Voidling's Wicking Bed

Yeah I transplanted up from the tiny clear cup to a solo size Styrofoam cup. People go all the way through flower in that size. Crap just remembered I have more romulan seeds soaking from yesterday
Thanks. Waiting to see if the cuts take root, still can't tell. Hopefully so I can go ahead and flower those two. Small cab and being heavy sativa I think the stretch alone may fill it full.

Have any of you seen the grasshopper vaporizer that was funded on indigogo? I preordered one. Unfortunately I got locked out of my account die to wrong password and when I got back in I was moved from an April delivery to a May one. Hoping to have a harvest by then considering I've sold off all but a small emergency stash.
Got an extremely strong ozone generator after having that mold problem. Ran it one hour, and several hours later I still smell that ozone smell. For a moment I was about to open the windows until I thought about letting in all the spores
I have inonizers....these make charged particles that cause small
objects to clump together and fall from the air. I think that you may
not want to be breathing actual ozone...I recall that these are often
installed inside ducts, and are used to reduce smell of exhausted

I might be wrong. My unit will make the wall behind it dusty, as
always happens...but there is zero scent.

Good luck,

Thanks. Yeah it shouldn't be breathed in. It was used as a one hour run time to "shock treat" the room. Was hoping to kill off any mold spores around giving me trouble.

Will the ionizer reduce or kill dog odor?
Oh yeah....they are fucking magical. The idea is the same...they are
charged particles. They stick to things that then clump up and fall from
the air. It can clear even microorganisms.

But O^3 is a dangerous molecule to breathe.

Yeah o3 is bad to be around. I only ran it an hour each in two rooms and could still smell the stuff 24 hours later. That should make sure everything is good and dead. Had removed the plants for the first several hours
Yes, cbd mango haze.

Still having some mold issue. After the grow I'll ozone down the room again. I'm currently in the process of cleaning everything up and out.

Had intended to flower earlier. Wanted some harvested when my new grasshopper vape comes in. Very excited about that.
I'd put the plant in a Styrofoam cup. Turned out the cup was deeper than my tray so there's a mound at the base of the plant. Hopefully it works out