Virgin Grower


Active Member
hey people, i have 2 1000watt metal halide lamps as well as a 400watt metal halide lamp...this is my first grow but i figured id get some big ass lights right off the bat....each light has its own ballast but i only run one at a time since my room is only 4x4x8...i also got a fan as well as a heavy duty outlet timer to control everything...i got a digital thermometer that measures humidity as well...out of the 12 seeds i started in a paper towel, 10 survived and are now all about the same height (3-4 inches) with multiple leaves....the room stays at a consistent 80 degrees with a humidity level of appx. a virgin grower so any suggestions would be appreciated...also, how can i tell what strain my plants are? i got them from a friend with a complementary joint and it was some killer shit, he said the seeds were going to turn out the same as the shit in the joint, but im curious as to the specific strain....thanks everyone that helps me out!


Well-Known Member
get the temp down 5º. replace one of the MH with a HPS for flowering. as for what strain, you wont be able to tell. and only the best of the best would be able to tell you, with a high chance of being wrong still.


Active Member
what kind of bulb you using in those 1000w? you could get a Sunmaster warm delux for flowering (3200k, I am currently testing one for educational purposes, but its too early to tell how it will do. but so far very good) or I think Hortilux has a HPS bulb that will work in MH ballast


Active Member
the bulbs are all the sylvania ballasts are multi-tap so i can run MH or HPS...ill get that temp down but ive been running the lights for 24hours a day for about a week...should i get the time down to 18 hours or keep up the current regimen?


Well-Known Member
24 is fine. after about 3-4 more weeks youll want to go into flower and cut the light to 12/12. running 24 actually gets you a 10-20% increase over 18


Well-Known Member
Take your time and enjoy what you are about to do. Learn from your success and your failure. Be specific by what you do to your babies as to be able to look back and easily see what you did wrong and what you did right.

Good luck~


Active Member
haha i already learned the hard way when one of my ballasts came crashing down right on top of my bench in the middle of the night about a month ago, girlfriend was thinking someone was breaking in the house...knew exactly what it was, cussed up a fuckin' storm at 2am.....learned to not take a shortcut mounting the can imagine what happened...10 plants that had been growing successfully for over a month all cut up by glass, some burnt to hell...the plants i have now were all started over from seeds....