Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
Hey voiding just swooping back around. Idk about the small premaufactured airpots, but I'd think they should come in any size. Smart pots may be an option, and you can make them at home with weedcloth and a sewing machine.

As to your lighting, I'd prolly go with the first one on the last post you showed the configurations. Seems like you would have thebest coverage, and minimal shuffling of your ladies. What size was your cab footprint again? I'm thinking of things for ya as far as trays for bottom feeding.

If you are pulling those pepper seeds out of a fresh ghost pepper(or any other for that matter) let them dry for a week prior to planting. It will really increase your chances of germination. I've got some jalapeño seeds from a variegated variety called "fish", great flavor, not just heat, but that wonderful green flavor of bell peppers too! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I was looking at the revolt ballasts. While not out long enough for a lint of long term use, so far lot is said to be good. Gotham sells them and they have a 5 year warranty on them.

I think I want to switch my flower cab to the 400. Might do that after a crop or two.though if I switch it now I can use the pl-l for my new seedling cab.

I really want to do bare bulb vertical but don't think this cab is right for it.


Well-Known Member
All the same age, can see size differences. Several had much longer, wider leafs from the first true leaves

Made an airpot out the small size coffee container

Overview of cab fro 20 minutes ago. At the very bottom are the tops from the 3 plants I gave a haircut to


Well-Known Member
Hey voiding just swooping back around. Idk about the small premaufactured airpots, but I'd think they should come in any size. Smart pots may be an option, and you can make them at home with weedcloth and a sewing machine.

As to your lighting, I'd prolly go with the first one on the last post you showed the configurations. Seems like you would have thebest coverage, and minimal shuffling of your ladies. What size was your cab footprint again? I'm thinking of things for ya as far as trays for bottom feeding.

If you are pulling those pepper seeds out of a fresh ghost pepper(or any other for that matter) let them dry for a week prior to planting. It will really increase your chances of germination. I've got some jalapeño seeds from a variegated variety called "fish", great flavor, not just heat, but that wonderful green flavor of bell peppers too! :peace:
Hey, sorry your post got missed while posting on my phone. The original batch were definitely dried. The two peppers I have are now dried and have been cold stratified. Guy I got them from said it'll help and to just leave the in my truck overnight. It hasn't got freezing here lately. Think we've had a freeze one night all winter.

Floor is 26in x just shy of 16in I think.

31 3/4 in tall.

What do you think of a 400w hps in there rather than the vertical pl-l lights? I need fluorescents for my seed cab and they're going to run me ~$100. For $160 I can get a 400w dimmable revolt ballast from gotham with small wing, timer, hps and mh bulb and yoyo's.

Then I can put the pl-l's into the seed cab


Well-Known Member
No worries mate. Sounds good with the pepperseeds.

If you got the extra cash to put down the 400w would probably be ideal. And like you said, then you can move other lighting around to fit the need. 26x16 is an unusual size (for premanufactured trays/pans)kinda awkward. Still thinking though, and I'm the type to figure things out, so if/when I can think of something I'll definitely let ya know.


Well-Known Member
Crud, just thought about it. With pl-l lights I planed to grow up to the ceiling as single cola. With an hps in there I will have to keep them much shorter, I'm not sure how that would effect yield. New short plants in the middle and move them out as they grow so they reach up to the falloff range and not shade out younger plants or what? I really wanted two smaller hps for that cab to run verticals but price wise makes more sense to get the big one and figure out how to use it.

Not that I really have the cash for spending but it's one of those "investments" and money has to be spent one way or another.

What's the difference between a duct fan booster and a inline fan? The ad on ebay says "This 6" Duct Fan offers an inexpensive and quiet alternative to an Inline Fan." and "Ideal to vent a growing area, or used in conjuction with a carbon filter for odor control." So are they strong enough to go through a carbon filter? It's rated at 240cfm and my cab is like 18cf. It's only $30 rather than $100 of a full inline fan. I know my pc fans won't cut it with the 400 watt but need the cheapest solution possible on this.



Well-Known Member
OMG i just lost all my type! Shit I hada nice reply for ya, But just like you said before I guess ill do a quick run over. LOL My revised suggestion is to buy the cheap one first and see if it works, If it dont, get the inline and then use the booster for a replacement to that computer fan, SOon your going to need more air exchange and adding a booster fan to the enviroment to bring good air in is a upgrade in itself.

I use a inline in my 5x5 and it works great...I use a booster in my 3x3 and it barely does the job, I have to open it up everyday or else Ill have some issues. (1200w of hps in 5x5, 400w mh in vege w/ 2 68w cfls)

And are you planning on aircooling the reflector right?


Well-Known Member
When you are typing on this site it will say it is autosaving, yet I have not figured out where it is saving it to and how to get it back if you accidentally leave the page. It really sucks.

When you ask if I plan to aircool the reflector do you mean using a cool tube or a reflector with it's own air circulation line? If so I don't think I have room to do so. The package I can get is just a little wing reflector. How I think my light should go, there isn't room for a cool tube or air cooled reflector.

I think my light should be oriented like the first pic rather than the second.

In the case of the first, there isn't room to put either cooltube or air cooled hood much less the ducting.

Yeah, definitely going to need more airflow. I think I'll take the advise of using booster for now while it's cool. Then hopefully move it over to veg and put an inline in the flower room later in the season.

This is the one I was looking at http://www.gothamhydroponics.com/grow-light-systems/400w-hps-grow-light-kit-wing-standard.html
There's a thread about the ballasts here on riu and other places. Good initial reviews though no long term ones as they are new. I think one person has two grows with one so far with no problems. Heard of one problem, but was promptly taken care of my gotham. So seems like a good way to get started if nothing else.


