Vodka ad draws anti-rape controversy

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
Belvedere Vodka executives quickly apologized for an ad posted online that showed a smiling man grabbing a woman, who appeared to be in fear, from behind."Unlike some people, Belvedere always goes down smoothly," the ad's caption read.It drew hundreds of negative comments after it appeared Friday on the company's Facebook page, with many suggesting it appeared to depict a rape.Belvedere Vodka marketing Senior Vice President Jason Lundy posted an apology on the page Friday afternoon, saying the ad also offended "the people who work here at Belvedere.""The post is absolutely inconsistent with our values and beliefs and in addition to removing the offensive post we are committed to making sure that something like this doesn't happen again," Lundy said.Company President Charles Gibb added his apology in a posting Saturday."It should never have happened," Gibb said. "I am currently investigating the matter to determine how this happened and to be sure it never does so again. The content is contrary to our values and we deeply regret this lapse."The company's apology included a donation to RAINN -- the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network -- "as an expression of our regret," Gibb said.RAINN posted on its Facebook page that when Gibb called the group he was "profusely apologetic" and "offered to make a generous donation to RAINN to support our work to help victims of sexual violence and educate the public."The apology appeared to be accepted."Nice to see a company that not only undoes its mistake but looks for a way to do good afterwards," RAINN's post said.
i ususally don't find these type of things offensive, like the pepsi supposed 9/11 ads people were bitching about awhile ago..

but this is kind of eff'ed up imo... :(

I'm trying to find it funny. I really am. I'm usually the kind of person to push the boundaries.

But it's not funny when it happens to you.

Obviously it wasn't intended to be be offensive, with the guy's cheesy grin rather than a real predatory smirk.

But it still makes me think about them.
Maybe they should have had a picture of a woman giving a guy a blowjob with the "goes down smoothly" tagline
I also find this offensive, ok let women sell ur product but come on, rape is never funny, too many silent victims for me to laugh :(
This was a joke gone bad...I don't think anybody is actually "pro rape" lol except maybe Rick Santorum
This was a joke gone bad...I don't think anybody is actually "pro rape" lol except maybe Rick Santorum

i don't really get the joke though personally.. i love a good chuckle, but rape, really?? i don't know what they were expecting to have the response to such an ad be in all honesty..
they just keep giving the mindless people stupid non-important things to focus on and argue about...

if you really give a shit about this, i feel bad for you.
i don't really get the joke though personally.. i love a good chuckle, but rape, really?? i don't know what they were expecting to have the response to such an ad be in all honesty..

she looks like she's trying to get away... she won't go down smoothly.

but bevledere will lmao.
They shiuld have shown her in the background puking in a toilet with the guys hair messed up and his head in his hands sitting on the edge of the bed. A little better double entendre?
i ususally don't find these type of things offensive, like the pepsi supposed 9/11 ads people were bitching about awhile ago..

but this is kind of eff'ed up imo... :(

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rape? whaaaaaat? Nah. she looks a bit surprised perhaps at his girth and or size... or, maybe that's her "OH" face? She is sitting "down" on him, which isn't easy because he's packin' a big bone or something. assuming the worst is always too easy.
it's not supposed to be funny, it's supposed to be controversial.
you can't honestly believe this ad was created other than to get a rise out of people, can you?

there's no way these people didn't know the ad was wrong, this is exactly what they wanted. ad goes up, tweets are tweeted, posts get posted, news helps put it out there. and before you know it belvedere vodka is a trending fucking topic lol.

i worked in an ad agency for four years up until a month ago, i've talked about my job on here a bunch of times.
no advertising agency would do an ad like this for a client unless it was what the client wanted.
it's not supposed to be funny, it's supposed to be controversial.
you can't honestly believe this ad was created other than to get a rise out of people, can you?

there's no way these people didn't know the ad was wrong, this is exactly what they wanted. ad goes up, tweets are tweeted, posts get posted, news helps put it out there. and before you know it belvedere vodka is a trending fucking topic lol.

i worked in an ad agency for four years up until a month ago, i've talked about my job on here a bunch of times.
no advertising agency would do an ad like this for a client unless it was what the client wanted.
They all got trolled and don't even realise it yet.