vortex gravity bong


Active Member
hey u can get these on ebay $72+ $13 for shipping or the big 24" ones for $110 +$15 for shipping


Active Member
Mr J2,

If it any constellation, I got mine in the mail today.. And I'm disgusted!

Terrible worksmanship for the price, very slow to fill and empty and looks like it costs 10 bucks to make. Most of all it is no smoother than a DIY drink bottle bong.

I'm going to make a prototype similar, but vastly improved with minor tweaks and made so it can be pulled apart for cleaning. Then I'll do some comparisons test with my mates and then if all goes well, sell them for around half the price.

These people had a decent idea(not perfect) and executed it poorly. I feel like a dick for getting sucked into by the slick marketing. The only way High Times could give this product of the year was if they were getting them for free.

So don't feel so bad if it got seized!