Well-Known Member
I could use one of the pc fans to blow at the light towards the exhaust fan to help somewhat

Also looks like I really need 3ft front to back minimum to run air cooled hoods. I'll have to rethink that cab. Unfortuntely I started the small one at 4x2x2 already. Unfortunately making it 3 ft front to back makes inefficient use of the wood. sigh

Might have to make the move to an actual tent, but then I can't stack them


Well-Known Member
I would do whatever I had to do to get a air cooled reflector / air cool tube (the batwing, tube design) to fit in that cab..There must be a cool tube, that will fit.

TBH once you do that , get the light vented straight outta the cab, your heat issue will be gone. But leaving the reflector open, your going to need a few more fans then just one. You will need to have a exhaust and intake, cause the 400w HPS WILL deff cook out that little cab and I think aircooling is the only way to go. If you got $$ look into water coolant systems, they run about 500$ to buy all the pieces thou.

And that damn auto saved did work! but i refreshed the page, so it saved a blank thread, I had to use it before, Once you lose your type if you go back down you will see a button to press that will give you the option to load the presaved message. Just dont do what I did, I panicked, totally forgot that it autosaves, and reloaded the page 1 time to many.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey there Voidman how's it going. Pretty much what BBYY said about the heat issue that your going to have. Unless your light is air cooled somehow it will be hotter than hell in there. And the other issue I think yur going to run into is the amount of noise those fans make. Unless it's some super quite model that I haven't seen it's going to be loud enough so that it will effect the stealth factor. Background noise will help as a temperary fix if you need to do something in a pinch.


Well-Known Member
Ah didn't ever notice the problem. Only time I've lost text was while on my phone and it's not the best for viewing the site.

At least the one in the packages I'm looking at, the cooltube type is 27" and my cab is only 28" so I can't get the ducting to turn and into a fan and filter in that distance.

Htg is 19 long by 18 wide. You think I could get that to work? It's $100 and won't be able to get it right now :/

Asking if the guy can package a shorter cooltube, might even lower the price if I'm lucky.

Definitely can't afford water cooled. I can't even get the light and inline fans right now. I think I can pick up a short gig for a few days to make a little money. Hopefully to get the light and booster fan for the time being.


Well-Known Member
Thanks HC. I've got my old laptop sitting on the cab currently and that fan in it is loud. Currently covers the pc fan I'm using for exhaust quite well, but yeah... I don't know how loud the inline fans are. I know the bathroom fans can get really quite but pricey. Also not sure how to hook them up. My next move will put me out in the country where I shouldn't have to worry about it so much, or ever. I guess only issue is if I still keep it in my bedroom...hmm So how loud are your inline fans?


Well-Known Member
Also, was thinking of going with 4in fan before you said I needed cool tube. Cooltube is 6in. Should I get a 6in fan or just reduce to 4in since my cab is so small. Initially at least I'll be pulling cab air through the light to exhaust rather than two completely seperate setups because of money.

Thank goodness for fairies and eagles.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Reducing is not a good idea, like necking down from a 6 to a 4. If the cool tube runs cool enough you might be able to get away without an inline. They are loud enough so that your set up would not be stealth and you could prolly hear it from outside your bedroom if everything else is quiet. There are ways to baffle the noise which may work. You might be able to cut the noise in half that way but still not stealthed. LEDs are an option for a cool running light but pricey. Stoneylove uses them with good results


Well-Known Member
Yeah was thinking of going from 4in fan to 6in cooltube. I know that when reducing you increase pressure. Other than that, why's it a bad idea? A 6in fan is 440cfm which would cycle my 18cf cab 24 times a minute. Even the 4in would cycle it 10 times a minute. Seems excessive.

How would I run the cool tube without a fan? Just a passive in and out?

I'm giving up on stealth I suppose. I figure my room will sound like a wind tunnel eventually considering I want several more cabs for projects. I'm already addicted to growing and want to do more with the strains.

I'd love to run leds, at least through summer. They're just so expensive. I was looking at $200 just for my mum/clone side on a quality self made one. I've done lots of research and wanted to make my own after all the reviews and breakdowns.


Well-Known Member
I've got to learn to quit knocking over my plants :( Just knocked out a good bit of coco out of one, but didn't seem to do any harm. Knocked over one of the tops. I should of trimmed the fan leaves back on them as they're getting wilty already. Oh well, just as well since I've already lost the numbering on them


Well-Known Member
My inline is loud as fuck! The 8 in i accidentally picked up, returned for a 6 sounded like a hurricane!
The only problem with the booster I have is it squeels otherwise I supposed its low noise. It sounds like a bathroom exhaust.

I am sure if you get a cooltube, the booster fan will be enough to push hot air 24"

edit : I picked up a wind god inline, They are higher cfms compared to other companies, but i guess thats why thye are so loud, They are more on the power side then the noise. I know of other companies that sell 6 " inlines that are super low noise, But they are almost 300$

Growing is the only addictive thing with cannabis.


Well-Known Member
Is/was that more air noise or motor wise? My issue is the cfm they push is way too much for my little cab but I'm afraid if I slow them down on a fan controller there wont be enough pressure to push through carbon.

Are squirrel cages more quiet than inline?

For the booster fan do you mean for just the light in it's own ventilation? Or should it be ok with a scrubber? Some people say will work and others say they wont work with a scrubber.

Definitely no budget for fans like that