No idea then. Grasshoppers keep munching on mine. Don't know what to do.
More I notice the smell the less I think it smells like pot. Seems like an oily smell I think. Going to disconnect my fan and filter later to check it out.
That's too bad man bit I hear ya. What are ya going to do you know, shit happens. So you guys are running a pure Apollo cut down there right,,,11 or 13? Not even sure of the difference, sinse might know. My Apollo dom grape apollo is one of my new favorites,,,building up a nice little army of clones lol. Not as big as the army of T's bc x lush clones that's going though hehe, them little buggers are quick rooters and throw out lots of nice roots .
Hope you got more owl -- was it the only one you took of that one? Yes the apollo 13 definitely has a spicy, not too strong funk. A lot different from the apollo 11 I grew before that had more of a lemony-fruity smell. Apollo is a great way to start the day
I gotta restart my grow by mid-august to get one batch in before we leave town in for christmas vacation... daughter's talking about staying til end of august... ugh! i'm guessing she won't tho hopefully
Transdermal patch that releases tiny amount of pain meds to blood strength constantly. It's like a drip system on a garden. They're 7 day patches. So 30 day supply is 4 patches at $158. That's $40 for a week. That's 2grams a week street price weed