Vipar V300 IR LED Herijuana & Purple Kush grow

3 ft is a bit fare away, depending on the Watt of your LEDs and lenses of course, but its more like 20 inch`s, specially in flowering, need strong light (high Umol level) to form big dense Bud`s, so I wouldn't worry about hight if they stopped the stretch, you might even want to bring the light down a bit instead, my 3W with single lenses do best at 15" and my 3W with double lenses need to be at 20" as they bleach the top`s at 15" you want to hit +800 Umol +1100 is better at the top`s, at 3ft even with 5W LEDs and double lenses I don't believe you hit more then maybe half of that

Hey slipon, ive been following your grow in your thread. I dont know what happened to the like button as I couldnt find it anywhere but well impressed. You say your LED is 360w but draws 288w, did you have this custom made or what ? Mine is 300w but only draws 180w so was wondering why yours draws so much more.
Day 20 of flower and the girls are still showing vigorous growth. The multiple bud sites have strong stems which means (I hope !) they are going to be supporting some very dense bud formation :

day 20 flower.jpg day 20 of flower.jpg flower day 20.jpg

day 20 flower lights on.jpg
Looking good bro. How did you get the good pictures with the light on? Ive been trying everything lol still get the stripes

Know what you mean. I used to get that problem too when my lights were still lower to the canopy, but since raising them to the ceiling the photos no longer have those horible black lines going across. Mind you saying that my canopy is now growing closer to the lights. I was playing around with the idea of lowering my lights before but now I think I will just leave them where they are. Peace.
Update time. The two herijuanas it would seem like to stretch. They have more than doubled in size since flipping to 12/12, compared to the purple kushes and are showing strong branching and multiple bud sites. I just hope they dont end up overshadowing the kushes.

day 22 flower.jpg day 22 of flower.jpg day 22 of flower lights on.jpg

flower day 22 lights on.jpg My take on LEDs so far is, if you can manage to overcome the lack of heat issues they are excellent for growing. They make the plants grow far tighter and bushier than they would under HIDs and they seem to facilitate faster flowering once switched over to 12/12. The final outcome still remains to be seen.
By the way, does anyone know how to use one of these things :

Carson MM-200 Carson Micromax LED 60X-100X LED Lighted Pocket Microscope.

I bought one for £15 thinking they will be better than the magnifying glass ive currently got but I can see fuck all through them, am I not using them correctly or are they just crap ? Thinking of sending them back.
Just a quick update. Its now day 25 of flower and I have a jungle going in my growbox and am very pleasantly surprised at the outcome so far. I have also grown 4 plants previously in this same box using a 250w HPS light and there is simply no comparison in the density of growth and lush foliage as there is with my LEDs. The rate of growth and density I have at the moment kind of reminds me of when I used to grow years ago with my 400w MH/HPS combo in a 3ft x 3ft space. Back then I used to average 2 ounces per plant when I grew multiple plants or 6 ounces if I grew just one plant.
I will be putting up some more pics later this afternoon.
Nice aphrodisia, LED's rock for vegging, this further supports my decision to use them exclusively for vegging going forward. Interested to see how your flowering goes, haven't had the greatest results in flowering but also had a lot of environmental issues last go so not discounting they can flower well, you seem to be dialled in well, good luck in the next few weeks! Cheers...
Nice aphrodisia, LED's rock for vegging, this further supports my decision to use them exclusively for vegging going forward. Interested to see how your flowering goes, haven't had the greatest results in flowering but also had a lot of environmental issues last go so not discounting they can flower well, you seem to be dialled in well, good luck in the next few weeks! Cheers...

Thanks. I hope so too. Everything seems to be going ok for now, multiple bud sites with strong, not wispy, stems. In my experience that normally means thick dense bud formation. Time will tell.
Shit shit shit My damn laptop crashed today and im having to write this on my mobile. The drive powers on and then nothing , the screen remains black. Im proper buggered without my laptop and cant afford a new one at the moment, dont know if its to do with the battery as the battery has been buggered for quite a while and ive been running it off the mains.
Does anyone know if you can upload pictures to rollitup from a mobile while writing on the same mobile ? This is something icould do without right now.
Shit shit shit My damn laptop crashed today and im having to write this on my mobile. The drive powers on and then nothing , the screen remains black. Im proper buggered without my laptop and cant afford a new one at the moment, dont know if its to do with the battery as the battery has been buggered for quite a while and ive been running it off the mains.
Does anyone know if you can upload pictures to rollitup from a mobile while writing on the same mobile ? This is something icould do without right now.

