My problem was my parents had them stored in the attic for a lot of years before I ran across them again. Still in the cut off plastic water bag that I used as a pouch in "Nam. Use to get our water thrown out the door of the helo in rubbery bags, one inside the other, to withstand the drop when they couldn't land. I will take a handful & try again . . . Like you said, can't hurt to try.
A partial reprint of a High Times article. I cannot find the entire article anymore.


A Pot Crop Lives Now

by Dr. Dalat
august 2005


The story of a war-veteran helicopter pilot who never got higher than when he smoked the fabled Vietnamese strains while “in country.” Decades later, he seeks out these same plants to grow for himself at home and to smoke through his retirement.

Story & photos by Dr. Dalat

Thirty-two years ago, I was a 20-year-old fresh-faced and very naive young man sent to Southeast Asia by the US government—caught up, like so many of my generation, in the wide, sweeping net of the final military draft of the last century and sent to fight the war in Vietnam. As a helicopter pilot, I flew all over the central highlands of that country, circa 1969-71, and experienced much of the worst that man has to offer his fellow man, but also plenty of the best. One of my most remarkable memories was discovering a plantation of 30-foot-tall cannabis sativa trees in a very isolated province called Dalat.

Dalat at that time was way off the beaten path. Nestled between two mountain ranges at an altitude of around 4,500 feet and really only accessible from the air (I had a distinct advantage because of my air mobility), the region was rumored amongst the grunts to be the birthplace of Ho Chi Minh, North Vietnam’s spiritual and political leader, and therefore off limits to the enemy Viet Cong. The truth of the matter was, of course, quite different. In reality, the VC used Dalat for R&R (rest and relaxation) for their troops and therefore, quite wisely, refrained from initiating any action in and around the province. In effect, both sides considered it an unofficial “no-fire zone.”

While on one of my many fly-ins to Dalat City, I met the owner of the cannabis plantation—a wonderful older French gentleman who was always more than kind when it came to sharing his bounty. For our part, those of us in the helicopter crews kept him well stocked with much-needed and hard-to-get staples and supplies that we would scavenge from the various US base mess halls and supply depots that we visited regularly.

The best of the sativas came from the highland areas of Vietnam, places like Ban Me Thuot and Pleiku, and were similar to the highland Thai sativas in almost all respects. The very best of all were grown in the province of Dalat—cultivated for centuries by the indigenous tribes of mountain people known as Montagnards (although in their language, they refer to themselves as “Human Beings”), these crops produced without a doubt the most remarkable and mind-expanding herb I’ve ever experienced.

Keep in mind that the Montagnard people are an ancient culture, with no real written record—only stories passed down from generation to generation. I recall most vividly sitting amongst the tribal chieftains and listening to them chant stories about “the beginnings of time” and how cannabis had been with them forever to guide them on their spiritual journey of pantheism. They have two words in their language for cannabis. The first translates loosely as “Path to the Gods.” The second is used only if you smoke too much of this fine herb, and it describes the state of mind of someone who has done just that. It translates simply as “The Mind of God.”

For many of us who served the “Masters of War” in those days, Vietnamese pot became our path to sanity, our lifeline. It was a simple yet very effective way of maintaining peace of mind amidst the chaos of the conflict—an escape from the horrendous reality of our daily lives. From 1964 to 1974, thousands of US soldiers came home from the war carrying as much of this “boo” with them as possible—introducing the exotic smokes of Southeast Asia to the world at large, the seeds of which would provide the main genetic building blocks for many modern strains of cannabis. Ask anyone who came of age during that time, and you’ll notice a quick flash of the eyes as their mind recalls the experience of smoking “the jungle kind.” Though often ridiculed by younger generations as the quaint musings of aging hippies, the sad fact remains that most folks younger than 45 simply have never experienced the mind-bending high of the pure land-race sativa strains of Southeast Asia.

Thanks for the article, saved it. I can't imagine how many grunts keep there sanity smoking some good Dalat. ''the mind of God'' got to be a hell of a trippy sativa.
i´ve read that you should not start to flower sativas before they´ve matured (ehh, whats it called, when the stems dont grow side to side anymore?)

since , its the the premature flowering that makes them hermy. (as in "oh shit, im starting really late, better make some insurance balls :)")

and so far, well, i aint seen no hermying.

on resin, you wont see any crystals or resin for the most part, curiously sativas dont tend to display that.

you can speed up flowering with a 11/13 flower cycle.

still, probably gonna take 1.5 months to begin to flower, (and thats after maturing the plant first)

about buying in vietnam, well, id make some friends first, i would not try to buy off the street. the cops are rather brutal to boot. but its a very nice place really, good people and cheap to live there.
reminding sorta of a more tropical spain in looks.

the flowering, the plants i saw out there, hehehe 6 feet tall with hardly any buds (tiny) and i didnt see any change in the plants to speak of the 2 times i saw them (month apart)

id. do either scrog or sog, if i was gonna do this strain alone.

with sog, then a ton of tiny plants all started flowering as soon as roots showed.

but, your instincts are on the button, as far as ive seen, these strains seems highly suited to scrogging, specially if you top them at the 3rd node (automatically creating 4 tops)
and create many many branches.

