Leave those plants outside i might come and steal them.
The ladies are all looking great man and nice glass!
lol and you might get mauled by my dog in the processLeave those plants outside i might come and steal them.
very nice kush! gotta do some catching up, but the last set of pics looks Sweet!
thanks man i wish i could just bitch slap them around a little to make them grow faster lol but i guess ill just have to wait like everybody else. Excluding CD have you seen his plant he's definitely injecting it with steriods or something im on to his secret
How many of you guys talk to your plants? I know I do, but i don't think they like it too much since they always seem to have problems...
Hmmm... maybe i just say the wrong things... my plants turn yellow and wilt anytime i open my mouth and then they perk right back up when i leave.... its very odd
Get solar flower power, like me! It just rocks back and forth, keeping my babies company!
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Try brushing your teeth more than once a week?![]()