 1 to 2 amps 3 at max which means since your light has a high initial induction ampage it stands a good chance of shorting the timer, straigh plugged into the wall is by far the safest option although i think that 150watt hps lights initial induction ammps is low enough for a normal storebought timer i personally wouldnt risk it plus dont let clothes or anything like eletrical leads be close to the bulb or unit, things can catch fire with grow lights if not carefull, normal fire precautions ensure a safe growing area. Peace


Well-Known Member
here u go another laugh at me , this is 3rd prt of my video update. please keep in mind i have not addressed my lack in using co2, and 0xygen's role in development of plants. there is so much i did wrong, but it's the mistakes i use as an opportunity to get better as a grower.

ok time to laugh, i suggest u smoke 1st. LOL-

all info. is appreciated thanx ...............joey
Decent ventilation and fans is all the Co2 and oxygen your plants will ever need, do not try to change Co2 and oxygen levels just work towards having good ventilation, fans and plaenty of fresh air. Peace


Active Member
well here u go.....don't get ur hopes up....again i stress progress not perfection. here is when my hps arrived~~~i acted like a little kid.
First of all... sorry to hear about your mom I hope all is well.

I like your videos man, keep making them. It's fun to watch and think back to when I felt like that... like a kid at christmas, lol. My light didn't come in a nice fancy box though ;) I'm really happy for you, I can't wait to see what you grow with it!!!


New Member
ok ppl. here is prt 4 of my ,i guess, video stoned btw....lemon haze (smelled like lemon pledge) i oreo it LIKE AN OREO COOKIE= lay down vanilla blut wrap pour nugs in rollup, place underneath another vanilla blunt wrap and repeat= FATTY-BIG-DADDY:bigjoint::blsmoke:
its like an inside-out pizza; a double joint in a joiny=t- im high as shit! LOL:weed:
i got my seeds: Blue_Himalaya_1.jpgAfghan_Kush_1.jpg 1. AFGHAN KUSH fem. and 1. BLUE HIMELAYA autoflower. it came as a gift inside a cd case~~LOL. labled of course. fuck it's all in the video.
it's a small 2prt vid.




New Member
thanx Konagirl....its my 1st time and i used MG, which did alot of stunting. but i learned alot for my 2nd grow. thanx again about re-potting.


Active Member
Great job joey, they look happier already!! Thanks for sharing, I enjoy your videos.

Keep in mind, when you have a plant that low in a will have to make sure there is good air circulation so it doesn't get stagnant and mold. You could probably even just cut down the walls instead of repotting at this point....give the container a chop-down :-)

I was talking about your seedling....


New Member
thanx u all! momma thanx i will def. put in smaller pot...i have 1, i was being a knucle-head.

and if u saw the other vids or pix u can see the 1 that was droopy. thanx again.

DOC......ya things are looking up. im also planning~ just as supplementary light LED PANELled b-r-w light dioodes at 900.jpgthis 1 is 90 watt w/ white/blue/and red.

led 45watt b-r diodes.jpgthis is a dual blue/red 45watt. i might get this one. either that or 250watt daul MH&HPS. but i want to try the led; the quality, and it wouldn't hurt. i think it would really compliment it. it would be the TRI-FECTA! cfl+hid+led. plasma ...well im not spending $2,500 yet for something that puts out less lumen per watt. but the quality is great bar none.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you might have either a cal-mag def. or a lack of nitro, cant exactly tell from the video. But that's probably why the bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow and crumble up an shit. Normally if you have decent soil you can just cut those basterds off and the plant will grow quicker actually. When the plant starts to yellow on certain leaves depending on how far it is, sometimes its better to just cut it off. Reason being is that it will take the plant longer to recover that one leaf rather then other more important parts of the plant. Also it will have a lot less stressful time recooping from nute burn or under feedings. I've done a couple soil grows their really simple, as long as you keep it simple.
Also on a side note. Sometimes spending 2500$ in equipment is a better choice. Especially when you compare nugs from a LED light, to a HPS, to a MH grown. It gets crazier when you realize that there the same strain just different lights. I've done enough research to realize why people use the lights they do, and why people are still not sold on these LED lights. It's because of the results that they are getting.


