vinegar to lower ph


Active Member
Buy a soil ph meter (like$10), it has a metal spike or probe that you stick into the soil, to see if you even need to make any adjustment first. Add your vinegar to your water rather than the soil! To quote a more knowledgeable source:
soil is so forgiving that as long as you can get the PH of your water between 6-7.. you will do FINE!!


At what ratio should i use the vinedar to say bring my water down half a point
I am a first timer, just started a few days ago, so not too knowledgeable, but I was trying to lower the ph of my water, and I was testing an 8oz mug, it was about 70% full, I put in barely ANY vinegar(red wine vinegar[I have no idea what kind to use, this was the first I saw in my cupboard]), like, three drops. It was near perfect 6.5 after that. I only had to lower it a few points, from about 7.5. I hope this helps atleast a little.