Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Very informative and quite extensive, unfortunately, the main reason I read this post is to understand exactly what stretching is. Alas, it is not on the list, hopefully this reply will be read and stretching can be added to the post.

Thanks Major Toke.

Feel free anyone to browse my Journal. All comments, advice and suggestions are welcome.


Weed Guy

Master Roller
@Barking Mad: Stretching is where you put the lights too far away from the plants and they grow really tall and skinny. Normally this happens when the plants are seedlings( very young). Hope this helps....


Well-Known Member
Top post!!! dead informative.
Didn't see "canoe-ing" tho and as I've only just learnt what the term is myself...thought i'd share.
1stly,NO! it's not a sexual practice like "teabagging" lmao.
apparently, if the plants leaves curl up in a V-shaped fashion..they're CANOE-ING!.
if I'm wrong...sorry but thats what I've heard. thought that may be usefull.
This whole thread should be the stickiest on the site!!!
nice 1 geeza!!!:blsmoke::peace:

Lil Tyke

Active Member
What can one say a very informative post, like a bag of pick and mix something for everyone. TA VERY GLADLY. :joint::twisted:. L.T.