New Member
Looks like you might have either a cal-mag def. or a lack of nitro, cant exactly tell from the video. But that's probably why the bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow and crumble up an shit. Normally if you have decent soil you can just cut those basterds off and the plant will grow quicker actually. When the plant starts to yellow on certain leaves depending on how far it is, sometimes its better to just cut it off. Reason being is that it will take the plant longer to recover that one leaf rather then other more important parts of the plant. Also it will have a lot less stressful time recooping from nute burn or under feedings. I've done a couple soil grows their really simple, as long as you keep it simple.
Also on a side note. Sometimes spending 2500$ in equipment is a better choice. Especially when you compare nugs from a LED light, to a HPS, to a MH grown. It gets crazier when you realize that there the same strain just different lights. I've done enough research to realize why people use the lights they do, and why people are still not sold on these LED lights. It's because of the results that they are getting.

THANX M.J. , the yellow u see actually got better before i rpotted it. but like u said it was droppy and yellow and must of took alot of energy to make it recover a little. THERE WERE 3 OR 4 FAN-LEAVES BELOW THAT but they fell off. i started w/ MG...which i'll never use again! b/c of time-released nutes. but if u look @ the plant now...from above its a nice healthy green.
so is the other plant but its growing slowly.....these plants been thru alot!. THE LED i like quality vs. quainity. yes u get more lumen per watt output the w/ led or cfl. but i would use it as a supplement and i think it would do good!


Well-Known Member
Yeah next time spend about 15$ on some soil called fox farm ocean forest. You'll get about 5 gallons or so, but you can just give it straight water for the entire veg cycle if your doing it indoors, and if your lucky you'll be able to use water threw part of the flower cycle too before having to add nutes. Miricle grow is always a no go, one of my first rookie mistakes too. It grows really good and everything, just not good for flowring. My friend's parents still use it and love it. But the quality of the weed is still shit, and their growing kush, maybe thats just my opinion. lol. Anywho, if you got any questions about nutes, lights, whatever feel free to ask. Also you should swing by my thread and check out what 2500$ worth of equipment can get you. lol.
Also it's not always about the lumens that your putting out, but the spectrum of the led's putting off. Right now my 1000's put off probably close to 135 to 140,000 lumens per bulb. Since their about 2 months old they start to loose a little strength. But at first its in the 145,000 range, for the amount of lumens output. Also the same bulb produces orange, red, blue, and green spectrums. Which is more then what an LED will produce.


New Member
Yeah next time spend about 15$ on some soil called fox farm ocean forest. You'll get about 5 gallons or so, but you can just give it straight water for the entire veg cycle if your doing it indoors, and if your lucky you'll be able to use water threw part of the flower cycle too before having to add nutes. Miricle grow is always a no go, one of my first rookie mistakes too. It grows really good and everything, just not good for flowring. My friend's parents still use it and love it. But the quality of the weed is still shit, and their growing kush, maybe thats just my opinion. lol. Anywho, if you got any questions about nutes, lights, whatever feel free to ask. Also you should swing by my thread and check out what 2500$ worth of equipment can get you. lol.
Also it's not always about the lumens that your putting out, but the spectrum of the led's putting off. Right now my 1000's put off probably close to 135 to 140,000 lumens per bulb. Since their about 2 months old they start to loose a little strength. But at first its in the 145,000 range, for the amount of lumens output. Also the same bulb produces orange, red, blue, and green spectrums. Which is more then what an LED will produce.
no fox farm 4 sure next time BUT U know what i was reading HT and saw an ad for a pro-grow mix= specifically for MARIJUANA...CALLED :'M3 OR MEDICAL MARIJUANA MIX" W/ A 15-33-38.
15lb bag $35usd. all natural and organic. click here} i might try it. {
thanx M.J for ur advice, help, and the offer of support- it won't go unnoticed. try this thread out { its a place where alot of good, helpful, and knowledgable ppl. are and u can just chill and smoke and joke. its my smoking room. a good guy he's there as well as mommapug, dr. amber, smoochie, Ocalli, IZOC, WIIMB, KONAGIRL and sooooo many others. give it a go man- jump in. thanx wishes .......joey


New Member
mornin' song to get motivated= my fav. stones song= [video=youtube;WJDnJ0vXUgw][/video]