(btw , international canna graphic, the forum, has quite a few more pure sativa growers and is the site i would go to for more information, though, bricktop and i probably have told you most of the info.)

Damn had a long reply and got randomly logged out. Hopefully here cousin can hook us up. Defly not enough sativa growers. scrog seems to be the best way to control height and get light to the most bud sights. between you and bricktop I've gained alot of great info.
Thanks for the article, saved it. I can't imagine how many grunts keep there sanity smoking some good Dalat. ''the mind of God'' got to be a hell of a trippy sativa.

The guy talks of "Dalat" but there were several different sativas grown in the province and they were all fantastic and "Dalat" more or less became a universal name for any strain from the province. Later a "Dalat" was offered, for a while, by some breeders, but back when my brother in law was there and shipped home a couple BIG stereo speakers packed with strains from the province and a bag of seeds he said regardless of which strain it was, if it came from the province it carried one universal name.

He grew what be brought home for years, and I grew some for a while, and smoked a ton of his, and there isn't a single strain on the market today that I would prefer over what he brought home. Like the article said, younger people think it's just aging hippies remembering the good old days as being better than they were. But like the article said, most people under about 45 years old or so were never lucky enough to experience such strains and have no frame of reference, they lack an accurate comparative to be able to judge something they never experienced, and they just assume that what's out today has to be much better.

I saw true hardened party commandos need to law down or nap after just a couple hits because they were to high. Not paranoid, just to high.

It was a GREAT era. There was a number of very impressive landrace sativas that you can't find in a pure form today, or in some cases not found in any form today, from breeders.
the "peace inspiring" nature of getting high is EXACTLY why the US government declared war on it i think. war protesting jesus freak hippies were blazing sativas and when i started blazing real columbian gold, i was into hip-hop dancing because it was originally a way for people to END gang violence. i could see how it would especially help people during a war. it might not make the generals happy though. i just remembered platoon... the stoners were all mellow and pissed the haters off. as always... assholes want to run the world
So you are basing what you know of vietnemese strains on watching Platoon. Doesnt suprise me at all.

A 1000 word smoke/grow report coming up based on seeing the movie Platoon.....
Damn had a long reply and got randomly logged out. Hopefully here cousin can hook us up. Defly not enough sativa growers. scrog seems to be the best way to control height and get light to the most bud sights. between you and bricktop I've gained alot of great info.

lol, oh welcome to it.

btw, i would try to sprout every single seed and just keep on trying till they are done. (just because 100 fail, does not mean the 101´st wont succeed. (seeds can sometimes last for centuries..)

the bagseed i got in vietnam..

well. i had 50+ seeds, only 2 sprouted, great plants though. (got about 10 seeds left, ill keep em for a later try, gonna try to score another male)

The guy talks of "Dalat" but there were several different sativas grown in the province and they were all fantastic and "Dalat" more or less became a universal name for any strain from the province. Later a "Dalat" was offered, for a while, by some breeders, but back when my brother in law was there and shipped home a couple BIG stereo speakers packed with strains from the province and a bag of seeds he said regardless of which strain it was, if it came from the province it carried one universal name.

He grew what be brought home for years, and I grew some for a while, and smoked a ton of his, and there isn't a single strain on the market today that I would prefer over what he brought home. Like the article said, younger people think it's just aging hippies remembering the good old days as being better than they were. But like the article said, most people under about 45 years old or so were never lucky enough to experience such strains and have no frame of reference, they lack an accurate comparative to be able to judge something they never experienced, and they just assume that what's out today has to be much better.

I saw true hardened party commandos need to law down or nap after just a couple hits because they were to high. Not paranoid, just to high.

