Vote To Federally Legalize Marijuana Planned In Congress

He's always hated weed. I'd still vote for the idiot over the orange menace any day though but would prefer a less corporate dem.
Its sad that our options might be him or trump. But I think he'll cave on the legalization. Who knows though. I'm still for Harris or Warren. Even bernie. But that strongly depends on who he picks as VP, considering hes old as fuck
So much for Joe... State by state is a boneheaded idea, it's legal in one state and they still have the death penalty on the books for it in another.
Biden says he won't legalize marijuana because it may be a 'gateway drug'
BY OWEN DAUGHERTY - 11/17/19 07:23 PM EST

Former Vice President Joe Biden defended his reasoning to not legalize marijuana on a federal level if elected president, saying there is not “enough evidence” as to “whether or not it is a gateway drug.”

Speaking at a town hall in Las Vegas on Saturday, the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate said whether the U.S. should legalize cannabis on a federal level is still up for debate as far as he is concerned.

“The truth of the matter is, there’s not nearly been enough evidence that has been acquired as to whether or not it is a gateway drug,” Biden said, according to Business Insider. “It’s a debate, and I want a lot more before I legalize it nationally. I want to make sure we know a lot more about the science behind it.”

Biden, as he has throughout his time on the campaign trail, said he supports medical marijuana and insisted possession of the substance "should not be a crime."

But he also said Saturday that he thinks the decision to legalize marijuana should be left up to individual states.

“States should be able to make a judgment to legalize marijuana,” he said at the town hall.

As for legalization on a federal level, Biden said more research is needed.

"It is not irrational to do more scientific investigation to determine, which we have not done significantly enough, whether or not there are any things that relate to whether it's a gateway drug or not," Biden said.

Several of his top Democratic rivals in the race have thrown their support behind legalizing marijuana, which is currently classified as a Schedule I substance, which the Drug Enforcement Administration defines as drugs “with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” Other Schedule I drugs include heroin and LSD.

Biden’s campaign previously noted the former vice president would reschedule the substance as a Schedule II drug to aid in researching its health impacts.

Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) have all said they would make marijuana legal on a federal level if elected president.
well, Joe just lost my support...i'm not sure he ever really had it, but that was the nail in his coffin for me. and really, it's the fucking MAY be a gateway drug? i've smoked weed for 41 years...and that's fucking all i do. i've tried other shit in the past, and either didn't like it, or liked it too much, and knew i had to get the fuck away from it. weed isn't a "gateway" drug...there are no gateway drugs...there are people who have addictive disorders, and people who don't. people who have addictive disorders shouldn't indulge in anything, as they have no ability to control themselves in that situation. those who do not have these disorders should be left the fuck alone to do what they choose with their lives. politicians have to make all of these decisions that effect us all, and this is the kind of thinking that they use to do it....that's frightening. what else do they use this same ill informed, ignorant "logic" to decide?
well, Joe just lost my support...i'm not sure he ever really had it, but that was the nail in his coffin for me. and really, it's the fucking MAY be a gateway drug? i've smoked weed for 41 years...and that's fucking all i do. i've tried other shit in the past, and either didn't like it, or liked it too much, and knew i had to get the fuck away from it. weed isn't a "gateway" drug...there are no gateway drugs...there are people who have addictive disorders, and people who don't. people who have addictive disorders shouldn't indulge in anything, as they have no ability to control themselves in that situation. those who do not have these disorders should be left the fuck alone to do what they choose with their lives. politicians have to make all of these decisions that effect us all, and this is the kind of thinking that they use to do it....that's frightening. what else do they use this same ill informed, ignorant "logic" to decide?
If he wins the nomination.. the party will be super split again. I really hope Biden doesnt win. Hes too stuck in the past
i'm still trying to figure out which of these people will do the least harm. that's my criteria these days. not who will do the best job for the country, not who will be the best choice because they have the best platform, the best now i choose the person who i think will fuck up the least, who will make the least messes, who will fuck up the entire world the least. i don't expect them to do anything for the people, i just try to pick the one who will fuck us the least....
i don't like her on a personal basis, but warren seems to be the person to vote for at the moment. i doubt she'll be able to implement any of the sweeping programs she's talking about, but it will at least let the establishment know that we're getting sick of their shit, and they better change a few policies if they want to keep doing business
He's always hated weed. I'd still vote for the idiot over the orange menace any day though but would prefer a less corporate dem.
Same here. Not my first choice but he's leagues better than Republicans.
So much for Joe... State by state is a boneheaded idea, it's legal in one state and they still have the death penalty on the books for it in another.
Biden says he won't legalize marijuana because it may be a 'gateway drug'
BY OWEN DAUGHERTY - 11/17/19 07:23 PM EST

Former Vice President Joe Biden defended his reasoning to not legalize marijuana on a federal level if elected president, saying there is not “enough evidence” as to “whether or not it is a gateway drug.”

