Virgin here...


Well-Known Member
So I transplanted tonight... My soil needed perlite so I have to perform an operation. They are now in 1 gallon buckets. Also switched the lighting to 16/8 to give the roots a little more time to recover. When transplanting, the dirt was somewhat compact and didn't want to come out, but I got it. Hope they survive!! Will have pics later today...


Well-Known Member
They do look abit overwatered from what i can see so leave it a few days,i don't know if its a good idea changing the light cycle.

how old are your plants dude?
What cycle were your plant on?


Well-Known Member
They are about 2 weeks old. I was on 18/6 but I wanted to give it 16/8 so the roots could recover after the transplant. I was thinking of going back to 18/6 in a few days.... I also gave them a really good watering after the transplant...


Well-Known Member
If i was you i'd just keep the light cycle at 18/6 because you don't want to confuse the plant by changing to 16/8 then back to 18/6 in a few days, just keep it at 18/6 and the plants will sort themselves out.

What you using to water your plants a bottle, watering can? they looked soaked.


Well-Known Member
Well I just misted them before i took the pic. And I flooded them pretty good because it was fresh soil and wanted to get it good and wet after I transplanted it. I will change the lights to 18/6 then and see how that goes. It has only been 2 nights of 16/8 so far... Digital timers ARE SO NICE...


Well-Known Member
Ok so they seem to be doing good after the transplant! Here are a few pics... They are about 2 weeks as of today.



Well-Known Member
Today I began to LST my plants. They are about 17days old. I am doing LST so I can veg a lil longer because of my veritcal height issue. I am using wire hanger pieces to LST the plants. Here are a few pics...



Active Member

Where did you get cords like that for your lights? How much did they cost? I do not recall reading anything about this. Thanks ahead of time for your answer.


Well-Known Member
The cord is from a work light clamp reflector found at Home Depot, Lowes ect. And the "Y" socket can be found at Wal-Mart, HD, and Lowes as well... $2-3


Well-Known Member
Here they are 21 days (3 weeks) veg. made a new set-up to hold my CFL's. Also added 2 more CFL's for a total of 178 watts with 12,700 lumens. In my area its about 5,000 lumen a sq. ft. (2.5 sq. ft.)(close to 8 cu. ft.) Will possibly add 2 more CFL's in the next week or so.


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow I will begin to flower. It has been 24 days of veg so far and tomorrow day 25 the start of 12/12. I am excited. Pics tomorrow!


Active Member
not if they're clones...looking good m8, would appreciate it if you took a look at my grow log, the pics i just posted, i bought a florescent setup with 2 40w bulbs, not sure, do i need more? how many plants can it maintain by itself? cheers


Well-Known Member
Due to my height constraints I do not want them to out grow my box. That is why I flowered now. Pics to come later on today.


Well-Known Member
Day 1 of Flower. Last night they received their first 12hr of darkness. I just gave them a good watering, and here are some pics! Plan on getting an organic nute for flowering, not sure what yet, have to do more research!
What do you think? Yes there is some yellowing leaves, think my pH was a little low so I watered a little high to bring it back to where it should be. Not sure why they are yellow... Nitrogen difenciency?


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
nice BTT..

are you feeding your plants enough? The yellow leaves may be caused by lack of nitrogen...

nice pics..

GOOD TIME to flower...
