Vote To Federally Legalize Marijuana Planned In Congress

You support Trump, though. So, no. You support civil right for white people, you support the trashing of the environment, you support the right to a good education for those who can afford it, you support access to healthcare for those who can afford it. These are the facts.
I support SOME of the things he has done, and will do.

I support the changes he made to over regulation of business ... encouraging the best economic situation ever.
I support the changes he's trying to make to get China from ripping us off.
I support the changes he's trying to make to get immigration straightened out.
I support the changes he made to allow the US to be a net energy exporter, reducing or eliminating our need for Middle East Oil.
I support what he is doing to reign in N. Korea.
I support the changes that he made allowing people who are terminally ill to have access to the drugs they want to try, even experimental ones.

So, yea ... nobody is all bad.
Nobody is all good.

I'm just trying to hold my nose and choose the best.
And, that's not easy with the field we have to choose from.

I am torn between Kamila Harris and Trump.
Though I been watching Mayor Bootie Judge recently ...
I just wish I could get a middle-of the-road hybrid ... we used to call them Democrats. You know ... John Kennedy.
I support SOME of the things he has done, and will do.

I support the changes he made to over regulation of business ... encouraging the best economic situation ever.
I support the changes he's trying to make to get China from ripping us off.
I support the changes he's trying to make to get immigration straightened out.
I support the changes he made to allow the US to be a net energy exporter, reducing or eliminating our need for Middle East Oil.
I support what he is doing to reign in N. Korea.
I support the changes that he made allowing people who are terminally ill to have access to the drugs they want to try, even experimental ones.

So, yea ... nobody is all bad.
Nobody is all good.

I'm just trying to hold my nose and choose the best.
And, that's not easy with the field we have to choose from.

I am torn between Kamila Harris and Trump.
Though I been watching Mayor Bootie Judge recently ...
I just wish I could get a middle-of the-road hybrid ... we used to call them Democrats. You know ... John Kennedy.
1.9% gdp is the best economy ever?
Ya know, I been watching your action here for a few days; I have some observations and a couple of questions.

The nickname that you chose for yourself is telling. Really Big Jesus Freak.
Are you?
Is that a true statement? Or is it a poke at religion?

I know that some people like to poke fun at religious people. (Especially Christian faiths). Those who feel superior, or better than others ridicule people for their faith. There are stories that He and some of his followers wrote in that book about people who taunted and even tortured people for their faith.

Anyway, are you a fan of Jesus?
Do you try to follow his teachings?
I tell ya what
You acknowledge we all recognize you as a pedophile, and either confirm or deny that straight up,
and I will tell you all about my relationship

with jesus.
its fuckin' hot, and it WILL make you cum.
being what you're into and all.
I tell ya what
You acknowledge we all recognize you as a pedophile, and either confirm or deny that straight up,
Oh, I already have .... you're 'mind' is already made up - I can't change it.
and I will tell you all about my relationship
with jesus.
its fuckin' hot, and it WILL make you cum.
being what you're into and all.
Wow. Now, there's a real Christian for ya ... not.
Answered my question anyway.
I didn't think that a spiritually aware person could say the things you do, turns out I was right.
Oh, I already have .... you're 'mind' is already made up - I can't change it.

Wow. Now, there's a real Christian for ya ... not.
Answered my question anyway.
I didn't think that a spiritually aware person could say the things you do, turns out I was right.
hmmm a pedophile hiding behind Christianity.....maybe I'm the real Christian after all.

Jesus was just a homeless peace loving hippie anarchist.
he was punk as fuck.
he didnt touch kids.
do you like touching boys or girls more? how much younger than 14 were they?
ANYway ... I was hoping to discuss the thread topic, not me.
I don't matter.

