Virgin grower need's advice on outdoor New England Sativa???? I think its a sativa ??


:leaf:This is my first time growing, I think it's a sativa? I planted my seeds in the first week of may.They are 2 1/2 ft, they look like they are in the early bud stage (but not sure). I just wanted some confirmation from experience if they are looking proper for their age, and if planted in may will they be ready for harvest before first frost hits? Thanks for all the help



Well-Known Member
A little good news and a little bad news. The bad news is sativas take a bit longer to flower. I don't know when your first frost is, but if the freezing weather doesn't start all at once (meaning you have a few light frosts spread out over a few weeks) you should be ok. The plant can take a little punishment that way. Also some northern growers bundle thier plants up at night - like with straw and blankets, or whatever. I don't really know how practical that is, just saying!

The good news (perhaps), That's not pure sativa.


yay so its a hybrid so that also brings harvesting time down right

So how many months is it full life cycle I planted in early may lets just do the math


Well-Known Member
it looks more indica domaniate to me, for sure bro. and judging by the pics it dosen`t look to be flowering yet, has the pistils started showing yet? a good indication that buds willl start developing within 1-3 weeks or so. Now as far as being ready for harvest beafore first frost it all depends on the strain and when frost comes aroud, but you should be able harvest beafore or around Nov for sure, so i woulden`t worrry bout it. and when growing outdoors theirs no set tine for a "full life cycle" cannabis will veg until the around autum when the days get shorter, triggering the plant to flower. where i live (Maine) my outdoor crop usually starts to flower around setember (giver or take) depends on strain. nice lookin plant though


Pistils are showing for about a week or so now. The other day I went picked up some black ass loom from a horse/Goat farm that has been piling it in the same place since the 80's. I mixed it in with my soil around them, any knowledge if that's good for them or did I fuck it up? and another concern is that where the buds would form it does not to seem like they are gonna grow dense like most indica's I see, Is that just they way the are going to look just because of now because of their stage? or will I start to change as time goes/ buds form?


Well-Known Member
it all depends on the september/october weather luck, you need that long warm fall
if you have pistiis, you're doing well, with some luck you'll have a great plant


I'm not sure what kind of bud, but I remember I just started saving the very few that I would find in my highgrade when I stopped smoking Mids. And by Paul mentioning bubba kush it reminded me that I even did that in the first place. so i tried looking for the bag of those seeds and couldn't find them so..........hopefully the fuck it is some nice strain!! I just hope it wont have that dirt taste considering the fact there not hydro grown...Does growing in dirt V.S. water alter the taste?


Well-Known Member
Soil Will always taste better if you ask me. Always. Unless you use miracle grow lol I have a thread going on now about it and not many people agree with me but stay away from miracle grow if you want good tasting bud. But it looks good brother


Soil Will always taste better if you ask me. Always. Unless you use miracle grow lol I have a thread going on now about it and not many people agree with me but stay away from miracle grow if you want good tasting bud. But it looks good brother
Ok will do Thanx man


Well-Known Member
lol its gonna be hard bro. Wait until it flowers fully and get back to us with a smell and lots of pics of bud structure. Lets us know how many days along she is, that kinda thing. if it was bagseed, it could literally be ANYTHING. Its definitely indica dominant. So we've got afghan in there.. Do some homework on our original strains. Back before the 70s, back before we had people bringing seeds to other countries. Its actually kinda sad but we have no pure strains anymore. If anyone has seeds from bud they got 20,30,40 years ago??? let me know