Well-Known Member
its hasnt got a temp setting but just turned on a bit on low
I probably can take 4-5 good lung fulls before vape gets a bit more hard on the throat.
its hasnt got a temp setting but just turned on a bit on low
arizer extreme q = all the bells and whistles of a volcano except the snazzy mouthpiece, 1/3 the price....
We do it often. Here's a couple of other herbs that do really well. My favorite is a bottom bed of great bud and above that freshly roughly ground peppermint leaves. Swiss mint works as well but is not as sweet as candy like peppermint. Lavender is a favorite of mine too. The smell of lavender has a calming effect on people. (lavender by the way lavender produces a hormone that is very similar to estrogene - so don't over do it ;O)i put a tiny bit of lavender flower into my last volcano hit (6 on the dial) and bloody hell was it a tasty treat! my room smelled great for the whole day.
i smoke glass and pure and i find that the addition of a flame make the high a bit more toxic/narcotic as such (sometimes thats what im after) but with the vape its completely different, very uplifting and clear high that puts a grin on your face.
Does anyone else vape different herbs for flavour?
I have never tried a vaporizer. But everyone I know that has, says the same thing you said.
And if I do buy one, I don't want a cheap one that will break. The $650 price tag was a little
shocking... It is an investment I guess....
i just bought my volcano vaporizer and im loving it!
Sell me your Volcano xD no jokeMy volcano just collects dust, the high from the vaporizor just is not enduring. i can smoke the same amount of weed from a bong and stay high longer. maybe im doing it wrong? i thought the same thing about my 45$ cheapo whip vaporizor so i upgraded to the volcano, because it was supposed to be the holy grail. .. what a waste..