But, I do have an open mind. I'm really kinda confused, politically speaking. Some of the things that Kamala Harris talks about ... spot on. She grew up in my neighborhood in East Bay Area. She learned how to survive. But it seems that about everything she talks about has a very high cost. That cost will impact poor people the most.
Bernie will turn the US into Venezuela ... not an option for me.
Trump will continue to tweet every stupid thing that pops into his pea brain, disrespect women, attend weekly KKK meetings, and eat babies.

Is this really the only choices I have?

Why don't you go away- Political bullshit will poison this forum. Stick to pot, and how to grow it. Stupid Asshat
I support SOME of the things he has done, and will do.

I support the changes he made to over regulation of business ... encouraging the best economic situation ever.
I support the changes he's trying to make to get China from ripping us off.
I support the changes he's trying to make to get immigration straightened out.
I support the changes he made to allow the US to be a net energy exporter, reducing or eliminating our need for Middle East Oil.
I support what he is doing to reign in N. Korea.
I support the changes that he made allowing people who are terminally ill to have access to the drugs they want to try, even experimental ones.

So, yea ... nobody is all bad.
Nobody is all good.

I'm just trying to hold my nose and choose the best.
And, that's not easy with the field we have to choose from.

I am torn between Kamila Harris and Trump.
Though I been watching Mayor Bootie Judge recently ...
I just wish I could get a middle-of the-road hybrid ... we used to call them Democrats. You know ... John Kennedy.
But you voted for Trump.

You are lying about caring for anything except your mongoloid backward whites and the entitlement they don't acknowledge but will kill others to keep.
But you voted for Trump.

You are lying about caring for anything except your mongoloid backward whites and the entitlement they don't acknowledge but will kill others to keep.
I voted for trump, yes.
I am a sinner. Save me.

Take heart though ... because of the Electoral Congress that the commies of the US hate so much, my Trump vote in California was overpowered by tens of thousands of Hillary votes.

The Dems have a much better field now ... there's actually a couple out there that I like.
That's why I'm really doing some research and listening to anyone that can make a good argument for me to vote different this time. There seems to be nobody here ... I picture a bunch of 20ish kids in moms basement, all pissed off about the student loans they took out to get an AA in Early Childhood Development (babysitter).
Is there somebody out there that can tell me about their favorite ... and why?
So far, I haven't met a Dem yet that does anything except call me names simply for asking for more information. Is it really that bad that I seek knowledge?
Yelling and cursing at me and calling me vile names is all well and good, but it isn't going to make me vote for Joe, or Bernie or anyone else for that matter.

PS: I actually emailed K Harris' campaign with some pretty specific questions about her platform, and got a very decent answer. They didn't call me a racist, or misogynist or cho-mo for asking. Isn't that great? Educated people who can discuss something, and actually try to sell their point of view.
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is there somebody out there that can tell me about their favorite ... and why?
So far, I haven't met a Dem yet that does anything except call me names simply for asking for more information.
I support SOME of the things he has done, and will do.

I support the changes he made to over regulation of business ... encouraging the best economic situation ever.
I support the changes he's trying to make to get China from ripping us off.
I support the changes he's trying to make to get immigration straightened out.
I support the changes he made to allow the US to be a net energy exporter, reducing or eliminating our need for Middle East Oil.
I support what he is doing to reign in N. Korea.
I support the changes that he made allowing people who are terminally ill to have access to the drugs they want to try, even experimental ones.

So, yea ... nobody is all bad.
Nobody is all good.

I'm just trying to hold my nose and choose the best.
And, that's not easy with the field we have to choose from.

I am torn between Kamila Harris and Trump.
Though I been watching Mayor Bootie Judge recently ...
I just wish I could get a middle-of the-road hybrid ... we used to call them Democrats. You know ... John Kennedy.
this is far from the best economic situation ever. read what top economist all over the WORLD are saying about trumps economy....

