Well-Known Member
Looking good so far!
Looking good so far!
3 ft is a bit fare away, depending on the Watt of your LEDs and lenses of course, but its more like 20 inch`s, specially in flowering, need strong light (high Umol level) to form big dense Bud`s, so I wouldn't worry about hight if they stopped the stretch, you might even want to bring the light down a bit instead, my 3W with single lenses do best at 15" and my 3W with double lenses need to be at 20" as they bleach the top`s at 15" you want to hit +800 Umol +1100 is better at the top`s, at 3ft even with 5W LEDs and double lenses I don't believe you hit more then maybe half of that
Looking good bro. How did you get the good pictures with the light on? Ive been trying everything lol still get the stripes
Nice aphrodisia, LED's rock for vegging, this further supports my decision to use them exclusively for vegging going forward. Interested to see how your flowering goes, haven't had the greatest results in flowering but also had a lot of environmental issues last go so not discounting they can flower well, you seem to be dialled in well, good luck in the next few weeks! Cheers...
Shit shit shit My damn laptop crashed today and im having to write this on my mobile. The drive powers on and then nothing , the screen remains black. Im proper buggered without my laptop and cant afford a new one at the moment, dont know if its to do with the battery as the battery has been buggered for quite a while and ive been running it off the mains.
Does anyone know if you can upload pictures to rollitup from a mobile while writing on the same mobile ? This is something icould do without right now.
Thanks for the input GroErr. Took it to my local pc shop this morning and had a word with them. The man reckons its not the battery as the laptop was still powering on. He wanted me to leave it with him to investigate as it could be the graphics card or something else but I didnt want to do that. Firstly I dont know how much that would come to and if it would be better to get a new one in the long run and more importantly I have all the photos of my grow stored on it and the last thing I need is for him to discover them so its a bummer all round.
Quite apart from finishing my grow diary I also had important data stored on it and need it for other stuff.
Ouch, if it's the graphics card on a laptop that's tough as they're generally chip sets soldered on the board (too costly to bother if it's that old). No worries about loosing anything though and good idea to not leave it with them considering all the questionably legal data/pics on it. If you can swing buying even a used laptop or desktop (you can get some really cheap nowadays), or have access to any computer (a trusted buddy's?) with a USB port. You can remove the hard drive, buy a $15-$20 IDE-to-USB adapter on e-Bay, then attach the drive to the appropriate IDE connector (they come with two which will cover 99% of drives out there), attach the USB port to the computer, voila, you now have your laptop drive showing up as a USB key on that computer, just copy everything to the computer or another USB drive if the computer has 2 USB ports and you'll have all your data back.