It was a GREAT era. There was a number of very impressive landrace sativas that you can't find in a pure form today, or in some cases not found in any form today, from breeders.

yeah. was smoking some leaves the other day off that female, i had to take a half hour break :) just felt too high in a kinda "too drunk" way. (not really comparing the "high" though)
seems, stronger than the stuff it came from actually. (though i wouldnt be surprised that stuff was grow in way too much hurry (these are grown outside and there are people Everywhere and even though the populace sticks together against the police, cannabis has a "insanity" stigma over there (n vn), smoke it and go nuts :) (they call it cansa(dunno if spelt right, prounounced gan sa)

smoked this stuff all day for 3 months though in vietnam (forget the vn name of the place, close to the "bay of dragons" (amazingly beautiful place, like something out of a vision of heaven,the rocks and mountains look carved by artists, specially on a true sunny clear day, when the colors are so intense they just pop and seem unreal in the memory here in the greyer colors of the high north.)

i didnt travel much in vn though, was more interested in my wife :) friendly and lovely people though (well as long as they didnt think you were doing hooha before the marriage, caused a bit of trouble our impatience :) wasnt that big of a deal though. but bit of a puritans, somewhat reminiscent of americans actually, ;) funny life eh?)
only met one bloke though that seemed "displeased" over me looking like an american (oh thought all i was an american at first)

though they seemed somewhat more happy at me being from some country they had never heard about before (well, most)

it wasnt that much more happy though , even people with old bulletholes in them, met a lot of people and always friendly from the start. :)

i did get "asked" to make a voluntary donation to victims of the wars when i got married at the local government hole :)

though, after having seen the video twice while waiting for the government official, i wouldnt have minded the double amount.. (as well as few people in the streets, some who couldave easily played parts in horror movies.)
not only are there not enough growers of sativas out there, and stuff that DOES get grown is hoarded and never makes it to the streets! i begged and pleaded to buy kali mist for $120 for an EIGTH before i gave up bidding, a fair price for durban poison as well as top dollar for something that i'm positive was based on columbian a couple years ago and have never been able to buy any of it. ironically, the "best" weed is always free! WTF?!

i'll give away anything i can't smoke myself as i just want a head stash that doesn't piss me off as indicas have done since day 1. if you like getting high, then you'd love most of the strains i'm working & planning to breed with a C99 x A11 male hopefully or with my own C99 BXes or jacks cleaner 2 if i get C99 x A11 ladies only. the other stuff i'm testing includes: malawi gold, mozambique poison, eldorado, thai skunk, sweet thai, thai fantasy, sour cream, columbian gold x NL#5, sativa trans love, jack, auto jack, super cali haze x C99, super lemon haze & "amnesia haze" with a white russian and some masterkush shorties for fun too. hopefully the one haze skunk i have left is a lady. that's my favorite strain so far, but i expect to be happy with most of the other stuff i'm testing and expect that jack's cleaner 2 will become my favorite indoor strain if it's as trippy as haze skunk or even moreso as it's lemon flavor sounds nicer and it finishes in just 9 weeks. if holy smoke's malawi gold is "the real deal", that should be some insane shit that i'm going to start trying to shrink & speed up with C99 or A11 genius.

sadly, i lost all of my 8 miles highs and most of my C99 x A11s and haze skunks to mold, drying out or the "new" to me phenomenon of stem snapping in peat pellets. had bad luck with super cali haze too, but i still have two of thoise i'm saving for next fall. at 120 days flowering, it's too late to start those.

as a side note, someone who mentioned an attic reminded me of the SICKEST potential growroom i almost hooked up with. it was a HUGE old store room over an apartment with 30 foot plus tall ceilings and was something like 50 x 80 feet of floor space! i decided not to rent there though as the gal that wanted to sublet was flaky and expected me to pay half of her rent to own washing machine for $20-$40 which i just wasn't hearing and knew she'd be a serious "gimme gimme gimme" problem if i tried to set up a grow, but man, that would have been one stealth ass grow! no ventilation needed.
the "peace inspiring" nature of getting high is EXACTLY why the US government declared war on it i think. war protesting jesus freak hippies were blazing sativas and when i started blazing real columbian gold, i was into hip-hop dancing because it was originally a way for people to END gang violence. i could see how it would especially help people during a war. it might not make the generals happy though. i just remembered platoon... the stoners were all mellow and pissed the haters off. as always... assholes want to run the world
what are you , like 18 yrs old? were do you get your information from man. i think your EXACTLY wrong about this and many other things that spill outa your keyboard and i think you END your posting career . Good to know you base your pot knowledge on a fuckin fictional Nam movie your an IDIOT

not only are there not enough growers of sativas out there, and stuff that DOES get grown is hoarded and never makes it to the streets! i begged and pleaded to buy kali mist for $120 for an EIGTH before i gave up bidding, a fair price for durban poison as well as top dollar for something that i'm positive was based on columbian a couple years ago and have never been able to buy any of it. ironically, the "best" weed is always free! WTF?!