China rips everyone off, it's part of their society...they don't see anything wrong with trying to reproduce everything they can get their hands on. they have NOT been ripping us off in the context of trade, which is what trump is saying. we made deals with them, and they stuck to their side of the deals we made, how is that ripping us off?

separating children from their parents is straightening things out? lying about the people coming here to try to find a better life is straightening things out? calling the countries they're from shitholes is straightening things out? trying to lock down our borders and only take the well educated, wealthy few who want to come here is straightening things out? then i'll take things bent all to fuck, thanks.

the changes he made so his rich friends can get richer, while endangered species vanish? the changes that allow drilling in protected wetlands? the changes he made for powerful people who do not give a fuck at all whether America is independent or not, as long as it keeps money pouring into their pockets?.....

first off, you mean rein, reign is what he wants to do in America....and all he has done is give a fucked up kind of legitimacy to kim by agreeing to meet with and negotiate with a psychopathic despot. and it has all come to absolutely nothing, north korea is still doing everything they have ever done, build more weapons, starve more of their own people, doing insane things at the whims of their "precious leader"

there was already an expanded access program at the f.d.a. that did pretty much exactly what this bill does, without undermining the f.d.a.'s authority to control potentially dangerous, unapproved substances. they approved 98% of the applications they got. so all trump's bill did was gimp the f.d.a., one of the few national agencies that actually protects the people of the country against their own ignorance and stupidity...

so yeah, nobody is all bad....but some motherfuckers come so close as to not make a difference
oh, by the way, it's "electoral college".
it had a couple of reasons for coming into existence. the original plan was for congress to elect the president, not the people. but it was feared that cliques and cabals could form, and the electors chosen from each state seemed like a reasonable compromise, in light of the second reason, which was the sufferage of blacks in the north, while slavery continued in the south. Black votes would not be counted in a southern state, only the votes of the white people who owned them. this put them at a serious disadvantage in an actual popular election. their solution was the 3/5ths compromise, where each slave counted as 3/5ths of a person towards a states total electors.
pretty fucked up way to do things, for a pretty fucked up set of reasons...
I voted for trump, yes.
I am a sinner. Save me.

Take heart though ... because of the Electoral Congress that the commies of the US hate so much, my Trump vote in California was overpowered by tens of thousands of Hillary votes.

The Dems have a much better field now ... there's actually a couple out there that I like.
That's why I'm really doing some research and listening to anyone that can make a good argument for me to vote different this time. There seems to be nobody here ... I picture a bunch of 20ish kids in moms basement, all pissed off about the student loans they took out to get an AA in Early Childhood Development (babysitter).
Is there somebody out there that can tell me about their favorite ... and why?
So far, I haven't met a Dem yet that does anything except call me names simply for asking for more information. Is it really that bad that I seek knowledge?
Yelling and cursing at me and calling me vile names is all well and good, but it isn't going to make me vote for Joe, or Bernie or anyone else for that matter.

PS: I actually emailed K Harris' campaign with some pretty specific questions about her platform, and got a very decent answer. They didn't call me a racist, or misogynist or cho-mo for asking. Isn't that great? Educated people who can discuss something, and actually try to sell their point of view.

You are going to vote for Trump. Racists are pretty much irredeemable unless they decide for themselves that they have swallowed lies wholesale. You show no signs of doing so. I'm not surprised. Reformed racists are as common as hen's teeth. Your kind will just watch as the times pass you by. We'll take care of your bills in the nursing home, so we are better than you are.

Back to the original thread. Trump's administration is hostile to MJ legalization. I have no idea why so many of your kind show up on a pot board.
their solution was the 3/5ths compromise, where each slave counted as 3/5ths of a person
It wasn't that simple, or tidy.
In reality, the Abolitionists were hard at work at that time. They were a bunch of Republicans that believed that slavery was just wrong. The Democrat plantation masters disagreed.
The Abby's had a big marketing campaign going on at the time about the mistreatment of slaves and that it was cruel to treat a human in this fashion and etc.
The Democrats countered that it was up to a slaves owners, just like a horse, because a slave was not human.
The Abolitionists were able to compromise and bully and bribe ... and get a slave declared to be 3/5 human. It was a big step in Emancipation and was one of the first laws handed down in favor of the slave; and resulted in better treatment.
I support what he is doing to reign in N. Korea.
Sigh. He has done nothing but give Kim support by allowing Russia and China to break the embargo, abandoned our actual ally South Korea, and has embolden NK's popping off missiles like a kid with a potato gun. But sure, some great pics were taken.
I voted for trump, yes.
I am a sinner. Save me.

