Well-Known Member
sheskunk.Following your lead.
sheskunk.Following your lead.
Got anything fresher? This one is kind of stale.
When I come up with something new, will you cry about it? sheskunk.Got anything fresher? This one is kind of stale.
When I come up with something new, will you cry about it? sheskunk.
not really. sheskunk was the greatest RIU meltdown of all time.
I'm glad it gained your approval. That's all I ever wanted.
Sometimes looking in the mirror can be painful.
do you think that your months long meltdown of pretending to be a woman and screaming "nigger" at the top of your lungs was met with approval by anyone?
Yes, I do. You can't stop talking about it. I win.
Which new member am I this week.
You need some butt hurt cream little buddy?so who do you think your months long racist tirade and pretending to be a woman was met with approval by?
so who do you think your months long racist tirade and pretending to be a woman was met with approval by?
Speaking of trying to gain approval, tells us about all the AWESOME things you've accomplished today. Like anyone really cares. Report fgr.
inb4 delete
i grinded rebar into segments using a bench grinder and staked down my new walkway.
gonna start the harvest tonight after i make some dinner.
oh, and i didn't snitch out any of my partners in exchange for a lighter prison sentence at a snitch prison. so there's that.
I thought I recognized that bitchasses name. Everyone thought the server was compromised until we found out fdd rolled over. That's why people think there are cops here. Cops and the people who blow them.
i grinded rebar into segments using a bench grinder and staked down my new walkway.
gonna start the harvest tonight after i make some dinner.
oh, and i didn't snitch out any of my partners in exchange for a lighter prison sentence at a snitch prison. so there's that.
I thought I recognized that bitchasses name. Everyone thought the server was compromised until we found out fdd rolled over. That's why people think there are cops here. Cops and the people who blow them.
the really fucked up part was that desert dude was telling him he was going to go to federal prison the day before it happened. then desert dude tried to play dumb about it and act like he had no idea what was going on, until i brought up some posts he had made which demonstrated that he knew goddamn well what had happened.
i have all of desert dude's personal information and the guy studied to be a cop, even attended a "college" for wannabe cops and correction officers.
i have posts from him on another site straight out claiming he is a cop.