i'll give away anything i can't smoke myself as i just want a head stash that doesn't piss me off as indicas have done since day 1. if you like getting high, then you'd love most of the strains i'm working & planning to breed with a C99 x A11 male hopefully or with my own C99 BXes or jacks cleaner 2 if i get C99 x A11 ladies only. the other stuff i'm testing includes: malawi gold, mozambique poison, eldorado, thai skunk, sweet thai, thai fantasy, sour cream, columbian gold x NL#5, sativa trans love, jack, auto jack, super cali haze x C99, super lemon haze & "amnesia haze" with a white russian and some masterkush shorties for fun too. hopefully the one haze skunk i have left is a lady. that's my favorite strain so far, but i expect to be happy with most of the other stuff i'm testing and expect that jack's cleaner 2 will become my favorite indoor strain if it's as trippy as haze skunk or even moreso as it's lemon flavor sounds nicer and it finishes in just 9 weeks. if holy smoke's malawi gold is "the real deal", that should be some insane shit that i'm going to start trying to shrink & speed up with C99 or A11 genius.

sadly, i lost all of my 8 miles highs and most of my C99 x A11s and haze skunks to mold, drying out or the "new" to me phenomenon of stem snapping in peat pellets. had bad luck with super cali haze too, but i still have two of thoise i'm saving for next fall. at 120 days flowering, it's too late to start those.

as a side note, someone who mentioned an attic reminded me of the SICKEST potential growroom i almost hooked up with. it was a HUGE old store room over an apartment with 30 foot plus tall ceilings and was something like 50 x 80 feet of floor space! i decided not to rent there though as the gal that wanted to sublet was flaky and expected me to pay half of her rent to own washing machine for $20-$40 which i just wasn't hearing and knew she'd be a serious "gimme gimme gimme" problem if i tried to set up a grow, but man, that would have been one stealth ass grow! no ventilation needed.
dude WTF are you talkign about? i could swear you just copied and pasted that from another post you made a few days ago. Do you go out of your way to be stupid ? Nothing you post makes any sense or holds any relvance what so ever, and 99.8721% of it is bullshit anyways.

what the fuck do you mean by "i lost all of my 8 miles highs and most of my C99 x A11s and haze skunks to mold, drying out or the "new" to me phenomenon of stem snapping in peat pellets" you jus listed 3 things that have zero relavance yet again .... WTF is a phenomenon of stem snapping in peat pellets?

no fuckign wonder youve been banned and kicked off all the other forums , its cuz of morons like you that bad information gets passed on to rookies

"war protesting jesus freak hippies were blazing sativas and when i started blazing real columbian gold, i was into hip-hop dancing because it was originally a way for people to END gang violence. i could see how it would especially help people during a war" Again WTF are you talkign about FFS! WTF does this have to do with Viet strains? Go fuck yourself and find another forum that deals with bullshiting noob kids like yourself and stop posting bullshit here.
My problem was my parents had them stored in the attic for a lot of years before I ran across them again. Still in the cut off plastic water bag that I used as a pouch in "Nam. Use to get our water thrown out the door of the helo in rubbery bags, one inside the other, to withstand the drop when they couldn't land. I will take a handful & try again . . . Like you said, can't hurt to try.

wolf man brah--

--->did any of ur seeds pop?? ---definately curious to ur results if u had any--

i am interested because I have recently ran into an old Vietnam vet friend who had a bunch of seeds he brought back when he came back stateside
....these are 30-40 yr old seeds....did any of yours germ??

i am going to try and "didi-mao" pop some soon -and have high hopes and prayers forthis project--

he also found a bag of old original Acapulco gold seeds he gifted me after he found out how excited I was from the viet seeds....all 30-40yrs old...

these will be my summer project
but after seeing this thread I am curious how it worked out for you..

.any reply with results would be appreciated and I am going to try some old guy tricks like cracking them between my teeth to help the embryo emerge...
.or soaking some w vitamin e oil to soften the shell

thanks wolfbro if you reply I will be watching--:eyesmoke::peace:


i will add that around 70-71 a friends brother that was in 'nam sent a stereo system back full of "Vietnamese red" that we then young 14-15 yr old hippies all tried to smoke a whole ounce in a weekend to see how high we could get.......:joint:

---->>epic!! Boo-koo!!

