Virgin Grower! Ready to bust cherry! pics & video. NUTRIENTS NUTRIENTS NUTRIENTS.


Active Member
Hey guys and gals;

2 months ago i thought i was ready to get down and dirty and bust my green growing cherry. I was WAY WRONG! Needed to figure out Ventilation system to keep adequate temperature and moisture in my Grow Room (closet.)

My Closet
: L: 4'7'' x W: 5'10'' = 23.97 Sqaure Feet. So lets just say 25 square feet. With a height of 7 feet 10 inches. I will be covering my walls completely with Mylar and leaving my door Closet Door White.

Ventilation system: i bought two 6 inch centrifugal fans; one for exhaust with carbon filter and one for intake for fresh outdoor air. See pics for detail. My tubing goes straight out to the Roof. (note that i have 2 "The Speedster" motor speed controls for both fans, but no pictures.)

Lights: ONE 600 watt Apollo Lighting Kit with Metal Halide for Vegetative Stage and High Pressure Sodium for Flowering. I will also be surrounding my plants with 2700k and 6500k CFL's. Planning to use my 2700k's with the Metal Halide and the 6500k's with the High Pressure Sodium.


I want to grow Organic and have been looking at Roots Organics by Aurora Innovations. I hear great things about them. I've looked over their feeding schedules, Master, Player, and Soul schedules; link:

but this investment is really adding up. So far i've invested about $500 bucks on Materials and Labor. Do any of you guys or gals stand behind Roots Organics? But my real question i need answered is: What is the Best/Cheapest nutrient system/schedule i can follow? Do i really need all these products for explosive growth? what is the simplest/cheapest way to feed my plants N-P-K?

Also, i looked into FOX FARMS as well and their Feeding schedule seems a lot simpler and more economic due to less nutrients used. But i've read that Roots Organics blows them out of the water.

Please Help a Newbie out. Want to get started ASAP! Please ask me any additional Questions and I will be glad to answer them.

today is Sunday, 9:35 AM and i work @ 11am. So I'll check this back out around 1030 pm tonight.

Need to Bust my Green Cherry!

Thanks in Advance.




Active Member
I like General Hydroponics 3 step using lucas formula (only step 2 and 3) with cal/mag+(iron), silica blast and kool bloom powder. That is very easy to maintain so no ph adjustments, very affordable.It is not organic though. Sea Green from Primordial Solutions is microbes that eat the chemical nutes and poop out organic nutes if you want to add them. Also recomend sweet at last few weeks and to also feed microbes. If you want sweet is just a tsp of cane sugar per gallon.
Your set up is doing great. The only thing MAYBE to consider is letting your filter scrub the air a few more times to really get it clean but then you can't have an exhaust and you have a positive presure environment that will push air out so your way works great. But my journal will show you a grow and my most recent started threat about a lazy boy just trimmed branch holder has half of a second grow pics using those nutriengs.


Active Member
Lights: ONE 600 watt Apollo Lighting Kit with Metal Halide for Vegetative Stage and High Pressure Sodium for Flowering. I will also be surrounding my plants with 2700k and 6500k CFL's. Planning to use my 2700k's with the Metal Halide and the 6500k's with the High Pressure Sodium.

Your going to wanna switch those lights. 6500k for veg, 2700k for flowering. Or, put them all in there together.


Active Member
A mixed color spectrum is great for plants. The added blue promotes resin production. I have always wondered why those kelvin colors are used for flowering when HPS lights give off 4100k and I haven't seen anything actually top hps product. Come very close though.


Active Member
Im using the 2700k's with the Metal Halide (6500k) during vegetative stage and the 6500k's witht the High Pressure Sodium (3200k) for flowering. That way both cycles will get both kind but with my HID providing the More Powerful Necessary Light. Does that make sense?


Active Member
Thanks Rob07, I'll research those General Hydros. And yes, I will run my carbon exhaust for a few hours a day before Blast Off. Thanks for the TIP. But i really need to figure out this Organic Soil and Nutrient Feeding Schedule.


Active Member
Yes sam, thats where I think my fall will be too...

Im using MG right now for my soil, as many said it will be perfectly fine for the veg state, but will need to change soil for flowering, since it burns the plant.