Vietnam Vet needs help with Outdoor Afghan Skunk Problem--please help!


Well-Known Member
If you don't have big buds yet, I would foliar feed with a balanced water soluble food. Full strength.

The next day I would hit it with epsom salts foliar spray (1bsp pr gal)...mix the dolomite lime into the soil as mentioned above.
Good Luck.


I think I will try a few of all your ideas! I'll give her some dolomite and epsom salt and hit her with some anti-fungus neem spray to work on the fungus problem!
Thanks again for all those ideas!!
Just a final question about how much lime and epsom salt would I use? This girl is in the ground in a whole I prepared last winter with dolomite and poured in Miracle Grow soil and osmocote in mid- April. The whole is probably about a 7 gal. size.
Any suggestions???
I'm going out to her tomorrow ( if the weather holds!)
about 7gal hole??? so its bout 1-2tablespoons per gal soil.. so I would do 10-14 tablespoons I would bring (if u can) 3 gallons of water (in like empty milk gallons or whatever) and mix the ferts, epsomsalts (1 teaspoon per gallon water), lime, and ph it all together.. then water them.. just mix, water them, mix water, mix water.... cuz the lime trys to settle to the bottom of the water... BUT DOING it this way works allot faster then top dressing.. I wouldn't waste time with the fungas neem spray.. if it was fungas then why is it only at the bottom?? think bout it?? you said u had allot of rain?? well all the rain washed all the nutes, lime out of the soil... good luck man!!! I know this will help..


If you don't have big buds yet, I would foliar feed with a balanced water soluble food. Full strength.

The next day I would hit it with epsom salts foliar spray (1bsp pr gal)...mix the dolomite lime into the soil as mentioned above.
Good Luck.
Foliar feeding is also a good idea!! gets to the plant real fast!! you can feed the nutes,emson by spraying it on and do the lime the way I told u... will work good that way.. either way will work


Well-Known Member
I love how every problem on this board is attributed to pH and people even go as far as to demean other peoples' opinions that differ from that. How dare you tell the board to shut up and only listen to your opinion(Buddha), just state your fucking case and get on with it..anyway.

I doubt its a pH problem considering these plants are growing in the ground. Its not like the pH of the Earth just suddenly shifted and caused now it needs to be corrected. Now, your plants that were in containers and outdoors are a completely different thing. You could easily fuck up the pH of a container plant inside or outside. If this plant has grown to 6' tall stuck in the earth than its not all a sudden a pH problem. The color and pattern, to me, suggests the beginings of mold from all the moisture you are experiencing. This is just my opinion and I RESPECT the guesses of everyone else in this convo, afterall we can only make educated guesses without being able to see the whole plant ourselves..