I support SOME of the things he has done, and will do.
I support the changes he made to over regulation of business ... encouraging the best economic situation ever.
I support the changes he's trying to make to get China from ripping us off.
I support the changes he's trying to make to get immigration straightened out.
I support the changes he made to allow the US to be a net energy exporter, reducing or eliminating our need for Middle East Oil.
I support what he is doing to reign in N. Korea.
I support the changes that he made allowing people who are terminally ill to have access to the drugs they want to try, even experimental ones.
So, yea ... nobody is all bad.
Nobody is all good.
I'm just trying to hold my nose and choose the best.
And, that's not easy with the field we have to choose from.
I am torn between Kamila Harris and Trump.
Though I been watching Mayor Bootie Judge recently ...
I just wish I could get a middle-of the-road hybrid ... we used to call them Democrats. You know ... John Kennedy.
this is far from the best economic situation ever. read what top economist all over the WORLD are saying about trumps economy....
China rips everyone off, it's part of their society...they don't see anything wrong with trying to reproduce everything they can get their hands on. they have NOT been ripping us off in the context of trade, which is what trump is saying. we made deals with them, and they stuck to their side of the deals we made, how is that ripping us off?
separating children from their parents is straightening things out? lying about the people coming here to try to find a better life is straightening things out? calling the countries they're from shitholes is straightening things out? trying to lock down our borders and only take the well educated, wealthy few who want to come here is straightening things out? then i'll take things bent all to fuck, thanks.
the changes he made so his rich friends can get richer, while endangered species vanish? the changes that allow drilling in protected wetlands? the changes he made for powerful people who do not give a fuck at all whether America is independent or not, as long as it keeps money pouring into their pockets?.....
first off, you mean rein, reign is what he wants to do in America....and all he has done is give a fucked up kind of legitimacy to kim by agreeing to meet with and negotiate with a psychopathic despot. and it has all come to absolutely nothing, north korea is still doing everything they have ever done, build more weapons, starve more of their own people, doing insane things at the whims of their "precious leader"..like
there was already an expanded access program at the f.d.a. that did pretty much exactly what this bill does, without undermining the f.d.a.'s authority to control potentially dangerous, unapproved substances. they approved 98% of the applications they got. so all trump's bill did was gimp the f.d.a., one of the few national agencies that actually protects the people of the country against their own ignorance and stupidity...
so yeah, nobody is all bad....but some motherfuckers come so close as to not make a difference