Take heart though ... because of the Electoral Congress that the commies of the US hate so much, my Trump vote in California was overpowered by tens of thousands of Hillary votes.

The Dems have a much better field now ... there's actually a couple out there that I like.
That's why I'm really doing some research and listening to anyone that can make a good argument for me to vote different this time. There seems to be nobody here ... I picture a bunch of 20ish kids in moms basement, all pissed off about the student loans they took out to get an AA in Early Childhood Development (babysitter).
Is there somebody out there that can tell me about their favorite ... and why?
So far, I haven't met a Dem yet that does anything except call me names simply for asking for more information. Is it really that bad that I seek knowledge?
Yelling and cursing at me and calling me vile names is all well and good, but it isn't going to make me vote for Joe, or Bernie or anyone else for that matter.

PS: I actually emailed K Harris' campaign with some pretty specific questions about her platform, and got a very decent answer. They didn't call me a racist, or misogynist or cho-mo for asking. Isn't that great? Educated people who can discuss something, and actually try to sell their point of view.
I would suggest not looking for a savior. I like Harris too and would love to see her on stage with Trump. Pretty much all of the Democratic nominees have something that I like about them, but really it is voting the party that is important, any one Democrat needs to be able to work with the rest of America to get work done.

It is like sport, going for the big win is great, but can be dangerous and set you up to lose. But if you take the points that are there when they are available you will be more successful in the long run.

The world needs responsible leadership, and the Republicans have abandoned that fully since 2010.

It wasn't that simple, or tidy.
In reality, the Abolitionists were hard at work at that time. They were a bunch of Republicans that believed that slavery was just wrong. The Democrat plantation masters disagreed.
The Abby's had a big marketing campaign going on at the time about the mistreatment of slaves and that it was cruel to treat a human in this fashion and etc.
The Democrats countered that it was up to a slaves owners, just like a horse, because a slave was not human.
The Abolitionists were able to compromise and bully and bribe ... and get a slave declared to be 3/5 human. It was a big step in Emancipation and was one of the first laws handed down in favor of the slave; and resulted in better treatment.

Southern Strategy, Republicans absorbed all the racist agenda in the 70's. Democrats have had to be the only party trying to legislate for the entire country since then.
It wasn't that simple, or tidy.
In reality, the Abolitionists were hard at work at that time. They were a bunch of Republicans that believed that slavery was just wrong. The Democrat plantation masters disagreed.
The Abby's had a big marketing campaign going on at the time about the mistreatment of slaves and that it was cruel to treat a human in this fashion and etc.
The Democrats countered that it was up to a slaves owners, just like a horse, because a slave was not human.
The Abolitionists were able to compromise and bully and bribe ... and get a slave declared to be 3/5 human. It was a big step in Emancipation and was one of the first laws handed down in favor of the slave; and resulted in better treatment.
interesting spin...the democrats at the time did endorse slavery. and most of the abolitionist were republicans. which makes me more confused today, how that could turn around so completely and totally? now, the democrats are the party of the people, who oppose racism, sexism, hate, and violence, and the republicans are the party of fear, isolationism, hate, least that's what the leader they chose to represent them espouses in every speech he makes, in practically every statement he makes...
funny how things change like that, huh?
and every single thing i read says that no one, including the abolitionist was happy with the solution, which is why it is known to this day as the 3/5ths COMPROMISE...because compromising it what people who CANNOT agree with each other end up doing so they can get the fuck away from each other...not because they wanted this result from the beginning....