--is all I can say and will never forget that weekend or high although I can hardly remember it-

-->my 'friend' later died on mount st Helen eruption--he was a photographer for a large mag covering the eruption--
we never got to reminisce that epic childhood sperience...

i wanted to give him props here since he's gone!

R.I.P. mark D--!:joint: this thread brought it all back-

thanks again wolfhound--my morning spliff coffeee and this thread gave me a warm fuzzy today!
my brother was there for two hitches .. he was a USAF-R recon .out of Shepard .his squad was sent south of vinh long to search islands in the delta ,that's southeast of Saigon ,the squad came a cross a small patch of odd wide leaf sativa ,down hill from a old burned out temple un like any other strains they had seen before ,,some called it Vietnamese Red, it looks more Purplish Red tented .some what like the 1974 PR... they were told to destroy it and two solders kept seeds ,when they went back to base , my brother was ask to put seeds in two stereo speakers . but one batch went in a speaker and the other went in his fisher radio tuner and was sent back for his friend jerry , jerry lives 9 miles away from me and is crazy with PWSD. but his son ask me if I could find out why the strain would not flower here in up state _ _ ...I was sold 84 seeds,7 out of 15 , 3 female and 4 male , I have 33 seeds left now ,the strain is now called Abducted ,,after 2 years and 9 months and investing a little over $3000 it is flowering

one set of seeds came here the other went to so Cal I have been tracking the strain for 3 years ,the problem was worse then anyone knew . the strain is what is called a Old Ancient Strain of the creeper variety, it will not grow under normal conditions /1000W HPS , it is now flowering under twin 1200w LED, for the first time in 44 years it is flowering ,its sister strain is most likely the more common but rare Vietnamese sativa..

Abducted is not a new modern hybrid ,it is just as it was found in has never been crossed with anything ...the 33 seeds are land race IBL ......

the two genders of this strain are totally different pheno and types of high ..a man nick named 20'Thai gave the best description of this type strain base ..IMHO wild rain forest weed ..I have not been able to find anyone that has ever seen this strain before time it looked like a Thai strain the next it was a darker looking sativa type .. no way of knowing till it flowers out ...buckaroo you are correct the squad found the strain in late 1969 and it was sent back in June of 1970..the so Cal seeds went two directions some to Hawaii and some went north up the coast to the emerald triangle DJ short wrote about the leaf there ,from there some were sold to a breeder on Vancouver island after a failed to flower he sent the male leaf back east to be sold as the legendary Sheba from Toronto Canada sold in the summer of 1971 I know I smoked 2 joints of it at $10 a joint ,back then a normal joint cost a buck .. I broke one of the joints open to see what it looked like . it was a bluish green leaf ...but the high was like being run over by a tank ... lol

a few months ago I smoke the same weed when I smoke the Abducted male leaf ......they are the same strain ...

any one that says modern strains are just as strong as these strain is a fool ....the leaf is stronger then most street level strains ...the high and effect is out right excellent ....beyond smooth ...a creeper that will just rip you off your feet

if you go in the sun you will get high like you just smoked it again .. it stays in your blood for 2 or 3 days after up to a week ...and it has no upper end that I could find ... so when the bud is ready , we will see just how strong this very rare strain is for the first time ...

buckaroo I know how you feel.. my brother past away at 38 years of age in 1991., when I told jerry vic was dead he cried like a baby .. he told me the whole squad owed vic their life's 20 times over ,, he said how could he ever forget vic Lee and that crazy Kung fu !
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I am sorry I had a lot to do last night ,this is the Abducted at 15 days of flowering ...3 females 3 males....I don't know if buckaroo is talking about the same strain I am or the same event .. but I know this is not a modern strain not even close ...I reworked my grow and converted to DWC and twin 1200W LED after 3 failed tries ...they would just dry up and dye for no reason they are looking great ...I will up date this . we have to wait to see what it dose there are no pics or books on this strain ...


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any one that says modern strains are just as strong as these strain is a fool ....the leaf is stronger then most street level strains ...the high and effect is out right excellent ....beyond smooth ...a creeper that will just rip you off your feet

if you go in the sun you will get high like you just smoked it again .. it stays in your blood for 2 or 3 days after up to a week ...and it has no upper end that I could find ... so when the bud is ready , we will see just how strong this very rare strain is for the first time ...

Are you saying that you be/keep getting high due to sun exposure, for 2+ days?
I had some in sg about 16 years ago and it was weak.
However, this thread confirms the stories I've heard from some veterans who say they used to hallucinate about walking on clouds with the stuff they smoked there. Next time I'm there I'll defintely try find this fabled strain, sadly they're going through covid problems.