From what you're describing, it's likely your battery. Even on power the battery has to be functional or it won't power up. Sounds like it's old, maybe look around for a used one, depending on the laptop brand some can be found and cheap. Haven't used the mobile app yet.
Thanks for the input GroErr. Took it to my local pc shop this morning and had a word with them. The man reckons its not the battery as the laptop was still powering on. He wanted me to leave it with him to investigate as it could be the graphics card or something else but I didnt want to do that. Firstly I dont know how much that would come to and if it would be better to get a new one in the long run and more importantly I have all the photos of my grow stored on it and the last thing I need is for him to discover them so its a bummer all round.
Quite apart from finishing my grow diary I also had important data stored on it and need it for other stuff.
Thanks for the input GroErr. Took it to my local pc shop this morning and had a word with them. The man reckons its not the battery as the laptop was still powering on. He wanted me to leave it with him to investigate as it could be the graphics card or something else but I didnt want to do that. Firstly I dont know how much that would come to and if it would be better to get a new one in the long run and more importantly I have all the photos of my grow stored on it and the last thing I need is for him to discover them so its a bummer all round.
Quite apart from finishing my grow diary I also had important data stored on it and need it for other stuff.

Ouch, if it's the graphics card on a laptop that's tough as they're generally chip sets soldered on the board (too costly to bother if it's that old). No worries about loosing anything though and good idea to not leave it with them considering all the questionably legal data/pics on it. If you can swing buying even a used laptop or desktop (you can get some really cheap nowadays), or have access to any computer (a trusted buddy's?) with a USB port. You can remove the hard drive, buy a $15-$20 IDE-to-USB adapter on e-Bay, then attach the drive to the appropriate IDE connector (they come with two which will cover 99% of drives out there), attach the USB port to the computer, voila, you now have your laptop drive showing up as a USB key on that computer, just copy everything to the computer or another USB drive if the computer has 2 USB ports and you'll have all your data back.
Ouch, if it's the graphics card on a laptop that's tough as they're generally chip sets soldered on the board (too costly to bother if it's that old). No worries about loosing anything though and good idea to not leave it with them considering all the questionably legal data/pics on it. If you can swing buying even a used laptop or desktop (you can get some really cheap nowadays), or have access to any computer (a trusted buddy's?) with a USB port. You can remove the hard drive, buy a $15-$20 IDE-to-USB adapter on e-Bay, then attach the drive to the appropriate IDE connector (they come with two which will cover 99% of drives out there), attach the USB port to the computer, voila, you now have your laptop drive showing up as a USB key on that computer, just copy everything to the computer or another USB drive if the computer has 2 USB ports and you'll have all your data back.

Hey thanks for all the info GroErr re the IDE to USB adapter. Once I sort myself out will definitely look into getting one from ebay. The plants are doing fine, they had a bit of a growth spurt and you can see all the little buds starting to form. I tried using my mobile to upload some pics earler but it doesnt work from a mobile. Im really curious as to how much yield I will end up getting out of these 4 with the LEDs. I might take a break for the time being from updating this diary as its no fun just posting without pics, but Icwill keep on snapping pics chronicling their development till harvest and will update as soon as I am able.
I started this grow to find out for myself first hand after all the contoversy whether LEDs were any good or not and I can honestly say up to this point in time they have surpassed my expectations with their intensity and performance as my pictures would atest, and I see no reason why they shouldnt carry on doing so till harvest. And so for now fellow growers and tokers goodbye and happy toking.
Just a quick update folks. I have kept on taking pictures of my grow and hopefully wont be long before I can post them on here. The plants are now at the end of the 6th week and still all healthy and bushy. Only thing though, according to sannie the herijuana finishes in 7 to 9 weeks, but judging by the way my 2 herijuanas are going there is no way they are finishing in this time frame, I reckon they are probably going to need 10 to 11 weeks but I think the end result is going to be worth it. The small buds and tops forming at the moment qre already sticky and full of resin.
Since this is my first time growing with LEDs Im not familiar with how buds form under them. I know with HIDs there comes a particular moment when the fuzzy collection of pistils start looking like proper buds, and then you just sit back and watch them getting fatter, but I think its slightly different with LEDs in that there is no sudden transition and everything just builds up gradually.
Interesting comment aphrodisia, like I mentioned in my thread, I noticed that in my last grow (2-3 weeks extra to properly finish them) but there were too many variables/issues so couldn't really pin it down to the LED's. Will be interesting to see if anyone else experienced this... it's one of the questions I'm trying to answer in my current grow, hopefully I can keep the environment in tight control to see if this plays out again using LED's from start to finish.
Hi GroErr, thanks for dropping in. Yeah it may be the way the LEDs interact with the plants. I watched one grow by seymour buds where he got 350 dried grams from a 345w LED and an automazaar, was supposed to have been done in 70 days but went a full 100 days. It certainly looked impressive at 100 days but not so impressive at 78 days, a week over its supposed finishing time ! So the potential is certainly there, you just have to have the patience to wait for them to do their thing.
The purple kushes are about 2.5 foot high and they have something very interesting going on beneath all the foliage all along the branches. I have a feeling they will be putting out some pretty dense buds.