Vote Hillary

He is big money. He represents the hotel and gaming industry.
True but he just seems like the better choice Hillary Clinton is a horrible person.

I truly hope we get an independent run from Bernie Sanders because either Trump or Hillary Clinton wins we are all fucked. The two party system has got to go they put their party first and the people second.
Where do you get those facts. Go to his hotels and casinos and ask them.. I'm sure his cleaning ladies and card shufflers love him! Lols
I'm pretty financially stable and don't hate myself.

Is it your contention that cleaning people hate themselves? I think you are the one with a problem.
Is it your contention that cleaning people hate themselves? I think you are the one with a problem.
It's my belief that a majority of his employees do not love him as you contend.. I'm not sure where you got they hate themselves from my statement.

And what kind of problem do I have? I feel relatively problem free.
That's what it WILL be if Trump is elected. Donald! self-proclaimed King of the Americas!! and Queen Melania - queen of soft porn. And wouldn't y'all be SO proud!
YOU mean hellbitch and bill don't you>Them 2 already think there king and queen..And still taken money out every americans pockets every chance they get.If hellbitch wins the white house there will be wore in the states in less then 12 months just wait and see.The people have had a nuff of the crooks in America and will take back America and yes there will be lots of blood shead.jmo...A smart person will vote for TRUMP this election.You cant have chang by voting the same crooks back in
That's what it WILL be if Trump is elected. Donald! self-proclaimed King of the Americas!! and Queen Melania - queen of soft porn. And wouldn't y'all be SO proud!
Was not it bill that made porn in the white house when him and the hellbitch was there??? YES YES YES
I hate Hillary Clinton because she is total Zionist and will back Israel in all wars and atrocities against locals
It's my belief that a majority of his employees do not love him as you contend.. I'm not sure where you got they hate themselves from my statement.

And what kind of problem do I have? I feel relatively problem free.

You were talking about Trumps employees and then you said you were financially stable and didnt hate yourself. It would seem you were comparing yourself to the employees. Trump is pretty financially stable and he loves himself so you were not referring to him.

Therefore, you seem to indicate the employees hated themselves.

English, it is not only a language but a form of communication. Work on it.
An investigation by The ENQUIRER had already revealed that some of the presidential candidate’s famously “deleted” emails are packed full of lesbian references and her lovers’ names. “I don’t think she’s so concerned about emails referring to her as secretly gay,” said a Clinton insider. “That’s been out for years – her real fear is that the names of some of her lovers would be made public!”

The Enquirer has been getting things more right than wrong the past few years........wait til trump casually brings this up in their debates!
IF that bitch wins the white house her and bill I pray gets killed the first day even befor she steps foot inside the white house..I honstley think if she wins there will be wore in the states to take are country back from the rich that buys her off every chance they get.VOTE TRUMP and don't let that happen or I say if she wins there will be lots of blood shead for the people are tired of being sold out to the higest did that chang work out with oboma and most black people hate that man for the rase baiting he has did while hes be in office.
YOU mean hellbitch and bill don't you>Them 2 already think there king and queen..And still taken money out every americans pockets every chance they get.If hellbitch wins the white house there will be wore in the states in less then 12 months just wait and see.The people have had a nuff of the crooks in America and will take back America and yes there will be lots of blood shead.jmo...A smart person will vote for TRUMP this election.You cant have chang by voting the same crooks back in
Ky youre mistaken. Many Americans are sickened and angered by ignorant, racist throwbacks who are toxic to the american way. If there is a cleansing the dumbest shits will be expelled. Pack your bags.