Speaking at a town hall in Las Vegas on Saturday, the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate said whether the U.S. should legalize cannabis on a federal level is still up for debate as far as he is concerned.

“The truth of the matter is, there’s not nearly been enough evidence that has been acquired as to whether or not it is a gateway drug,” Biden said, according to Business Insider. “It’s a debate, and I want a lot more before I legalize it nationally. I want to make sure we know a lot more about the science behind it.”

Biden, as he has throughout his time on the campaign trail, said he supports medical marijuana and insisted possession of the substance "should not be a crime."

But he also said Saturday that he thinks the decision to legalize marijuana should be left up to individual states.

“States should be able to make a judgment to legalize marijuana,” he said at the town hall.

As for legalization on a federal level, Biden said more research is needed.

"It is not irrational to do more scientific investigation to determine, which we have not done significantly enough, whether or not there are any things that relate to whether it's a gateway drug or not," Biden said.

Several of his top Democratic rivals in the race have thrown their support behind legalizing marijuana, which is currently classified as a Schedule I substance, which the Drug Enforcement Administration defines as drugs “with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” Other Schedule I drugs include heroin and LSD.

Biden’s campaign previously noted the former vice president would reschedule the substance as a Schedule II drug to aid in researching its health impacts.

Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) have all said they would make marijuana legal on a federal level if elected president.
May we please have our primary before we complain about who Democrats chose?
Is it only because of this one issue?

Everybody has their ONE thing that they just won't negotiate about -- is this yours?
Considering everything else that he believes, and plans on doing .. that's it?
no, it's not my breaking point, it was just the straw that broke Biden's back for me...
the creepy touching...i can convince myself that he's just a physically demonstrative person...they make me uncomfortable, but it doesn't make them a pedophile or a rapist.
his mishandling of the Anita Hill hearings bothered me at the time...he treated those women like shit, and made them defend themselves when he could have easily called in independent experts to help them make their case.
when he voted to overturn the Glass-Steagall anti trust legislation in 99, it kind of made me think that he and Clinton and a lot of other Democrats were pretty much the same as the republicans...passing laws to protect their fortunes, and not the American People.
he's....joe biden...another guy with good intentions, but a fair at best track record, and no particularly good, clear plan for the future.
i was waffling back and forth between him and warren....the regressive, repressive, ignorant statement that marijuana may be a "gateway drug" was enough to flip the waffle....the subtle racism throughout his entire career is just the dusting of powdered sugar...
no, it's not my breaking point, it was just the straw that broke Biden's back for me...
the creepy touching...i can convince myself that he's just a physically demonstrative person...they make me uncomfortable, but it doesn't make them a pedophile or a rapist.
his mishandling of the Anita Hill hearings bothered me at the time...he treated those women like shit, and made them defend themselves when he could have easily called in independent experts to help them make their case.
when he voted to overturn the Glass-Steagall anti trust legislation in 99, it kind of made me think that he and Clinton and a lot of other Democrats were pretty much the same as the republicans...passing laws to protect their fortunes, and not the American People.
he's....joe biden...another guy with good intentions, but a fair at best track record, and no particularly good, clear plan for the future.
i was waffling back and forth between him and warren....the regressive, repressive, ignorant statement that marijuana may be a "gateway drug" was enough to flip the waffle....the subtle racism throughout his entire career is just the dusting of powdered sugar...
Fair enough.
And, I agree with most of what you said.

But then, I'm voting for Trump ...
I agree with about 80% of what he says and does.
That's basically the same as voting for Andy Dick to fly a commercial jet you're about to board. Which, it shouldn't need to be said, but that's incredibly unwise.
Fair enough.
And, I agree with most of what you said.

But then, I'm voting for Trump ...
I agree with about 80% of what he says and does.
then i don't want to know you. trump is a lying, stealing, amoral piece of shit. everything he says is from greed, fear, and anger. everything he does is for trump. his idea of a great america makes me want to puke. he's ruining our country, and people like you are helping him. you're just as much an enemy of this country as he is, as putin is....
Fair enough.
And, I agree with most of what you said.

But then, I'm voting for Trump ...
I agree with about 80% of what he says and does.
oh yah, this was really important to you. You want MJ kept illegal.

Trump is about 200 times worse than Biden when it comes to MJ policies.

Keep MJ schedule 1 and threaten states that have legalized it with federal intervention. That's Trump's policy.
oh yah, this was really important to you. You want MJ kept illegal.

Trump is about 200 times worse than Biden when it comes to MJ policies.

Keep MJ schedule 1 and threaten states that have legalized it with federal intervention. That's Trump's policy.
As long as he can make a few bucks. Fuck everyone else, right?
I know better, son!

And now I know to not believe a word that you post, trump chump.

In guessing Georgia. Just seems fitting. He can make a couple bucks slanging some brick there.